Cost of euro bailout to Britain soars to £22billion

  • Increase is on top of £12.5bn Britain has already committed to Eurozone
  • MP Douglas Carswell accuses government of being 'caught out' over plans detailed in low-key order
  • Treasury insists IMF increase was agreed by Labour government in 2009
  • Greek PM's plans to reshuffle government in disarray after spate of resignations
  • Violent clashes in Athens see 60 injured - including 36 police
  • Stock markets across Europe fall sharply and euro slumps to $1.4072
  • Sarkozy calls on Euro governments to put national fights behind them

Britain's Treasury has been accused of sneaking through an extra contribution to the International Monetary Fund of £9.2billion.

The IMF increase, detailed in a low-key government order, is on top of the £12.5billion Britain has already committed to protecting the Eurozone.

The figures were discovered by Conservative MP Douglas Carswell, who accused Chancellor George Osborne of going back on assurances that bailouts would not cost taxpayers.

Clean up: Tourists walk past a shattered window in Athens' Syntagma Square after violent protests yesterday

Clean up: Tourists walk past a shattered window in Athens' Syntagma Square after violent protests yesterday

Unrest: More than 60 people were injured during violent clashes between riot police and protesters in Athens yesterday

Unrest: More than 60 people were injured during violent clashes between riot police and protesters in Athens yesterday

Riots: Protesters aim laser beams at police officers in Syntagma Square, Athens, last night

Riots: Protesters aim laser beams at police officers in Syntagma Square, Athens, last night

'Caught out': Tory MP Douglas Carswell accused the Government of trying to sneak through a £9.2billion increase in Britain's contribution to the IMF

'Caught out': Tory MP Douglas Carswell accused the Government of trying to sneak through a £9.2billion increase in Britain's contribution to the IMF

They emerged on a day that violent riots broke out in Greece over anti-austerity measures being debated by the country's parliament.

Thousands of protesters took to the streets in Athens, sparking clashes with riot police that left more than 60 people injured and at least fifteen arrested.

Up to 5,000 riot police used stun grenades and tear gas during running battles through the streets of the capital.

The people are unhappy over plans to introduce new austerity measures that Greece needs to comply with the terms of the 110billion euro bailout package it signed in May 2010.

Greece's ailing economy could be in line for another £18billion bailout from the EU and IMF amid concerns it could default on the first deal.

It is not known how much of that figure Britain is liable for, but the money would come from the extra contribution made to the IMF.

Debt: Opposition parties are calling for early elections to renegotiate the terms of the 110 billion euro bailout last year

Debt: Opposition parties are calling for early elections to renegotiate the terms of the 110 billion euro bailout last year

Policemen throw tear gas at protesters during riots in Athens

Policemen throw tear gas at protesters during riots in Athens

A protester throws stones at policemen during clashes around Constitution

A protester throws stones at policemen during clashes around Constitution

Protesters wearing gas masks on the frontline of the protest

Protesters wearing gas masks on the frontline of the protest

Ms Osborne has already overseen £7billion given to Ireland during its bailout, along with £4.3billion handed to Portugal.

Britain is also liable for around £1.2billion of the original Greece bailout - a total of £21.7billion, including the increased IMF contribution, to help prop up the Eurozone.

Mr Carsell, MP for Harwich, told The Sun: 'The Government has given us cast-iron assurances that bailouts would not cost British taxpayers.

'Now they've been caught out trying to sneak through plans that will cost the UK an extra £9.2billion.

'This money could be funding tax cuts for hard-working families or more police on our streets.'

