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Court overturns $3000 damages award over Opal card 'false imprisonment'

The state's top court has overturned a decision awarding $3000 to a Sydney commuter who was stopped by police for four minutes to check his Opal card, after the three-judge bench rejected a finding that this amounted to false imprisonment.

Sam Le, 24, was approached by two police officers at Liverpool train station in January last year and asked to produce his Opal card and pensioner concession card, along with photo identification.

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Sydney man awarded $3000 for false imprisonment

A court  has awarded a Sydney man $3000 for being stopped by police for four minutes at Liverpool train station.

He was told he was not under arrest but was "not leaving" until the officers had verified his identity.

After four minutes and 15 seconds waiting on the platform while police conducted a radio check, Mr Le was told he was "free to go".

Mr Le sued the state of NSW in the District Court for false imprisonment and won.

Judge Matthew Dicker awarded Mr Le $3201 in damages including interest.


But on Thursday the NSW Court of Appeal overturned the decision.

In a unanimous judgment, Justices John Basten, Mark Leeming and Anthony Payne said the police officers were "justified in the steps they took in stopping and detaining the respondent in order to obtain production of his Opal card and evidence of his entitlement to a concession card".

"Accordingly the proceedings should have been dismissed. The appeal must be allowed," they said.

The court said Mr Le was told he was free to go "within a matter of seconds" of an officer telling him explicitly he was being detained.

Police had an implied power to detain commuters while they asked for evidence to be produced demonstrating an entitlement to a concession ticket, the court said.

The fact that commuters were required by law to "immediately comply" with such a request "demonstrates that the time of the relevant detention will be quite short".

"A failure to comply will form the basis for taking other steps, including arrest, in relation to the commission of an offence. That stage was not reached in the present case," the court said.

It said the case involved no more than a "brief interruption of the respondent's intended progress which might be described as a temporary detention".

In support of its application for leave to appeal, the state of NSW tendered a document in court showing fare evasion had cost the state an estimated $54.2 million in the first six months of 2016.

Mr Le was entitled to travel on a pensioner Opal card because of a disability and was not evading his fare.

The case marked the second time Mr Le has sued the state over an incident with police. A 2015 case was settled out of court.

The state of NSW had agreed to pay Mr Le's legal costs of the appeal.