Democratic Governance and Rule of Law

What we do

UNDP’s partnership with Albanian institutions and people at national and local levels promotes democratic values and processes, on the one hand through helping to make institutions more accountable, transparent, inclusive and responsive to the needs of ordinary citizens, developing greater institutional capacities to deliver services, and improving people’s access to justice and public administration, and, on the other, encourages civil society and citizens' engagement to participate actively in the political life and decision-making for an increased democratic culture and governance and sustainable development based on mutual trust

Our Goals

Albania has made progress towards meeting the international standards with regard to the stability of institutions, guaranteeing democracy, the rule of law, human rights and commitments to key political reforms. Being granted the EU candidate status in 2014, the Government of Albania is fully engaged in EU-related reforms and continues to make progress in meeting the objectives set out in the five key priorities as a premise to opening of accession negotiations. In follow up to the implementation of major UN conventions, UNDP works with the leadership of the government, parliament and independent institutions at national and local levels to improve the rule of law and promote and enforce human rights. For UNDP, the EU accession agenda aligns with the 2030 Development Agenda, agreed by all Member States in September 2015, and in particular with Sustainable Development Goal 16 on just, peaceful and inclusive societies to which Albania has subscribed.more

Improving ICT Infrastructure and e-Services in Albania

UNDP's goal is to help develop state capacities that are accountable, transparent, inclusive and responsive. In follow up to major UN conventions, UNDP helps the fight against corruption, gender based violence and discrimination. more

Our Stories

At a One Stop Shop, a man saves time and energy getting a document approved. Photo: UNDP Albania
New techologies improve municipal services through "One Stops Shops"

Qazim Sejdini, the mayor of Elbasan, Albania, stood in-front of his computer.  Ten kilometers away, in the village of Bradashesh, Fatmir Balla stood waiting at amore 

Police helping local communities cope with the impact of floods
Helping rebuild lives in Albania with a long term sight

  In less than one hour, the water “stole” all that belonged to 75-year-old Qani Shehu. All that remained were the walls of his house standingmore 

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  • South East Europe Urban Resilience Building Action Network

    Severe floods (2014-2015) that hit South East European (SEE) countries have once again shown that disasters do not recognize state or administrative borders and they are often 'shared'

  • EU Flood Protection Infrastructure Project

    On January 31, 2015, continuous rainfall began and lasted for about a week, causing an unprecedented rise of water levels in the southwest part of the country. Floods affected especially areas along the streams of the Vjosa, Drino, Osumi and Gjanica rivers with the most serious situation observed in Vlora and Fieri districts in South Albania.

  • Consolidation of Territorial and Administrative Reform ( STAR 2)

    The Government of Albania since September 2013 started implementation of an administrative and territorial reform aiming the reorganization of local governments units. On July, 31 2014, the Parliament approved the law 115/2014 “On the territorial and administrative division of local government units in the Republic of Albania” reducing the number of LGUs from 384 to 61 municipalities.

  • Integrated Support to Decentralization

    Regional development gained Government attention mostly from 2006 onward.However, some attempts were marked in this regard in previous years. In 2006 and 2007 the Government made a significant step in introducing a Crosscutting Strategy for Regional Development (CSRD) as part of the Government’s overall National Strategy for Development and Integration (NSDI).

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