- published: 15 Mar 2016
- views: 143649
Buy/learn more about the AKAI MPK Mini mk2: http://savedbytechnology.com/catalog/product_info.php?products_id=10078 Alec demos the new version of the AKAI MPK Mini - a portable MIDI keyboard controller that features 8 pads, 8 knobs and a brand new joystick control, among other features. Sign up for our email newsletter! http://savedbytechnology.com/catalog/signup.php Saved by Technology p: 416 928 6434 145 St. Luke Lane Toronto, Ontario M4Y0A7 http://www.savedbytechnology.com
Наша группа ВК: http://vk.com/volfbeats ДРУГИЕ ССЫЛКИ: https://www.facebook.com/volfworks https://soundcloud.com/volfworks В этом видео участвовали: MIDI-контроллер:AKAI MPK mini Софт: FL Studio 10 Семпл: Eloise Laws - Love Comes Easy
Links: Twitter: https://twitter.com/AWSOMEREVIEWS Link to the AKAI MIDI keyboard: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00IJ6QAO2?psc=1&redirect;=true&ref;_=oh_aui_detailpage_o01_s00
New Video - https://youtu.be/eky9Ovsk8hc https://www.instagram.com/savin70/ https://twitter.com/Drumpads_TV
Contact: a.mazuelosgarcia@gmail.com https://www.facebook.com/A.MazuelosEstudio Full beat and more beats: https://soundcloud.com/beatadoption
41-letni pasażer autobusu MPK w Rzeszowie zaatakował inną pasażerkę, bo nie spodobało mu się, że głośno rozmawiała przez telefon. Potem wybił szybę, sprawcę obezwładnił kierowca. Pasażerowie znów stali i nie reagowali. Video: Zarząd Transportu Miejskiego. Montaż: Piotr Kopiel / Rzeszów News http://rzeszow-news.pl/awantura-w-autobusie-mpk-pasazer-uderzyl-pasazerke-video/
I don't like to cook. But sometimes I do. Maybe if you're cute. I'd rather make music... THAT TRAP SH**! Made with samples from my kitchen FL Studio (Performance Mode) Akai MPK Mini MK2 TUTORIAL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gY3QOvMyJUI LIKE, COMMENT, SHARE, SUBSCRIBE for more music and videos! FACEBOOK https://facebook.com/crowfaze SOUNDCLOUD https://soundcloud.com/crowfaze TWITTER https://twitter.com/Crowfaze INSTAGRAM https://www.instagram.com/crowfazemusic/ BANDCAMP https://crowfaze.bandcamp.com/
Sampled: Mat Zo - Only For You Subscribe to this channel for more MPK videos, tutorials, music, etc :). Cheers! ------------------------- http://music.phrakture.com http://facebook.com/phrakturemusic http://soundcloud.com/phrakture http://youtube.com/phrakture http://twitter.com/phrakturemusic
I’m still a young man
So I think very little of death
Who really does, ‘til its coming for them?
And I know with each breath I come one closer
But death is just a hook behind the door
Where I’ll leave my dirty clothes
They may dump my body in the sea
Spread my ashes miles wide,
It won’t matter,
All my parts will realign.
They rush to find each other
When they hear their Lover’s cry,
And death will be abandoned
When He comes back for His bride
Saints are never buried,
They are seeds planted
Who bring about a greater harvest when
They burst forth from
The earth that needed their fruits,
But it could never hope to make
Enough room for their roots.
(Ah Ah Ah Ah Oh)
Death is swallowed up,
(Ah Ah Ah Ah Oh)
It owns nothing in me,
(Ah Ah Ah Ah Oh)
Oh, death is swallowed up,
(Ah Ah Ah Ah Oh)
It owns nothing in me,
Oh, precious in the sight of the Lord
Is the death of His faithful ones.
Precious in the sight of the Lord
Is the death of His faithful ones,
Oh, death is swallowed up.
Oh, it was always you, it was always you.
Oh, it was always you, it was always you.
Oh, it was always you, it was always you.
Oh, it was always you, it was always you.