Category Archives: Invasion Day

Armidale, NSW, So-Called Australia: Banner Drops for Invasion Day 2018

Received on 26.01.18: In the early hours of January 26th, 2018, banners were hung around so-called Armidale, NSW, with one facing out onto the parklands where Australia Day Festivities would be held later that day, reading “NO PRIDE IN GENOCIDE … Continue reading

Posted in Armidale, Australia, Banners, First Nations Solidarity, Invasion Day, NSW, so-called 'Australia'

Narrm / Melbourne, So-Called Australia: Banner Action for Invasion Day 2018

Received on 25.01.18: Banner drop. West Gate freeway. Melbourne. Solidarity with our Indigenous brothers and sisters.

Posted in #7DaysOfResistance, Australia, Banners, First Nations Solidarity, Invasion Day, Melbourne, Narrm, so-called 'Australia'

Narrm / Melbourne, So-Called Australia: Banner & Poster Action for #7DaysOfResistance

Received on 25.01.18: Anti-colonial poster & banner action for #7DaysOfResistance on occupied territory of the Boon Wurrung, Kulin Nations. South Eastern suburbs of so-called-Melbourne, ‘Australia‘. Banners (L-R): Australia Is A Crime Scene, Stop The Genocide, Abolish Aus Day Posters: Sovereignty … Continue reading

Posted in #7DaysOfResistance, Anti-Colonialism, Australia, Banners, Boon Wurrung, First Nations Solidarity, Invasion Day, Kulin Nations, Melbourne, Narrm, Posters, so-called 'Australia'

So-called Australia: Office of Deputy PM Barnaby Joyce paint-bombed in solidarity with First Nations Communities

Received on 31.01.17: On January 30th, 2017, Deputy Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce’s Tenterfield office in so-called “Australia” was paintbombed in solidarity with First Nations struggles. This action was spurred by Joyce’s disgusting and ignorant comments around Invasion Day 2017, when … Continue reading

Posted in Australia, Direct Action, First Nations, Indigenous Solidarity, Indigenous Struggle, Invasion Day, Paint Bombing, so-called 'Australia'

Anarchists welcome North Thailand’s new ‘Australian’ Honorary Consul to the job with a home visit

Received on 31.01.17: On Sunday 29 January 2017, anarchists in the northern Thai city of Chiang Mai visited the home of the newly appointed Australian Honorary Consul, Ronald Elliott, to share with him our analysis of Australia’s immigration policies regarding … Continue reading

Posted in #7DaysOfResistance, Australia, Chiang Mai, Decolonize, Direct Action, Free The Refugees, Graffiti, Invasion Day, Northern Thailand, Refugee Solidarity Movement, so-called 'Australia', Thailand

So-called ‘Australia’: Some anti-colonial actions in Sydney

Received on 27.01.17: Over the past week thousands of anti-colonial posters were put up all around Sydney, especially around locations holding “Australia Day” celebrations. On the 26th of January, six Unaustralian banners were tied to various highway overpasses. While these … Continue reading

Posted in #7DaysOfResistance, #InvasionDay2017, Australia, Banners, Graffiti, Indigenous Solidarity, Indigenous Struggle, Invasion Day, Posters, so-called 'Australia', Sydney

So-called Australia: Banner drop in southeast Victoria for #7DaysOfResistance

Received anonymously on 25.01.16: Banner drop on an overpass above the Princes Freeway, heading east in southeast Victoria as part of the #7DaysOfResistance in the lead-up to Invasion Day 2017. The banners read: ‘No Pride In Genocide’ and ‘Abolish Aus … Continue reading

Posted in #7DaysOfResistance, #InvasionDay2017, Australia, Banners, Direct Action, Indigenous Solidarity, Indigenous Struggle, Invasion Day, Posters, so-called 'Australia'