Blog | Black Rose Books

COP23 is "Useless" According to Dimitri Roussopoulos, Author of 'Political Ecology'

As the COP23 climate summit in Bonn, Germany enters its second and final week, Dimitri Roussopoulos, author of Political Ecology: The Climate Crisis and a New Social Agenda (Black Rose Books, 2017), dismisses the conference as another example of the failure of governments to deal the world's environmental crisis.

"Yet again," Roussopoulos reflects, "the various State representatives sit around a table, debating over technical minutiae while the slow-motion climate Apocalypse continues. The whole exercise is useless. Insignificant progress has been made since the much-lauded Paris Accord in 2015, which even James Hansen lambasted as a 'fraud'. Our governments have failed us."


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In Montreal, Jason Prince launches 'Free Public Transport: And Why We Don't Pay to Ride Elevators'!

The new book, Free Public Transport: And Why We Don't Pay to Ride Elevators, is making waves in the Montreal elections! Black Rose Books is pleased to report that an unprecedented 70 or so people attended the Montreal book launch at Paragraph Books on October 4th. Co-editor Jason Prince was joined by Dimitri Roussopoulos (Black Rose Books), Bertrand Schepper (IRIS), and Amir Khadir (Québec Solidaire). 


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