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13 / 0
Richard · @Retirednavy
7 hours
White men should never have nigger nurses
13 / 2
andieiam · @andieiamwhoiam
16 hours
Diversity nursing.
Do you want this for your loved ones?
Veterans deserve better.
10 / 0
Rapefugee Watch · @RapefugeeWatch
8 hours
Hidden Camera Shows Nigger Nurses Laughing As White WWII Veteran Lay Dying, Gasping for Air in Georgia Nursing Home:

#WarOnWhites #WhiteGenocide #BlackLivesMurder #BlackViolence #BlackCrime
5 / 0
Chad Bigly · @chadbigly
2 hours
Black Apple Diversity Exec Wasn't Anti-White Enough, To Be Replaced By White 😲 CURRENT YEAR FOREVER!
4 / 0
Gunnar · @Gunnar
5 hours
The outrage in the comments section still show that your average normie just doesn't get it yet.
Diversity means PC skin color quotas and not diversity of ideas.

Diversity means no white people.
3 / 0
War at the Zoo · @WarAtTheZoo
3 hours
This sums up the war on whites.
23 / 0
Modem · @Modem
4 hours
Bics out for Malcom ....
@lovelymiss @snugglebunny @Reziac @WarAtTheZoo @honkeykong @bigsnout @georgeangus @RLMcCoy @3DAngelique #GabFam
8 / 0
🤠 Truth Whisper · @truthwhisper
1 hour
7 / 0
🇺🇲😎🐸 I Can Handle The Truth · @IntelectualMuse
2 hours
#PedoGateNews #ChildTrafficking #ChildRape Children are not a commodity! Wake-up folks; this is happening everywhere...
13-year-old girl rescued in Compton human trafficking sting
3 / 0
Zaphod Beeblebrox · @DenzaGrad
8 hours
13-year-old girl rescued in Compton human trafficking sting
2 / 0
Richard Black · @BlackSalami
19 minutes
When @RealAlexJones was right about the interdimensional pedophile vampire illuminati rings.
15 / 0
Rollin Pomeroy · @HiramHawk
3 hours
Character Witnesses: Former Girlfriends, Employees, and Childhood Friends Step Up to Defend Roy Moore
10 / 0
Overton · @OvertonWindowRepair
5 hours
We are Legion. We are the Deplorables. We are all Roy Moore.
4 / 0
Carolina Girl · @Snowhite
4 hours
Roy Moore dindu nuffin!
7 / 0
Max · @AuH2O
3 hours
1 / 0
Jerry Martin · @almnet
1 hour
So what is the number of women you can have sex with before you are considered unworthy to run for office?
8 / 0
Max · @AuH2O
2 hours
3 / 0
RussVet · @RussVet
9 hours
Soros, Piglosi headline hush-hush 'Resistance' sedition conference in California planning attacking Trump >>> @FoxNews …
3 / 0
Maggie · @OurCountryFirst
4 hours
Rep. Steven Smith‏
If you hate America, this is the event for you.

Soros, Pelosi headline hush-hush 'Resistance' conference in California
227 / 0
Charmander · @Charmander
21 hours
Tomorrow the left will be speaking of the white male that stepped up and put a stop to this, as the poster child for toxic white male masculinity.

124 / 0
Orwell Goode · @AlwaysLiberty
1 day
Academia shields people from reality
77 / 0
Sergei Dimitrovich Ivanov · @SergeiDimitrovichIvanov
1 day
A feminist on a train berated a fellow for “manspreading.”

She then got a fistful of the realness:

The guy was black, & punched her in the face.

A white man had to rescue her...
158 / 0
Art Conway · @ArtConway
1 day
They called reading the #Bible in public schools "illegal" then attempted to preach Islam.
"Educating" a captive audience is nothing short of #Brainwashing!!

