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Hunger Strikes & Abolitionist Organizing in Indiana Prisons

On this episode, we are joined with someone from IDOC Watch, a group which is organizing alongside and amplifies the voices of incarcerated people...

Why We Need Devin Patrick Kelley to be Crazy

Saying the Unsayable Every Time When the unspeakable occurs, where do we turn for answers? Whenever a politician or pundit — the two rusty gears of...

Water Protectors Lock Together Inside Pipeline, Shut Down Last Stretch of...

Early this morning, a group of water protectors from the Makwa Initiative halted the last piece of construction for the Wisconsin section of Enbridge’s...

Kite Line: 23 Hours In & One Hour Out, The View...

Listen and Download Here This week, we share the words and experiences of Salomon X, a former prisoner in Illinois. In the first of two episodes...

Porland, OR: Portland Pickets In Support of IWW Burgerville Workers Union

Tonight, Portland residents joined with Burgerville Workers Union members to picket outside of a Burgerville store to demand that the corporation begin negotiations with...

Bloc Party: Prisoner Updates

We are happy to announce anarchist prisoner Casey Brezik's brand new support site and post-release fund. As he mentions in his updates below, Casey is...

“We’re Not Leaving”: Chicago Squatters Resist Eviction

This statement published below comes from a group of squatters who have occupied a building owned by Barnett Capital, one of the driving forces...

Dispatches from Puerto Rico: Front Line Relief

Our current Mutual Aid Disaster Relief team in Puerto Rico has concentrated efforts mostly on HIV/AIDS prevention, safe water outreach/education, breastfeeding in disasters and...

Anarchist Political Prisoner Jeremy Hammond has Moved!

After a long and stressful week, we are very happy to report that Jeremy has arrived at his new prison – FCI Milan in...

Industrial Worker: Fall 2017 #1781

Read and Download Here The theme for the Fall 2017 Industrial Worker is "In November We Remember." For this issue, a number of Wobblies sent in their remembrances...

Canada: Blockade Set Up Against Alton Gas Project

During the fall of 2016 Mi’kmaq opponents of the Alton Gas project, supported by non-Indigenous allies, set up a truckhouse along the banks of...

Revolutionary Abolitionist Movement is Coming to West Coast

We are proud to announce the formation of a new chapter in California: Revolutionary Abolitionist Movement - Inland Empire. In tandem with the larger RAM...

Otherworlds Review #3: Masks

Sun in Scorpio, Full Moon in Taurus Issue 3, November 2017 "The state of emergency has become the norm. To do more than survive we'll need...

Emergency Call-in to Stop Backcountry Timber Sale in Indiana

On Thursday, November 9th, the Indiana Department of Natural Resources plans to sell timber rights to a 300 acre section of the Yellowwood State...

Virginia Tech Successful in Driving Out Neo-Nazi Mark Neuhoff

Photo from @ajmalalami As IGD reported back in early October, students at Virginia Tech have been organizing on campus to remove a neo-Nazi organizer, Mark...

Hunger Strikes Breaking Out in Jails and Detention Centers

In the last week, we've seen a successful hunger strike take place at a detention facility in Northern Oregon, and another pop off at...

November 12th: Mass Mobilization Against the Far-Right in Montreal

Social Media Event Here For several years we’ve seen the rise of racist hate speech in Quebec. The Parti Québecois’ “Charter of Values” in 2013, the...

VANDALISMS: Graffiti Across So-Called North America

Welcome to VANDALISMS, an irregular column round up of, obviously, vandalism. We’ll collect photos and stories of all sorts of graffiti across so-called North...

Frackville Prison’s Systemic Water Crisis

by Bryant Arroyo On September 19, 21, 24 and 27, 2017, we prisoners at Pennsylvania’s SCI-Frackville facility experienced four incidences with respect to the crisis...

Hotwire #12: Continued Mass Shootings, #DefendJ20

This week we have a greater amount of animal liberation actions to report on than usual. We interview Sam from DC Legal Posse about the first J20 trials beginning next...

Communique From Prisoner in Struggle, Esteban GĂłmez, From the Ejido San...

Penal No. 5 San CristĂłbal de las Casas, Chiapas. October 26th, 2017 One day, June 12th, 2012, the bad governments and public prosecuting judge sent their...
We are happy to announce anarchist prisoner Casey Brezik's brand new support site and post-release fund. As he mentions in his updates below, Casey is trying to raise an additional $1,000 over the next two years from his anarchist comrades so that he can buy a used car when he...
by Bryant Arroyo On September 19, 21, 24 and 27, 2017, we prisoners at Pennsylvania’s SCI-Frackville facility experienced four incidences with respect to the crisis of drinking toxic water. While this was not the first indication of chronic water problems at the prison, it seemed an indication that things were...
Early this morning, a group of water protectors from the Makwa Initiative halted the last piece of construction for the Wisconsin section of Enbridge’s proposed Line 3 replacement project. Two water protectors locked together inside a segment of steel pipe in defense of Mother Earth. Sleeping pads and blankets...
Tonight, Portland residents joined with Burgerville Workers Union members to picket outside of a Burgerville store to demand that the corporation begin negotiations with workers. The picket is only the latest in a series of actions, pickets, and strikes which have attempted to put pressure on the local burger chain...
"It's a cynical world, I'm a nihilist." - Mike Cernovich, 2017 "Ah ha. Ever get the feeling you've been cheated?" - John Lydon, 1978 On November 4th, permitted and non-disruptive anti-Trump protests took place across the US, just as the organizers of Refuse Fascism, a front group for the Revolutionary Communist...
It has now been a little over two months since the reconquest of Mosul by the Iraqi Armed Forces, and the region’s necessary reconstruction looks bound to be hampered by religious and ethnic strife. Already, the presence of Iran-backed Shia militias in this overwhelmingly Sunni town has irked many...