
Drumheller coal mining strike of 1919

Drumheller strikers, 1919

A short history of a strike by coal miners organised in the syndicalist One Big Union in Alberta which was repressed by bosses and the state.

Birmingham district coal strike of 1908

Birmingham coalminers

A short history of the multiracial coal miners' strikes in Birmingham, Alabama, in the early 20th century which were violently repressed by mine owners and the state.

Chomsky and Gitta Sereny on the Holocaust denier, Robert Faurisson

Chomsky is sometimes accused of being a Holocaust denier. This is little more than a right-wing smear. However, Chomsky's views on the Holocaust denier, Robert Faurisson, are difficult to understand.

Chomsky and Pol Pot's genocidal regime in Cambodia

Pol Pot

Chomsky has repeatedly been criticised as an apologist for the Pol Pot regime in Cambodia in the 1970s. Understandably, a common reaction on the left is to dismiss such criticism as nothing more than a right-wing smear. But it is often forgotten that one of Chomsky's earliest critics on this issue was himself a leftist, the Marxist academic, Steven Lukes.

For anyone who wants to get a handle on this complex controversy, here's a pdf of the relevant chapter from Chomsky's 1979 book, 'After the Cataclysm', followed by the subsequent debate in the 'Times Higher Education Supplement':

1883- The Timok Rebellion

A history of the uprising of Peasant communes in Eastern Serbia after the King tried to seize their weapons.

Germany, September Crisis 1848

Brief sketching of the developing revolution within the German states, particularly Frankfurt and Berlin.

‘Women Against Pit Closures’ during the 1984-85 British Miners’ Strike.

Women Against Pt Closures member attacked by police at Orgreave

During the 1984-85 British Miners’ Strike, women’s groups emerged in various forms and for various purposes. Calling themselves ‘Women Against Pit Closures’, these groups across the country organised not only strike-oriented activities, support and community needs provision, but also came to act autonomously on gendered interests. In what follows I outline a brief history of the miners’ strike, the origins of womens’ activities within this strictly gendered strike and the ways in which womens’ roles were transformed through struggle, not only with the Thatcher government and the NCB, but also with men and the NUM.

‘Women Against Pit Closures’ 1984-5

Women Against Pit Closures, Barnsley Rally

A short history of the Women Against Pit Closures Movement during the 1984-85 Miners Strike

Tsesnik, Grigori Anatolievich or Antonovich (1890-1938)

A short biography of Grigori Tsesnik, Russian anarchist hounded by the Soviet authorities

Ours to master and to own: workers' control from the commune to the present

Workers control demonstration in Argentina

A detailed account and analysis of instances of the working class taking control of production from the late 19th century onwards, by Dario Azzellini and Immanuel Ness.