Malawi has an elevated risk of climatic and hydrological hazards which include floods, dry spells or both affecting the country, almost yearly.
As government and its partners continue to prioritize the provision of portable, clean and safe drinking water to all, the private sector is also playing a key role in the promotion of water treatment products
Remarks by the UNDP Resident Representative Claire Medina, (a.i.) at the Green Media Awards Gala in Lilongwe, 4th November 2017
The first phase of the distribution of the ID cards by the National Registration Bureau is currently underway
Leaders and health and trade experts united call for greater coherence between national laws and regional frameworks to increase access to lifesaving medicines, vaccines and other health technologies.
“Women in Malawi have a pivotal role to play in preventing, managing and resolving conflicts in preparation for the upcoming election."
As one of the 4,000 men and women selected to work as Registration Officers and Supervisors for the National Registration and Identification System (NRIS) project, Mwawi has played a vital role in the provision of an identity of legal status for eligible Malawians.

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17.2 mil



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