How you will pay for Zuma's free education plan
Slashing spending and upping taxes may help plug the budget shortfall and pay for higher education



Struggle’s fighters are still bleeding
An ex-freedom fighter tells of the psychological damage she brought back with her from exile


IFP pick could backfire
The party’s veteran leader has backed an outsider to succeed him, sparking possible dissension

M&G; Africa

Madagascar’s grave dilemma
The pneumonic plague is forcing the islanders to abandon their traditional burial rites


DRC’s carbon bomb is ticking
Scientists and green campaigners say the peatlands hold gigatonnes of carbon — a stockpile that poses a threat to hopes of limiting global warming.


Discipline in schools: What the law says you can and can’t do
There is a difference between discipline and corporal punishment: one means teaching acceptable behaviours and the other intends grievous bodily harm


EU chicken dumping starves Africa
Unlike other countries on the continent, South Africa ignores the high cost of cheap chicken imports


Facebook urges users to send nude pics to combat revenge porn
"It removes control and power from the perpetrator who is ostensibly trying to amplify the humiliation of the victim amongst friends and family."


Gasping for breath: Pneumonia's deadly toll
A disease that claims the lives of two children under five a minute worldwide has hit drought-stricken Kenya hard, its spread driven by malnutrition.

Arts & Culture

Staying sane in a trying industry
Diliza Moabi is passionate about TV and has spent the greater part of his life making his dreams come true


SA, India can now kiss and make up
The ‘special relationship’ between the two cricketing nations soured nastily, but sanity will hopefully prevail now Haroon Lorgat has gone

Client Media Releases

Road upgrade injects R30m in SME development
MTN SA, Ericsson sign MOU
Exploring transformation, decolonisation in higher education
Imperial Logistics sells Schirm