Monthly Archives:
June 2015

Inside the labyrinth: a daytrip to East Jerusalem

Yarden Katz on

On a visit to East Jerusalem, the rule of occupation and apartheid is concrete and tangible. Services are denied to Palestinians that Jewish settlers living among them get. When you build walls, you make a labyrinth of the world, a graffiti warns

United Church of Christ votes to boycott & divest from companies profiting from Israel’s occupation

Mondoweiss Editors on

Today, in a vote of 508 in favor and 124 against, the plenary of the 30th United Church of Christ General Synod passed a resolution calling for boycotts and divestment from companies that profit from Israel’s occupation of Palestinian lands. “As disciples of Jesus, we hear and seek to heed his call to be peacemakers, responding to violence with nonviolence and extending love to all,” said Rev. John Deckenback, Conference Minister of the Central Atlantic Conference of the UCC, which submitted the resolution to the synod. “It is in that spirit of love for both Israelis and Palestinians, and a desire to support Palestinians in their nonviolent struggle for freedom, that the United Church of Christ has passed this resolution.”

Netanyahu issues ‘welcome letter’ as Gaza flotilla is seized by Israeli navy

Allison Deger on

Early Monday three Israeli naval ships seized a vessel bound for Gaza carrying activists and humanitarian aid while still in international waters, said activists. The Freedom Flotilla III, headed by the Swedish ship the Marianne of Gothenburg, was attempting to break the eight-year siege on the Gaza Strip. The boat and its 18 passengers were being towed to Ashdod, where it was expected that the activists would be deported.

Rainbow flag covers Israeli separation wall near Ramallah

Alex Shams on

On Monday, Ramallah-based visual artist Khaled Jarrar painted a portion of Israel’s separation wall as a rainbow flag following the US Supreme Court decision in support of marriage equality. Jarrar said in a statement: “I went and painted the colors of the rainbow (on the wall) as these colors were circulated all over the world. These colors are ultimately an expression of freedom.”

My journey from Zionism to Palestine solidarity

Adam Horowitz on

Mondoweiss co-editor Adam Horowitz shares his personal story of becoming engaged in the Palestine solidarity movement as part of our “Be The Mondoweiss Megaphone” campaign. Please help us raise $50,000 to bring Mondoweiss to more thinking people, opinion leaders, policy-makers, and policy un-makers too!

Sniper shots and mass arrests: UN Gaza report also documents Israeli abuses in West Bank last summer

Alex Kane on

The recently released United Nations report on the 2014 war in Gaza meticulously documents last summer’s horror. The reports of Israeli executions of Palestinians, Israel’s aerial assaults on Palestinians in their homes in Gaza and other aspects of the assault have attracted the most attention, but the UN report also highlights what it calls “widespread human rights violations” by Israeli forces in the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem. The document is a reminder that the uptick in tensions and violence last summer was not limited to Gaza. In fact, the human rights abuses the report looks at still occur near-daily in the West Bank and Jerusalem.

In Gaza, the ultimate humiliation

Dan Cohen on

Every Monday, Palestinians in Nuseirat refugee camp rummage through piles of secondhand Israeli junk in the cheapest market in the Gaza Strip. Dan Cohen finds several t-shirts that include military insignia for the army that slaughtered so many in Gaza.

‘A traumatized society is dangerous’

Hazel Kahan on

The psychotherapist Avigail Abarbanel was born in Israel but says that trauma lies at the heart of Israeli institutions and makes the country impossible to reason with. In conversation with Hazel Kahan

Guess who sent me this letter

Philip Weiss on

“Your map of Israel is enclosed,” the New Israel Fund writes in a fundraising letter to American Jews. This gut-Zionist appeal by a progressive group shows the limits of action by liberal Zionist groups to address the roots of the conflict.

When will justice’s ‘thunderbolt’ come for Palestine?

Philip Weiss on

The repudiation of the Confederate flag by Republican politicians and the Supreme Court’s decision in favor of marriage equality shows that change takes place in “thunderbolts,” as President Obama said today. Those thunderbolts will come sooner than anyone thinks for Palestinians.

We must break out of the paranoid survival myth

Lillian Rosengarten on

Jewish identity continues to be threatened with a paranoid fear of annihilation. Victimhood and guilt is acted out of a perception that Palestinians wish to destroy Jews. The poet and author Lillian Rosengarten, writing at Mondoweiss

Foreign direct investment in Israel dropped by 50% in 2014 and expert says it’s due to the Gaza war and BDS (Updated)

Annie Robbins on

Foreign direct investment in Israel dropped by 50% in 2014 according to a 2015 World Investment Report issued yesterday by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development. One of the authors of the report, Dr. Ronny Manos from the Open University of Israel, speculates the declining investment is fallout from the Israeli military onslaught on Gaza last summer and “international boycotts” against Israel for “alleged violations of international law.”

Leading NY writer likens Edward Said to monster in a horror movie

Philip Weiss on

Jonathan Rosen, novelist and editorial director of a leading line of Jewish books, describes Edward Said’s Orientalism, an iconic book for Arab-Americans, as a “monster” in academic and public life. Zionism is making American Jewish organizations very conservative indeed.