About Arena

Arena is well known in Melbourne and Australia more broadly as a publication which has made an impact on political and cultural interpretation and practice over a period of more than fifty years. However, Arena is more than this or that publication. It is composed of a core of people with a large number of friends and supporters who have established various venues and discussion projects in Melbourne and its environs as well as engaging in a variety of practical endeavours over this period.

The core value of co-operation stands at the centre of what motivates and structures the practices and discussions of people at Arena. It is a value which has had superficial meanings for many groups, but be that as it may, it needs to be re-thought in fundamental ways given the collapse of older notions of socialist co-operation. This project enlivens all the discussions held in Arena settings and shapes the activities and publications of Arena editors.

Over the last five decades people associated with Arena have established research and conference facilities in both the country and the city, and in the latter there is a thriving centre which combines publication, public discussion and a commercial printery.

Arena has never accepted government support of any kind and has been fortunate to have been valued sufficiently by its friends for them to help its development financially in a variety of ways.

Arena has a foundation established for this purpose. To find out more, please contact John Hinkson: +613 9416 0232 or .

Arena Publications
Arena Publications Editors: Nonie Sharp, John Hinkson, Paul James, Alison Caddick, Simon Cooper

Arena Journal Editors: John Hinkson, Paul James, Alison Caddick, Simon Cooper, Melinda Hinkson. Managing Editor: Dan Tout

Arena Magazine Editors: Alison Caddick, Valerie Krips, Grazyna Zajdow, Jon Altman

Arena Magazine Editorial Board: Simon Cooper, Lindsay Fitzclarence, Mark Furlong, John Hinkson, Melinda Hinkson, Josh Lourensz, Anna Thwaites

Web Manager: Jasmin Higgs

Social Media Coordinator: Dan Tout

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