Video Ninjas

Thousands Attend Anti-fascist Demo in Montreal

Anti-racists in Montreal have built a coalition of over 150 groups in the struggle against fascism, and on Sunday November 11th, they staged their first demonstration

Year 2017 Length 1.5 mins

Alton Gas Blockade

Mi’kmaq land defenders block Alton Gas project

Year 2017 Length 2 MINS

Punk Rock Hurricane Relief

Puerto Rican punks, artists, queers and freaks of all stripes volunteer to feed people in their community after hurricane Maria

Year 2017 Length 1 MIN

Puerto Rico: SWAT team raids Mutual Aid Disaster Relief

Members of the Mutual Aid Disaster Relief collective, went to Puerto Rico, to help distribute food and water and to provide medical aid in the aftermath of hurricane Maria. On the morning of October 16th, their base of operations was raided by a SWAT team with the pretext that they were responding to a hostage situation

Year 2017 Length 1 MIN

Antifa Block Far-Right at US/Canada Border

On September 30th, anti-fascists converged to the Lacolle “US/Canada” border crossing to support migrants and to oppose far-right group Storm Alliance.

Year 2017 Length 2 MINS

Antifa Shutsdown Nazi March in Sweden

10.000 people gathered in central Gothenburg, Sweden to protest against the march of the nazi group NMR, the Nordic Resistance Movement.

Year 2017 Length 2 MINS

Indigenous People Invade Illegal Fish Farms

After 30 years of peaceful opposition, indigenous nations of western “Canada” have had enough and have begun occupations of illegal fish farms to disrupt their operations.

Year 2017 Length 3 MINS