Status message

This organization is a Drupal services provider.

QED42 is a full service agency for web and mobile applications. We specialise in Design, Drupal and Product engineering with Agile as our Project management methodology.

7 years in industry, we have delivered large Drupal projects for Acquia, Nestle, MGM Resorts, SABMiller, Novartis, Warner Music Group, UBM, IIT Bombay, Stanford University, TISS, HP, FILA etc and have extensive experience on Drupal commerce, Publishing / workflows, Enterprise applications and 3rd Party integrations.

Our Services:

  • UX and Interaction Design
  • Drupal Development & Audit
  • Drupal Support - Continuous Delivery and Maintenance of Drupal systems
  • X Platform -> Drupal 8 Migrations
  • Headless Drupal Applications with Mobile and Web frontends (Angular / Ionic)
  • MVP Consultancy & Tech leadership in Product engineering

Open source and Drupal is critical for our success and we contribute regularly to Drupal both with code and in community initiatives. Please see below some of our contributions to community and Drupal projects.

Drupal contributions

Contributions to the community:

  • Drupal Campus Ambassador Program Supporting Organisation -- Website, Sponsorship and Volunteer Time
  • Supporting Partner, Drupal Association
  • Gold Sponsor, Drupalcon Asia 2016
  • QED42 Drupal developers & Project Managers have spoken at Drupalcon Asia, New Orleans, Dublin and at various Drupal camps in India
  • Gold Sponsor, Drupalcamp Pune 2016
  • Silver Sponsor, Drupalcamp Bangalore 2015
  • Host and Co-organiser for Drupal code sprints in Pune
  • Gold Sponsor, Drupalcamp Delhi - 2015
  • Silver Sponsor, Drupalcamp Mumbai - 2015
  • Bronze Sponsor, Drupalcamp Hyderabad - 2015
  • Gold Sponsor, Drupalcamp Pune - 2014
  • Platinum Sponsor, Drupalcamp Mumbai 2011
  • Sponsored Drupalcamp Mumbai 2012
  • Co-organizer of Drupalcamp Pune 2009, 2010, 2015
  • Co-organizer of Pune Drupal Meetups
  • Co-organizer of Drupal documentation sprint pune led by Addison Berry

Contributions to projects:

Please check below for exhaustive list of Projects supported in last 3 months.

Projects supported

Media Entity Vimeo, Media Entity Dailymotion, Commerce Shippo, Commerce Razorpay Payment Integration, Views Extras (Session/Cookie/Token Support), Way2SMS, OpenWeather, Simply | Drupal 8 Theme, Field Load More, Skeleton D8, Minimax Theme, Drupal Reset D8, Add To Calendar , CSSGram - Recreating Instagram Filters, HTML5Lib, Media Vidme, Nocaptcha Recaptcha, Video Embed Vidme, DTuber, Deactivate Account, Commerce Referral Discount, Custom Solr Search, Better Search Block, Age Checker, Content Dashboard, Commerce Product Kit, XPath Content Importer, Quora - Related Questions / Posts, Wget Static - Generate HTML and Save To FTP / Webdav, Extra body classes, Recovery Password (Email New Password) , Ooyala WYSIWYG, Formula Field, ToDoist API, usamap, Webform Scoring, Views Negate, jquery carousel, Webform References, Video Embed Soundcloud, Video Embed Ustream, Better Field Descriptions, Multi-Step Registration, Views Block Exposed Filter Blocks, Commerce First Time Customer Discount, Webform Confirmation, Total Subscription, Advance Clock, FreeGeoIP, Social Stats, Media Sitemap, Better Login, Extra Field Description, Views Conditional, Node Revision Restrict, Captcha Questions, Dropdown Checkboxes, Advanced Page, Soundslides, Search Interests (grassroots), Skeleton, Snippets, Automatic Entity Label, Token Variable , GitHub Connect, Back To Top, Time Spent, Taxonomy Term Reference Tree Widget, Vocabulary Permissions Per Role, Field Slideshow, Auto Menu Title, Drupal Reset, Shorten URLs, BeautyTips, Automatic User Names, Search Engine Referers, Paybox, Logging and alerts, Google Custom Search Engine, Republish - Node Content in an overlay, Automated Logout

Credited on 156 issues fixed in the past 3 months