This can NEVER be tolerated!!!
16 / 0
Don't Be Google · @MinorityMajority
1 day
"What was intended to be an educational presentation about Islam " you think they'd have mentioned the terrorism during that "educational" presentation?
2 / 0
Komomom · @Komomom
3 hours
Good! Children in America, don't need to learn about that disgusting, cult bullshit!
47 / 0
Andrew Torba · @a
1 day
“On Thursday, a tweet from the account of social networking company Gab noted that a March 2015 blog post announcing Thiel’s appointment as a part-time partner at Y Combinator had been updated.”
9 / 0
Steven Furlong · @SteveF
1 day
The hive will have groupthink. Thiel has been banned for his badthink.
0 / 0
Ryan · @TruckDrivinRyan
4 hours
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Elly May · @EllyMay
1 day
3 / 0
Karen🍂🦃🥔🥐🍷🍷🍁 · @KarenW
1 day
At some point 98% of Congress will be under investigation or sent packing.
Any way to clean out that cesspit is fine by me. BTW: they should have to forfeit their taxpayer funded pensions.
3 / 0
Helen · @Hcho72
23 hours
Ahaha! It keeps coming...
51 / 0
Andrew Torba · @a
1 day
25 / 0
The Daily Stir · @TheDailyStir
13 hours
The slow un-personing of #JamesDemore
3 / 0
Ronald C Wagner · @ronwagn
18 hours
152 / 0
Josh · @JOb
1 day
Don't forget how the democrats won franken's seat. "Won" by 300 votes in an election where 1000+ felons voted illegally.
56 / 0
GuardAmerican 🐸 · @GuardAmerican
1 day
FLASHBACK: Senator Tongue-Rape installed by fraud, felons, and farce:

1,099 felons vote in race won by 312 ballots
11 / 0
Jim Losi · @JimLosi
1 day
Remember this, Al?
52 / 0
Ricky Vaughn · @Ricky_Vaughn99
1 day
SCALPED: Wisconsin College Democrats leader resigns after 'I f---ing hate white men' tweet
11 / 0
michael williams · @mwill
2 days
"A Wisconsin College Democrats leader -- who had interned on Hillary Clinton's 2016 presidential campaign -- resigned Tuesday after tweeting “I f---ing hate white men.”
8 / 0
The Daily Stir · @TheDailyStir
1 day
Wisconsin College Democrats leader resigns after 'I f---ing hate white men' tweet
23 / 0
Joe Lincoln · @GabrielWest
1 day
#ClintonCrimeFamily #CrookedDems #LockHerUp
13 / 0
Cruciare Pepe · @CoolForumName
1 day
The DOJ under Sessions is totally fraught. This silly old Boomer needs tossed out on his ear. Send him back to the Senate, or put him out to pasture.
12 / 0
Teufelshunde2 · @Teufelshunde2
1 day
Breaking: FBI Informant in Clinton Uranium One Bribery Case has Video of Briefcases Full of Money!

14 / 0
John Hechtlinger · @Jhecht99
2 days
When they get back to school they'll probably be ostracized for thanking POTUS.

Trump to freed UCLA players: 'You're welcome'
10 / 0
Komomom · @Komomom
2 days
He should have let them be locked up there for a few weeks. Then got them out. Those boys are old enough to know better. Not to mention what they did was stupid, and they did it in a foreign country.
9 / 0
richard mcginty · @rmcginty
2 days
Those three kids would NEVER have made it through 10 years in a Chinese Prison
5 / 0
John Rivers · @JohnRivers
2 days
all white things must end
1 / 0
ObamaSucksAnus · @ObamaSucksAnus
2 days
Never heard of it.
1 / 0
Fippy Darkpaw · @Fippy
2 days
There is no such thing as pop-punk. Punk is anti-pop.
1 / 0
Ronald C Wagner · @ronwagn
2 days
4 / 0
Komomom · @Komomom
2 days
Oh lord! I sure hope there are no passenger ships close by. That would not be good.
4 / 0
Maka Pejuta Win · @Maka
18 hours
CAUSED by a mega-volcano underneath!
#FollowTheWhiteRabbit #followthewhiterabbit #QAnon
2 / 0
ObamaSucksAnus · @ObamaSucksAnus
2 days
The iceberg was just trying to get away when it heard Al Franken was coming to Antarctica.
11 / 0
ObamaSucksAnus · @ObamaSucksAnus
2 days
On Twitter's help page, it says "a verified badge does not imply an endorsement by Twitter." But it does bc they remove verifications to accounts they dislike. That implies they approve of the remainder.
5 / 0
ObamaSucksAnus · @ObamaSucksAnus
2 days
That would potentially leave them open to lawsuits over Tweets from the remaining verified accounts, which request assassination of the President, for example.
3 / 0
Jan · @Millwood16
1 day
Twitter removes the 'verified' mark from conservatives accts
18 / 0
Living Dread Girl · @livingdeadgirl
2 days
Charles Manson reportedly clinging to life in a CA hospital.

