In Kailahun, access to pure water was a serious constraint. Life wasn’t as easy as it once was for Amara.
Kamara thought about a solution to the blackout problem, but couldn’t fix it alone. He teamed up with two colleagues – a hydrological expert and a research assistant.
Youth creativity steals the show in this year’s Social Good Summit (SGS) held on Thursday, October 12 in Bo, Sierra Leone’s second capital.
With support from UNDP, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) of Sierra Leone has developed a radio jingle, to raise awareness of the ways that human activity can be harmful to the environment. This is important to all people - and particularly important for those living in hazard prone areas.
The Sierra Leone Judiciary, with UNDP, launched a new Samsung mobile app to fast-track court cases in one of the world’s overstretched judiciaries.
Just more than a month after flooding and a mudslide killed hundreds and displaced thousands, many communities remain steadfast, in affected and high-risk areas around Freetown.
The event welcomed university and high school students to engage, debate, and become Sierra Leone’s sustainable development goal ambassadors.

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