
The Age Editorials

PM set to play Chinese trump card on trade


In the past three decades, the freeing-up of international trade has increased annual household incomes in Australia by $8500. One in five Australian jobs is now trade related.

Coalition contempt for our first peoples


The 'Voice to Parliament' suggestion merits proper consideration. The most important market we have is the market for ideas. Stifling debate is un-Australian, unfair, timid and counter to public interest..

Stagnant wages are hurting entire economy


The greatest form of social justice is a job, and the greatest source of employment is private businesses. So, an unduly large increase in the minimum wage would be counter-productive.

Cuts to stats bureau a risk to us all

Sunday Age Leader Dinkus

A nation that does not run a good set of books can not formulate and maintain good public policy. These are far deeper than reasonable, efficiency driven cuts to the public sector.

A commute shared is a commute made easier


The primary source of this unavoidable, desirable change should be enlightened self-interest. As it becomes increasingly unattractive to own a car, the demand for public transport will prompt increased supply.