Get Involved

Activities in U.S. branches and Melbourne, Australia may be found by clicking below.

Two good reasons to get involved:

"The rich will do anything for the poor but get off their backs." —Karl Marx

"At the banquet of nature, there are no reserved seats. You get what you can take and you keep what you can hold. And if you can’t take, you can’t get. And if you can’t hold, you can’t keep. And without organization, you can’t take." —A. Phillip Randolph, civil rights leader and founder of the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters

For more information about the Freedom Socialist Party
and its activities, you can reach us at

You can also call, write or fax:

FSP National Office
4710 University Way NE #102
Seattle, WA 98105
Tel: (206) 985-4621
FAX: (206) 985-8965