UNDP Around the world


Crisis Response

Speed, effectiveness and predictability

As the world faces unprecedented levels of humanitarian need, there seems to be no end to many crises. The average amount of time people worldwide live in displacement is now 17 years and the average conflict lasts for seven years. Natural disasters occur more frequently and are more intense, with 1.7 billion people affected over the last decade – most of them living in poverty.

Working alongside humanitarian and peacebuilding actors, as endorsed by global leaders at the 2016 World Humanitarian Summit, UNDP helps affected communities return to sustainable development as soon as possible, while building resilience to future shocks

1,800 Experts


In 2016 alone, SURGE staff supported UNDP’s response to the Ecuador earthquake, Cyclone Winston in Fiji, Hurricane Matthew in Cuba and Haiti, conflicts in the Central African Republic, Burundi, Syria, Nigeria and Yemen and more.

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UK contributes US$5.2 million to UNDP's…

The Government of the UK has contributed an additional US$5.2 million to UNDP’s Funding Facility for…

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European Union and UNDP support social…

The European Union confirms its commitment to Yemen by providing EUR 25 million (nearly USD 27…

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Stabilization milestone in Fallujah, Iraq:…

Marking a key milestone in Fallujah’s recovery after ISIL, the Government of Iraq and UNDP, through…

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UNDP responding to Tropical Cyclone Mora in…

UNDP is supporting the response to Tropical Cyclone Mora in Sri Lanka and Bangladesh and is ready to…

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UN agencies and Microsoft join hands to…

United Nations agencies and Microsoft today signed an agreement to work together to create jobs for…

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Japan contributes additional US$16.7 million…

The Government of Japan has contributed an additional US$16.7 million to promote stabilization,…

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Return of Colombia's wetlands

Climate change makes wetlands especially vulnerable to flood and drought. Colombia races to heal a…

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Building back better

After 2016's 7.8 scale earthquake devastated the coastal area of Ecuador, UNDP's Emergency Community…

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Innovation for development in Uganda

Uganda is known for its progressive policy where refugees are provided land, freedom of movement,…

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Back in business in Nepal

Two years since the earthquake, Nepal is well into recovery and reconstruction, but a great deal of…

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Averting famine

Northeast Nigeria, Somalia, South Sudan and Yemen are facing conflict and drought and are now…

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Fighting malaria

13 million vulnerable people in some of the hardest to reach regions of Chad will soon be reached…

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3 lessons from Equator Prize 2017 winners

The Equator Prize recognizes innovative community initiatives that promote nature-based solutions…

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Rebuilding lives and neighbourhoods after…

The fall of Mosul to the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) in 2014 and the group’s quick…

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7 things we learned in the Western Balkans…

In 2015, 900,000 refugees and migrants crossed through Southeast Europe in the largest displacement…

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How can we 'fix' disaster recovery?

Deficient recovery is imperiling sustainable development, and leaving millions of the most…

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Responding to drought must be sustainable,…

Food security in Kenya has deteriorated significantly since the end of 2016. According to UNICEF,…

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We can save lives and restore dignity in…

I was just in Somalia, one of four conflict-ridden countries in Africa and the Middle East facing…

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