Germany has the very best facilities to help you stay healthy or recover from illness:
swift diagnosis and intense collaboration between different medical fields enable German doctors to offer holistic treatment approaches and new cures at the cutting edge of research. Around thirty of the country's hospitals, most of which are university hospitals, are known for their "supramaximal" level of care, with a wide range of medical technology and specialisations.
In addition to high-tech medicine, Germany also has an excellent infrastructure for preventative care, rehabilitation and the treatment of chronic diseases.
Hotels near the hospitals, a broad range of cultural offerings and shopping centres in the towns and cities and plenty of opportunities to recuperate in the great outdoors will make the trip to Germany a pleasant one for patients and carers alike.
Our hospital finder makes it very easy to find specialist hospitals and doctors in specific medical fields. Information on entry requirements and the tourism infrastructure can also help you to plan your personal trip back to full health.