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Trains delayed, flash floods possible as Melbourne's mercury rises

Melburnians have woken to another steamy day with the warm weather expected to continue, causing train delays and possible flash flooding on the city's outskirts.

A top of 34 degrees is forecast for Melbourne on Tuesday and it will be even warmer in other parts of the state.

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Geelong V/Line has already warned of heat delays, which come into effect when the temperature hits 36 degrees. 

Bureau of Meteorology senior forecaster Richard Carlyon said shower and storm activity was expected Tuesday afternoon in the Great Dividing Range, with Melbourne on the fringe of that activity. 

"There was some small hail yesterday and that could happen again, but we're more concerned about the fact there could be slow-moving storm activity and we could see some localised flash flooding with falls of 15 to 30 millimetres in quick time," he said.


"It's fairly humid conditions so storms may have the potential to dump heavy rain in a short time period."

Most of the city, however, was likely experience a mainly fine and warm day, with some cloud increase in the afternoon and the just slight chance shower and the chance of thunderstorms.

The forecaster said Melburnians could expect another warm night and hot day before a wind change and low pressure trough brought a cool change. 

"We had a warm night last night with 18 degrees and it will be warmer tonight with 21," Mr Carlyon said.

"There will be a top of 30 tomorrow with showers much more likely, particularly later in the afternoon and into the evening, with the risk of thunderstorms.

"Then we should see milder weather leading into the back half of the week."

He said Thursday would be 19 degrees with showers and Friday 20 degrees.

"Then this weekend temperature starts to climb a little, it looks like mostly fine weekend with slight chance of showers both days and 23 and 26," he said.Â