Threat: A poster sounds a defiant message to the Greek government. Unemployment in the country now stands at 16 per cent

Threat: A poster sounds a defiant message to the Greek government. Unemployment in the country now stands at 16 per cent

Fury: Riot police grapple with a protester during angry scenes outside the Greek parliament in Athens

Fury: Riot police grapple with a protester during angry scenes outside the Greek parliament in Athens

Stand off: A female protesters tries to push way an officer's riot shield in Athens

Stand off: A female protesters tries to push way an officer's riot shield in Athens

Crisis: Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou will today reshuffle his government as he tries to force through austerity measures

Crisis: Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou will today reshuffle his government as he tries to force through austerity measures

But the Treasury rejects the claims, saying the increased contribution to the IMF was first announced by the Labour government in 2009.

A spokesman told the newspaper: 'This gets all the facts wrong on the UK's membership of the IMF and seems to suggest that we should not be part of the IMF, which the Government totally rejects.

'Moves to increase the IMF's resources were first agreed by the G20 in April 2009, before any Eurozone support packages.'

It comes as Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou is set to reshuffle his government today in a desperate bid to force through austerity measures and prevent the country descending into economic chaos.

The embattled politician is attempting to win support for tax hikes and service cuts that sparked the violent clashes yesterday.

But he faces strong opposition from within his own party over the measures and rival politicians calling for an early election.

Mr Papandreou has said the formation of a unity government requires agreement from all opposition parties on the cuts and privatisations.

He said: 'The country is facing critical times. Today I made new proposals to the leaders of all parties to achieve the necessary national consensus.

'I clarified that my responsibility has no dependence on official posts.'

Crowds: Protesters throw rocks at policemen as thousands marched through Athens to protest against austerity measures

Crowds: Protesters throw rocks at policemen as thousands marched through Athens to protest against austerity measures

That's ruff: Even this dog joined in the anti-austerity protests as riot police watch on

That's ruff: Even this dog joined in the anti-austerity protests as riot police watch on

Clash: An officer prepares to throw a tear gas canister in Syntagma square, Athens

Clash: An officer prepares to throw a tear gas canister in Syntagma square, Athens

The main opposition party - New Democracy - has repeatedly demanded that he quit and that a cross-party coalition renegotiate the terms of the bailout package.

As many as 30,000 protesters flooded Athens' streets yesterday, hurling firebombs, stones and even yoghurt at buildings and police.

Protester Christos Miliadakis, 35, told CNN: 'When will we be able to get out of this vicious circle?

'My wife lost her job. I had a 12 per cent pay cut as a result of the first bailout. The new measures want to cut another 20 per cent of jobs in the public sector.

'So if no one has money and we are just more in debt, who is going to drive the economy? We will live like slaves paying all our lives.'

Student Maria Iliadi, 23, added: 'The future in this country has been erased.

'There will be no big public projects, and no one will be building for a long time. Sometimes, finishing my degree seems totally pointless.'

Confrontations: Greek riot police block off protesters in front of the parliament building in Athens ahead of a day of national strikes

Confrontations: Greek riot police block off protesters in front of the parliament building in Athens ahead of a day of national strikes

Unrest: A protester is arrested after trying to block the road to the parliament building

Unrest: A protester is arrested after trying to block the road to the parliament building

Labour unions were holding a 24-hour strike over the proposed cuts, bringing public services to a halt and affecting transport networks.

Unemployment in Greece has soared to more than 16 per cent - a 40 per cent rise on last year.

The European Commission has said Greece's economy was expected to shrink by 3.5 per cent this year and credit rating agency Standard & Poor's cut its rating to 'CCC' - among the lowest in the world.

Experts fear the country may end up defaulting on its debts which could set off a financial chain reaction described as potentially catastrophic.

Greece has until the end of the month to pave the way for cuts demanded by the EU and IMF if it wants to receive the final installment of last year's bailout package.

French President Nicolas Sarkozy today called on other EU leaders to stop squabbling over how to help Greece.

He said: 'What we need most today, is unity. We have to leave the national fights behind us to find our sense of common destiny again.'

Over the last few weeks, policymakers have been at loggerheads over how to get the private sector to make a substantial contribution in any new package.

UK increases IMF contribution by £9bn as Euro bailout soars to £22bn