All around the workd, climate change is fueling more severe hurricanes, floods and droughts. It's becoming one of the main causes of forced migration.
The conference aims to rebuild the devastated Caribbean countries and territories as the first climate resilient countries in the world.
The number of severe hurricanes is projected to increase by 40 percent, if global temperatures rise by 2°C and up to 80 percent should they rise by 4°.
With a higher frequency of more intense storms, the 2017 hurricane season in the Caribbean is evidence of a warming climate.
UNDP, Engineers Without Borders and Microsoft are key allies for the Government of Dominica’s efforts to build back better.
Efforts will focus on Barbuda (part of the twin island nation of Antigua and Barbuda) and Dominica, two of the hardest hit Caribbean islands,
Reducing risks related to disasters has never been so urgent—and the Latin America and the Caribbean region bears witness to this.

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Hurricane Irma is threatening the lives of millions across the Caribbean. Help us deliver life-saving assistance to those who need it.


Latin America and the Caribbean

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of the population are considered vulnerable


of the population lives in urban areas


of all legislators and senior officials are female


of the people in the region feel safe

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