pro and anti independentists

This leaflet was produced at the end of October and therefore before Madrid imposed direct rule on Catalonia... But it still makes the important points!

Following the arrests of five protesters at this year's Glasgow Pride, one of the arrested, a member of the Clydeside IWW branch, is facing trial on the 7th of December. Clydeside IWW have...

Three groups of tenants organising with Brighton Solidarity Federation Housing Union over the past three months have each secured victories in their disputes. Working with our Housing Union,...

The liberal commentariat seems to be completely unable to resist the allure of the far-right. The latest example: an article on Literary Hub that portrays violent neo-fascist gang CasaPound as...


Rebellion #1.07 cover

Socialist periodical published by Covington Hall, a proponent of "industrial democracy", in New Orleans from 1916-1917.


A missionary with a child whose hand had been severed

A very short overview of Belgian, and latterly US, imperialism in Congo, written by Marty Jezer in 2001.