So-Called ‘Australia’: Solidarity Campaign for Joanne and Dylan Voller


Update, 05.10.17: last week a group of #ShutYouthPrisons peaceful protesters in Alice Springs, including Dylan Voller and his mum Joanne Voller, were arrested. 8 people received fines, amounting to $432 each. This is no small amount to an individual, but if we all chip in we can easily and quickly cover the amount for all 8 people. This is your chance to help with practical solidarity. Especially as today Dylan is facing court again, as part of a targeted campaign of harassment by police, prison officers and public officials. He has just days left on his parole and they are trying to use this arrest for “public nuisance” as an excuse to say he has violated parole, to put him back in jail. Dylan and the Voller family are courageous advocates against injustice in the face of brutality and viciousness, and deserve all the support we can give, as do the rest of the community in Alice Springs at this time. Donate what you can, and if you can’t, please share widely and encourage others to!

Dylan and Joanne Voller need your help

On Friday (29 September) Dylan Voller, his mother Joanne Voller, and six other people were arrested whilst holding a peaceful protest against youth detention and deaths in custody in Alice Springs.

All have received fines.

Dylan Voller was one of six children teargassed at the Dondale youth detention centre in 2014. In 2016, further footage of prison guards mistreating Voller at Dondale was the subject of a Four Corners investigation; the Four Corners broadcast resulted in a Royal Commission, at which Voller delivered damning and comprehensive testimony about the mistreatment of young people in detention.

Since his release from prison in February this year, Dylan Voller has been a fearless advocate for youth in detention and the #ShutYouthPrisons campaign.

In the months since Dylan Voller’s testimony before the Youth Detention Royal Commission, the Voller family has been subject to a targeted campaign of harassment by Northern Territory police, prison guards, and other public officials.

The arrest of eight people at Friday’s peaceful #ShutYouthPrisons protest was utterly unnecessary, and the fines levelled are an absurd and unjust imposition.

Join us in expressing solidarity with Dylan Voller, his mum Joanne Voller, and the rest of his family who have been targeted by this vicious campaign, and yet continue to speak out and demonstrate against injustice.

We need to raise at least $3,500 to cover legal costs so that everyone involved can get on with their lives.

This fundraiser is organised by Kieran and Kathleen, with the endorsement of Dylan Voller.

Sweet Merch?

We don’t have anything to offer as rewards to contributors. If you, your band or your group has some sweet merchandise that you would like to kick in, please contact us so we can offer some donor rewards and help raise the cash.


This entry was posted in Australia, Dylan Voller, First Nations, Indigenous Solidarity, Indigenous Struggle, Joanne Voller, Mparntwe, Northern Territory, Repression, Shut Youth Prisons, Shut Youth Prisons Mparntwe, so-called 'Australia'. Bookmark the permalink.