Nov 10
Secreting wealth in tax havens deprives Canadian governments of massive amounts of tax revenue every year
Nov 8
Montreal's new mayor Valérie Plante at an event in 2015. Photo: Ville de Montréal
Plante is a progressive step away from paternalistic, autocratic municipal governance
Nov 7
Photo: Alex Guibord/Flickr
The Treasury Board is considering the impact of Supreme Court of Canada decision
Nov 6
Generation Nutrition program for Canadian schools. Photo: Action Against Hunger
Policymakers must make it easier to educate children and families as the government finalizes this country's first national food policy
Nov 5
Pressure is being put on the provincial government to encourage equity for strikers ahead of the 2018 election
Nov 3
The 2014 Climate Change meeting in Bonn, Germany. Photo: Shubert Ciencia for UNFCCC
Countries of the Global South and environmentalists are fighting developed countries oil giants being allowed in to climate change negotiations
Nov 2
Catalonia's declaration of independence from Spain on October 27, 2017. Photo: Antonio Litov/Fotomovimiento/Flickr
Homage can be paid to Catalonia's decision without criminalizing leaders
Nov 1
The lack of transparency around NAFTA means undemocratic policies are being considered which could harm ordinary Canadians
The lack of transparency around NAFTA means undemocratic policies are being considered which could harm ordinary Canadians
Oct 31
Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh in 2013. Photo: Anwar Hossain EU/ECHO/Flickr
Understanding the context of the current crisis in Burma is important
Oct 27
Photo: Matthew Berens
Ralph Goodale's series of new memos defy the absolute prohibition on torture. This is immoral and foolish, given how Canadian citizens have been treated and the deserved payouts they have received
Oct 26
The headquarters for the Law Society of Upper Canada is in Osgoode Hall.
Discrimination and bias are experienced daily by racialized licencees
Oct 25
Bill Morneau’s fall fiscal update gives the beleaguered finance minister a chance to shine. But his soaring rhetoric about his new measures might outrun their modest ambitions
The Trudeau government’s fall fiscal update gives the beleaguered finance minister a chance to shine. But Bill Morneau’s soaring rhetoric about his new measures might outrun their modest ambitions
Oct 24
Mìwàte's dazzling lights distract from the dam that imprisons the falls. Photo: Dr. Julie Comber
There is an appropriate and inappropriate way to celebrate the sacred Akikodjiwan (Chaudière Falls) through art
Oct 22
In light of the allegations against Harvey Weinstein women took to social media to share their experiences with the hashtag #MeToo. It's an old story, but it's still news.
Oct 20
A woman wearing a niqab on Rue Ontario in Montreal in 2012. Photo: Claude Robillard/Flickr
Some political leaders have condemned Quebec’s Law 62 as a violation of human rights; others not. Justin Trudeau has been circumspect, while Jagmeet Singh and the Ontario legislature have gone further
Oct 19
Anti-Islamophobia protesters. Image: Fibonacci Blue/flickr
Confronting the normalization of Islamophobia
Oct 18
The group photo of Republic Repair. Photo: Clarita PB
Karina Griffith uses film, music, theatre, panel discussions and storytelling to address the 10-point Plan for Reparatory Justice produced by CARICOM in 2014
Oct 17
Bombardier is not just a company. It is a piece of Quebec’s identity, and, in a way, Canada’s sense of itself as an industrial power.
Will this save Canada's aerospace industry?
Oct 16
Finance Minister Bill Morneau is not the reason the Liberals are slumping in the polls, Justin Trudeau is
Bill Morneau is not the first finance minister to back away from a major proposal. Canadians have many reasons other than a corporate tax change to be disappointed with Justin Trudeau's record
Oct 13
The official launch of the I AM Affected Campaign will be the start of an ongoing dialogue to lead the residents of Halton .
Oct 12
NDP leader Jagmeet Singh
Jagmeet Singh’s Quebec visit reveals both opportunities and dangers
On his first visit to Quebec outside Montreal, Singh had to answer questions not only on his turban, but also on separation.
Oct 11
The Tiny House Warriors plan to build 10 houses to assert their jurisdiction over the unceded lands the Trans Mountain Pipeline will traverse
The Tiny House Warriors plan to build 10 houses to assert their jurisdiction over the unceded lands the Trans Mountain Pipeline will traverse
Oct 9
The full talk by Amy Goodman, host of 'Democracy Now', speaking at a special fundraising event on October 1.
Oct 6
In 2012, hundreds of demonstrators marched from an Ottawa science conference to Parliament Hill under the banner the ‘Death of Evidence’. Photo: Richard Webster/
Scientists have fought back against irrationalism. They also need to fight against corruption in their own ranks
Oct 5
Environment Minister Catherine McKenna with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau at COP21 on Nov. 30, 2015
Justin Trudeau signed the Paris accord with much enthusiasm. He has been much slower to act on reducing greenhouse gas emissions
Oct 4
With her brother on her back a war weary Korean girl tiredly trudges by a stalled M-26 tank, at Haengju, Korea, in June 1951.
As an escalating war of words between Donald Trump and Kim Jong Un receives mainstream news attention, it is time to consider history
Oct 3
President Donald Trump (right) and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau (left) shake hands during a joint press conference at the White House on Monday, Feb. 13, 2017.
Instead of being troubled by Donald Trump's threat to withdraw from NAFTA, Chrystia Freeland should be preparing to withdraw instead
Oct 2
The new NDP leader spoke of 'love and courage' in his victory speech after winning in the first ballot
Sep 28
Image: Flickr/Province of British Columbia
Sunday morning drew a crowd of 50,000 people to Walk for Reconciliation, an event organized in partnership by Reconciliation Canada and the City of Vancouver.
Sep 27
Niki Ashton speaks to students and supporters at McGill University. Photo: davehuehn/flickr
On September 26, we hosted our first Q&A with leadership candidate Niki Ashton. Here we bring you her full babble interview, featuring the top questions submitted by you, our readers.
