Your Daily Investigative News Magazine


Monday October 23, 2017 0

Posted on October 23, 2017 by Flashpoints

1332149_300x300Today on Flashpoints: Emmy-Award WINNING FILMMAKER, John Pilger takes exception to the characterization of Julian Assange as quote “Putin’s bitch”: And we rebroadcast a special report-back on free and fair elections in Venezuela.

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Best of Flashpoints October 20, 2017 0

Posted on October 20, 2017 by Flashpoints

Welcome to the Best of Flashpoints for the week of 10/20/2017, I’m Sabrina Jacobs in for Mike Biggz.  On today’s show, Dennis speaks to Judith Berkan an attorney, land rights activist and long-time resident of Puerto Rico on disconnect between the relief efforts and the suffering residents.  And, a rebroadcast of the live reporting from fire-devastated Santa Rosa, CA on Wednesday which features interviews with Santa Rosa board of Supervisor Judy Combs and 4th district Sonoma County Supervisor James Gore on the tragedy and relief efforts.

Listen at:


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Thursday, October 19, 2017 0

Posted on October 19, 2017 by Flashpoints

Image result for puerto rico hurricaneToday on Flashpoints: a special report-back on free and fair elections in Venezuela and what comes next for the country that Trump would like to invade: And we’ll feature and in-depth update on the situation in Puerto Rico as the Governor of the US colony meets with Trump in Washington D.C. today.

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Wednesday, October 18, 2017 0

Posted on October 18, 2017 by Flashpoints


Today on Flashpoints: We continue our live broadcast from the Arlene Francis Center in Santa Rosa.  We’ll be joined by Santa Rosa City Councilwoman Julie Combs and more.


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Tuesday October 17th 2017 0

Posted on October 17, 2017 by Flashpoints

Today on Flashpoints: We continue our live broadcast from the Arlene Francis Center in Santa Rosa. We’ll speak to a survivor of the Coffey Park neighborhood, who’s house missed the blaze by 50 feet. We’ll also be joined by Martin Hamilton, director of the Arlene Francis Center and Santa Rosa City Councilwoman, Julie Combs

Flashpoints 10-17-17

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Monday October 16th 2017 0

Posted on October 16, 2017 by Flashpoints

Today on Flashpoints: We present the first in a series of live broadcasts from the Arlene Francis Center in Santa Rosa, California. We’ll spend the entire hour with the victims of multiple fires, that continue to burn. We’ll also speak to some of the heroes who stepped up to help.

Flashpoints 10-16-17

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Thursday October 12th 2017 0

Posted on October 12, 2017 by Flashpoints

Today on Flashpoints: We’ll speak to Bill Means, co-founder of the
America Indian Movement, about fire, floods and hurricanes, as we mark
official indigenous people’s day: Also Davin Cardenas, co-director of
the north-bay organizing project, joins us from Santa Rosa, farmworker
country now in flames: And also joining us from the North Bay Fire
Zone is our own Miguel Gavilan Molina

Flashpoints 10-12-17

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Wednesday October 11th 2017 0

Posted on October 11, 2017 by Flashpoints

Today on Flashpoints: Puerto Rico still drowning and racism is the
word on the flooded Puerto Rico Streets. We’ll have a live report from
San Juan. Also, we’ll be joined by radical environmentalist Harvey
Wasserman to talk about the call fires, the earth quakes, the flooding
and how this will only get worse under trump and we’ll have our
special feature, Letters from Earth With Aurora Levins Morales

Flashpoints 10-11-17

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Tuesday October 10th 2017 0

Posted on October 10, 2017 by Flashpoints

Today on Flashpoints: Wildfires still burning out of control in Northern and Southern California. We’ll feature an special update with Flashpoints Senior Producer, Miguel Gavilan Molina, who lives just outside of Santa Rosa. We’ll also speaks with author and filmmaker Stephen Most, who is working on a new film called Wilder Than Wildfire: Forests & The Future. And D’andre Harris who was jumped by white supremacists in Charlottesville, is now being charged by one of them for felony assault.

Flashpoints 10-10-17

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Monday October 9th 2017 0

Posted on October 09, 2017 by Flashpoints

Today on Flashpoints: Wildfire burning throughout California. We’ll feature a special news update with KPFA news’s Christina Asnestad. Also,  we celebrate Indigenous People’s Day with sound from this morning’s annual Sunrise Ceremony from Alcatraz. And we’ll speak with legendary civil rights attorney, Daniel Sheheen.

Flashpoints 10-09-17

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  • Musicians!!

    We're searching for great new music produced by independent musicians and members of our global audience, so that we can be as non-corporate and copyright-free as possible. All genres -- from blues to electronica to world beats -- welcome!

    We like smart, political and well-produced music -- and are especially in search of possible new theme instrumentals. Please send it to Flashpoints, c/o KPFA, 1929 Martin Luther King Jr. Way, Berkeley, CA 94704, or email your Mp3s at with full descriptions and credits.

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