Energy and Minerals
The Energy and Minerals Mission Area conducts research and assessments on the location, quantity, and quality of mineral and energy resources, including the economic and environmental effects of resource extraction and use.
Find out how we make smart decisions about a changing world in the "U.S. Geological Survey Energy and Minerals Science Strategy—A Resource Lifecycle Approach".
Energy and Minerals Programs
The mission of the USGS Energy Resources Program is to understand the processes critical to the formation,
accumulation, occurrence, and alteration of geologically based energy resources; to conduct
scientifically robust assessments of those resources; and to study the impact of energy resource
occurrence and/or production and use on both environmental and human health. |
The USGS Mineral Resources Program (MRP) provides scientific information for objective resource
assessments and unbiased research results on mineral potential, production, consumption, and
environmental effects. The MRP is the sole Federal source for this information. |
The Science and Decisions Center is a multidisciplinary and
open architecture focal point for advancing science-based resource management decisions through the use of
USGS scientific information and tools such as ecosystem services, adaptive management, and resilience. |
National Laboratories
The USGS maintains a variety of high quality, state-of-the-art scientific facilities that provide analytical capabilities, scientific support functions, experimental and modeling expertise, and field capabilities. Two of these facilities along with scientific staff are housed in Denver, Colorado at the Federal Center and at Stanford University near the Menlo Park USGS campus. Detailed information on these facilities is available at:
SHRIMP-RG (Sensitive High-Resolution Ion Microprobe with Reverse Geometry)
TRIGA (reactor facility)