Climate Public Expenditure and Institutional Review (CPEIR): A Study of Hebei Province
This report presents China’s Hebei province as a case study for analyzing local government policies, institutions and budget on actions that contribute to tackling climate change. It analyzes the costs and benefits of climate spending, choosing over-capacity reduction projects as the focal of analysis given its scale and impact across social-economic and environmental sustainability.
Belt and Road Initiative
China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) is an economic framework developed to increase connectivity between China and over 100 countries and international organizations, based on the ancient Silk Road land and maritime routes. The BRI aims to link different regions through infrastructure construction, transport and economic corridors and by bridging China with the rest of the world both physically, financially, digitally and socially.
UN can help make poverty past tense- By Nicholas Rosellini
With its efforts and achievements, China will have many successful stories to share, taking it one step closer to making poverty history. Between 2013 and last year, a total of 55.64 million people were lifted out of poverty-an average of 13.91 million per year, resulting in a reduction of poverty incidence from 10.2 percent in 2012 to 4.5 percent last year, which is a big achievement in the past five years under the leadership of President Xi Jinping.
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About China
Life Expectancy
Gross national income per capita
1.9 %
Population living below the poverty line
HDI Ranking