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Journos behind (small) bars: Ahoy-hoy from Rodney's Bait 'n Tackle

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"Ooh, don't tell me, I think I know where it is," my mum said as we headed towards Mosman Park.

Not that I doubted her, but I surreptitiously pulled it up on Google Maps, just to be sure.

We were on our way to one the newest small bars to put down roots on Stirling Highway, Rodney's Bait 'n Tackle.

As we chatted in the car, I kept an eye on the dropped pin on my phone's map and the blue dot that had already moved passed it, indicating we had missed it. But mum said she knew where it was.

A few streets later, she pulled into the car park of Whitworths Marine.

"Pretty sure they sell actual bait and tackle here, mum" I deadpanned as we both laughed.


We followed the numbers back up towards 598 before we hit another problem: parking.

The trouble with some of these bars opening up in strip malls in heavily residential areas is that finding a space is always going to be tough. In hindsight, we should've just taken the train - Mosman Park station is directly across the road.

Walking in, we were greeted by a lovely lass who mum immediately asked if we should check-in with her. No, but she did say that after 6pm there was a cover of $5. It was 5.45pm. Yesss.

I'm not sure what I was expecting but this place was absolutely heaving.

Here's what we thought...

Tosser Factor
Think Cottesloe with the pretentiousness weeded out. No suits, but lots of buttoned shirts. An almost-lazy vibe where smart-casual reigned supreme.  And while it was very busy, it wasn't hard to turn your hips to slip past the other TGIF comrades, who kindly moved half a step to the side to let you through. Not one man-bun in sight. Nothing was a problem for the staff - they even had a phone charging station for those that were living dangerously on one bar of battery.

Food For Thought
Yeah, we could've ordered dips with organic bread ($10) or the cheese platter ($25) but I spotted one, crucial point of difference here, and it was Peter's Choice Butchery which supplies Rodney's with a selection of meat pies and snagga rolls.  This was a no-brainer. We immediately ordered a pork and fennel sausage roll ($8), the pickle mix ($7) and Rodney's nuts ($6). While food isn't super-plentiful, it's exactly what you want when you're drinking. Rodney's nuts were delicious and salty.

Quirky Artefact 
This whole place is a quirky artefact. All it's missing from its kitsch, boatie interior is beach sand. I mean, the bar is an actual boat. And every single piece of 70s and 80s tackle shop paraphernalia is living a second life here. It should feel like a mish-mash, but it makes sense.  For a place that's only been open for three months, it felt established. It felt welcoming and fun. It felt like Lancelin. It felt like Alby Mangels was going to walk in at any moment. The live music kicked off about 7.30pm, shortly after the fish raffle. Two blokes (one wearing a big yellow raincoat and ringing a cow bell) paraded a tray of fresh oysters and a bottle of red. All the tickets were snapped up in minutes. The owner of the first ticket drawn wasn't fast enough to collect, and no time was wasted in drawing a second. You snooze, you lose, clearly. But this just added to the theatre. It was so much fun.

Signature Drink 
Not really a signature drink per se, but they regularly change-up what's on offer on the bilge pump. Under normal circumstances, you would not ever, ever, drink anything that's even touched a bilge pump. But at Rodney's, it was a delicious Hofbrau Original. The Dark n' Stormy was pretty subtle for my liking, I prefer them quite bitey, so I was a bit disappointed (but the swordfish swizzle stick was fab).

Bogan Beer Factor
If you like traditional Export or VB, now is probably the time to try something new. Rodney's has four on tap: Perth Draught, Pirate Life Throw Back, Sierra Nevada Pale Ale and whatever's on the Bilge Pump. I tried the Perth Draught, and to be honest, while it wasn't completely unoffensive, it had this bittery floral note that I couldn't shake. Throw caution to the wind and go the Bilge Pump.

Location, Location
If you're a local, it's unassuming, but you'll find it in a snap. For those who haven't been to Mossy Park in awhile, try not to end up at Whitworths Marine. Also, as mentioned, parking is a major issue here. Take the train.

Price Gouge 
Is the pint being phased out or something? There were only middies ($6-$8) or schooners ($8.50-$10.50), and I thought that was on point. Not once did I say something to the effect of 'you're kidding, right?' so I think the prices here are pretty measured. I think that charging a cover from 6pm was a bit cheeky.

But the attention to detail is hilariously spectacular. You're going to have fun here.


Rodney's Bait 'n Tackle
598 Stirling Hwy, Mosman Park
Opening hours:
-       4pm-11pm Wednesday-Thursday
-       1pm-midnight Friday-Saturday
-       1pm-10pm Sunday