"The only solution to the oppression of women exploited as prostitutes is a political elimination of the very notion of female sexual/economic transgression (chosen or forced) by granting all women the same rights, liberties and protections against violation as those to which human beings in general, i.e. men, are entitled. All women’s rights are attached to prostitutes’ rights because the whore stigma can disqualify any woman’s claim to legitimacy and throw suspicion on any woman accused of economic and/or sexual initiative."

-Pheterson, G. (1996) The Prostitution Prism, Amsterdam University Press, Amsterdam. P. 105



Legislators of this century have continued to fail to realise that prostitutes are not a special breed of women with compulsions to indulge in criminal behaviour...socially, culturally and psychologically prostitute[s] pursue lifestyles little different to the millions of other single working women, wives and mothers in the...community. Popular mythology keeps prostitute[s] separated from other women in people's minds, while the law, founded as it is in 19th century puritanism, keeps them separated in the social order.
-Working girls: prostitutes, their life and social control by Roberta Perkins






Resource for Las Vegas area adult industry workers
(When you see the heart
throughout the site, it indicates a Las Vegas area or relevant resource)
Please also feel free to call the SWOP National hotline at

Quick Links:

Resources for escorts, dancers, and more!
Emergency InformationHealthcare
If you get stopped by policeLegal


JOIN US!!http://www.swopusa.org/dec17/index.htm

Ex-Hollywood madam Heidi Fleiss to marry Nevada’s brothel king

Sex feels the credit squeeze in Nevada

Chicken Ranch brothel sues county over regulations

Senate committee kills prostitution tax bill

Las Vegas: NO TRESPASSING: Prostitute targeting hits mark

If your photo was featured in the Review Journal, please contact us!

Las Vegas: Vice enforcement's top offenders

SCAPA is looking for a volunteer to help keep up the news section. Please email us if you'd have the time and are interested!

For more news, click here!


SCAPA is asking people to collect their unused little bottles of shampoo, conditioner, lotion, etc. from their hotels in Las Vegas (or anywhere else they may find them) and donate them to our charity drive. These will go to a good cause. Email us at email(at)swop-lv.org to let us know you have them and we will arrange to pick them up. Thank you!

Sex Workers' Blog!

SCAPA is supporting Desiree Alliance in the participation in a blog where sex workers can lead the discussion about sex work. Visit us at:


We encourage you to participate!


SCAPA needs a volunteer! Please contact us at email(at)swop-lv.org.

Help us grow!

SCAPA is looking for board members. If you are a current or former sex worker from any segment of the industry, and interested in applying to be on SCAPA's board of directors, we are interested in hearing from you. Please email us at email(at)swop-lv.org.


Missing Persons Alert!

Do you have a sex worker loved one who is missing? Would you like to feature her photos here? Email us at email(at)swop-lv.org.

Have you seen this young lady? Jessie Foster was last seen in Las Vegas in April of 2006. Please see this site for more information.


If you have any information concerning this case, please contact:
Detective Dave Molnar
North Las Vegas Police Department
Phone: (702) 633-1779 or 1773
Mike Kirkman/Las Vegas Detectives
Phone: (702) 897-6820

For more on missing persons, please see this page.

SCAPA is an organization dedicated to serving the greater Las Vegas area alternative professionals population. Our site is intended to be a valuable resource for both women and men who provide adult services, including exotic dancers, massage and body workers, escorts, phone sex operators, and Southern Nevada brothel workers.

We will offer a political voice to the significant- yet often side-lined and marginalized- community of sex workers in Las Vegas and surrounding areas. The social stigma that tends to accompany this kind of work means that all too often our voices are silenced. We aim to remedy that by uniting to bring our voices to the table in order to help shape policies that affect us all.

We also offer resources that sex workers will find valuable, such as links* to sex worker-friendly lawyers, accountants, and financial advisers. We provide links to counselors, life coaches, and people who provide childcare to busy single parents. SCAPA is also ready to offer alternative professionals a healthcare plan and/or a group insurance plan. 

We offer workshops on financial planning, investing, lobbying, buying a home, confidence-building, and much more. 

Being an erotic service provider can be lonely, alienating work. We have monthly get-togethers, at which you can meet your fellow workers and forge community and friendship.

Check our calendar often for updates on these and other events. And feel free to contact us and have your own event added to our calendar.

Join our list serve to find out what is going on with SCAPA. We look forward to welcoming you!

SCAPA is the Las Vegas chapter of  the Sex Workers' Outreach Project (SWOP), which focuses on improving the lives of sex industry workers by promoting safety, dignity, and diversity in sex work and fosters an environment that affirms individual choices, occupational rights, and self-esteem.

SCAPA is also a member of the Desiree Alliance.

To contact SCAPA, please email: email@swop-lv.org 

*SCAPA provides links to service providers and other sites, but cannot be held responsible for content on such sites, nor services rendered, and makes no endorsement of any service, service provider, or business on any linked sites.


Search SCAPA!

End Violence Against Sex Workers!

December 17th

Missing Persons


Participate in Research


40 Reasons Why Whores Are My Heroes


Upcoming conferences and calls for papers

Have something to say about your work?

Advertising Online Escorts – Analyzing the Legal Issues

Sex Workers' Grievance Line in SF!

Contact SCAPA!
E-mail us Now


Why Escorts Should STOP Advertising on American Owned Directories






















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