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About Acquia
Acquia is the digital experience company. Global 2000 enterprises, government agencies and NGOs rely on Acquia’s open cloud platform to create new revenue streams, lower costs, and engage audiences more deeply through content, community, commerce and context.

For more information visit or call +1 781 238 8600.

Drupal contributions

Acquia is an active, enthusiastic contributor to the Drupal project, including:

  • Major contributions to Drupal core in the areas of mobile-friendly authoring experience, performance, multilingual, and release management.
  • Millions of dollars in sponsorship for key improvements to key community contributed modules (Views, Media, Organic Groups) and core initiatives (user experience, REST API, performance, migration), as well as contribution sprints and Drupal community events.
  • Four of the top 20 Drupal 7 contributors; Five of the top 20 Drupal 8 contributors
  • Nine employees on the Drupal security team
  • Collectively, Acquia employees maintain more than 850 modules, and have made than 150,000 code commits to Drupal community modules
  • Core committers to Drupal versions 6, 7, and 8 - Gábor Hojtsy, Angie Byron, Alex Bronstein, and Jess M
  • Founded by Dries Buytaert, Drupal founder and project lead

Take the Acquia Certified Developer exam to validate your skills and knowledge, give you more visibility in the marketplace, and provide you with a formal certification in a dynamic field.

Projects supported

Rekognition API, Revision Log Default, OpenAPI, Acquia GeoIP Country variation, Active Learning, Sessionless BigPipe, Temporal, Druponent, aws_connector, Moderation Sidebar, Moderation Note, Configuration Rewrite, Cog, Acquia Purge Cloudflare, File Encrypt, Waterwheel, Views cookie, Alexa, Lite, RefreshLess, Turbolinks , Workspace Permissions, Entity Views UI, URLs queuer, Layout Plugin Views, Content Browser, Encrypt PHPSecLib Encryption, Decoupled Blocks, Search API Multilingual Solr Search, BigPipe demo, Hipchat Webhook, Scheduled Updates, External Authentication, Theme Form Test, Scenarios, Cacheable forms, Views Rest Feed, jaco, Generic HTTP Purger, Migrate Tools, BigPipe, File Entity Browser, File Duplicates, CSV Serialization, IMP2, SAML Authentication, Token Content Access, jQuery oEmbed All, Moderate mmenu, Panels Preview, FPP Index, GraphQL, Responsive Favicons, Search API AZ Glossary, Unish, Spamagement, Cache Debug, Lightning Features, LSD Voting, Unpublish Button (for Workbench Moderation), Drupal Chair, URL Embed, Single User Role, WhiteCanvas, Quick Edit, Migrate Upgrade, Entity Embed, Drupal Module Upgrader, Edit Views, Curate, Assemble, Lightning, Media entity, Devel accessibility, Demo Framework, Entity Browser, REST UI, Composer Manager, Acquia Purge, Nodequeue lock, OpenEDU: Powered by Acquia Lightning, Ember, Edit, Spark, Page Load Progress, Services, Beer O'Clock, Auth SSL Redirect, ZURB Foundation, WYSIWYG Tools Plus, Queued Node Access Rebuild, File Entity (fieldable files), BLAM, Two-factor Authentication (TFA), CloudFlare, Workbench Moderation, Panelizer, Purge, Search API Solr Search, Drupal Commons, DrupalCamp Organizing Distribution, Search API, Akamai, Apache Solr Multisite Search, Dialog, Metatag, Security Review, Bakery Single Sign-On System, Mollom, Editor, Apache Solr Search, Secure Password Hashes, SaveGuard, Rules, Password Strength, Password Policy, Panels, Media, Pathauto, Redirect, Devel

Credited on 312 issues fixed in the past 3 months


Acquia’s Drupal Training instills Drupal knowledge in designers and developers through on-site and online classroom courses. We develop and maintain a standardized, up-to-date Drupal curriculum, and also offer custom courses to address specific training needs within your organization. All training is delivered through our extensive training partner program.