I always hoped he would give up the crazy act and just tell us what really happened before he dies but I guess the truth will die with him.
3 / 0
Komomom · @Komomom
2 days
Oh pull the plug, already! He's the devil!
3 / 0
Jack · @JA37
2 days
136 / 0
James Wills · @Horatious
2 days
She converts to Islam, marries, defies husband, he kills her. Didn't she read the Qur'an?
126 / 0
Sergei Dimitrovich Ivanov · @SergeiDimitrovichIvanov
2 days
Ladies: don’t marry Muslims
27 / 0
Viki Lauda · @VikiLauda
2 days
WHY would a pretty British woman marry a savage monster like this? So yet again we are culturally enriched by the religion of piss...err *coughs* peace! Dangle the vermin from a rope!
80 / 0
Jeffrey Grant · @karma-lounge
2 days
You can’t investigate me.
That’s bad & USA looks like a dictatorship?
No, we look like a banana republic
cause you broke law without jail time.
33 / 0
Grant J. Kidney · @GrantJKidney
2 days

‪Crooked Hillary Clinton extremely worried about Uranium One special counsel. ‬

‪Says Trump pursuing case would be as though living under an ‘authoritarian regime’. 🤣‬

16 / 0
W.O. Cassity · @wocassity
2 days
So it's an abuse of power to investigate an abuse of power?

Well, that's projecting and doubling down in the same statement.

Wow! The hubris is real, folks.
11 / 0
Komomom · @Komomom
2 days
Judges that rule in favor of this bs, should be removed from the bench!
5 / 0
Ebolamerican · @ebolamerican
1 day
This is just more subversion by the federal judiciary.

The federal government should simply ignore this decision and withhold the money anyway.
3 / 0
#NSFW Henry Pongratz · @henry_in_Texas
2 days
115 / 0
PrisonPlanet · @PrisonPlanet
2 days
While media attention was focused on the sale of a rare Leonardo da Vinci painting, a piece of modern art being derisively described as “ketchup on canvas” just sold for nearly $50 million dollars.
6 / 0
1 day
#FancyLyall is worth some money ROFL @TRQN
2 / 0
Aric Cee · @AricCee
2 days
Considering the average mental capacity is level to that of a first grader, it's no surprise that this piece of shit would be considered advanced art in the #libtard realm! #ModernLiberalismIsAnIllness
49 / 0
Utsav Sanduja · @u
2 days
Kevin Rapey:
9 / 1
Ron MacDonald · @Canuknucklehead
2 days
5 / 0
dartagan dumas · @dartagan
2 days
Gay old England rejects old fags advances and assaults...age discrimination !! I hope Spacey sues
these young homos!!
21 / 1
DeplorableDebra · @DeplorableDebra
3 days
Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME) said Wednesday that the Senate would have “no choice but to seat” Judge Roy Moore if he wins the Alabama Senate race in December.
15 / 0
The Victorious Me · @Reality_and_Truth
2 days
Try and not seat Judge Moore, and the American people will have no choice but to 1776 your treacherous asses.
14 / 0
LibsRNuts · @LibsAreNuts
3 days
Finally the RINO queen got something right.
80 / 0
Ricky Vaughn · @Ricky_Vaughn99
2 days
Republicans are doing it again. They are miserable failures.

Remember, these people are POSERS. They pose as principled ideologues, but in reality they act on behalf of their special interest donors.
4 / 0
Ronald C Wagner · @ronwagn
2 days
3 / 0
Todd Kincannon · @ToddKincannon
2 days
Mitch McConnell can't even control his own caucus but thinks he's the King of Alabama:
254 / 0
Ellis Novak · @PhotonComics
2 days
This is how you start a #CivilWar: by introducing #ArticlesOfImpeachment against a duly elected president for no other reason than he's a threat to your corruption.

6 / 0
Overton · @OvertonWindowRepair
2 days
Republicans just picked-up more seats in the 2018 Midterms.
4 / 0
Deplorable Publishing · @DeplorablePublishing
2 days
What a bunch of pieces of shit.
12 / 0
🤠 Truth Whisper · @truthwhisper
1 week
The cult of Hollywood rapists, hypocrites, and soulless pedos to the core.

Please #cutthecord to help burn down #pedoHollywood.
6 / 0
ThereIsNoSpoon · @ThereIsNoSpoon
1 week
4 / 0
ocd news · @ocdnews
1 week
40% of homosexuals were sexually abused as children. Homosexuality is a mental illness.