UNDP support to sustainable resettlement in meheba

October 13 , 2017 saw Meheba resettlement scheme in Kalumbila District, North-Western province erupt in a hive of activity as it received high profile visitors. They came to witness several development interventions being implemented by UN agencies in Zambia through Government line ministries, international partners...

Training Workshop: Integrating Gender into Adaptation Planning for the Agricultural Sectors

The UNDP and FAO through the Integrating Agriculture in National Adaptation Plans programme (NAP-Ag) held a training workshop to enhance the skills of trainees to mainstream (or integrate) gender issues in the planning, design, and implementation of climate change adaptation plans and projects in the agricultural...

UNDP Zambia signs contracts for construction of 4 pharmaceutical warehouses in Mansa, Mpika, Chipata and Choma

UNDP is pleased to announce that on Tuesday 18 July 2017 it has signed contracts worth 6, 3 million USD for the design and construction of 4 pharmaceutical warehouses in Mansa, Mpika, Chipata and Choma, with funding from the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (Global Fund). The signing was witnessed...

UNDP Zambia Welcomes new Country Director

Ms. Mandisa Mashologu is the new Country Director for UNDP Zambia.   She joined UNDP on 29th September 2017. Before her assignment to Zambia she served as Deputy Country Director-Programme for UNDP Nigeria and has been Country Director a.i. from January to June 2017. Ms. Mandisa joined the Nigeria country...

UNDP in Zambia is strengthening climate information and early warning systems as part of disaster risk reduction - Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction

As part of disaster risk reduction efforts, the United Nations is strengthening climate information and early warning systems in Zambia and other Eastern and Southern African countries. This project is targeting rural and urban populations attain sustainable livelihoods; have improved quality of life and wellbeing,...

Cobblestone Paving Technology -Sustainable Youth Employment

Under the the Africa Caribbean Pacific-European Union Development Minerals Programme, UNDP in partnership with the Ministry of Mines and Minerals Development (MMMD) supported a 28-day capacity building programme aimed at empowering women and youth involved from all over the country and interested in the value...

UN to continue supporting governments effort aimed at eliminating Malaria

25th April is commemorated as National Malaria Day.  Today the United Nations in Zambia participated in the commemoration of the event under the theme "Malaria Ends with Me". In delivering her speech, UN Resident Coordinator Janet Rogan highlighted that sustainable development includes reaching good levels of health...

Statement by the UN Resident Coordinator, Ms Janet Rogan - International Day of Forests

International Women’s Day Commemoration Lusaka Showgrounds, 8 March 2017 Remarks by the UN Resident Coordinator, Ms Janet Rogan "Women in the Changing World of Work: Planet 50/50 by 2030"   Your Excellency the President of the Republic of Zambia, Mr Edgar Chagwa Lungu Your Honour the Vice President, Mrs...

United Nations Resident Coordinator in Zambia Janet Rogan's pledge for women

I pledge my support for the protection of the girl child in Zambia, that she should stay in school, that she should mature before she marries, that she should be protected from sexual predators and rape. I pledge to speak out to break the silence that protects those who violate women and childres. Abash...