Commencement of construction works on regulation of Podstranac watercourse

The beginning of works on the regulation of the flash watercourses of Podstranac and Jularac in city of Banja Luka started. In this area more than 25,000 residents live and 35 to 40 business entities operates.

Energy efficiency measures improve people's lives

Agreement signed on additional financing of the UNDP’s Green Economic Development project by the Government of Sweden in the amount of BAM 2.9 million, as well as the Co-financing Agreement with the Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund of Republika Srpska in the amount of BAM 500.000.

The first "Global Crowdfunding Academy in BiH" begins!

Guided by the idea of crowdfunding as an opportunity for financing innovative projects in Bosnia and Herzegovina, UNDP, in cooperation with Terra Hub Croatia and AltFinLab is organizing the first "Global Crowdfunding Academy in BiH". UNDP invites all innovative and creative teams to submit applications for participation in the "Global Crowdfunding Academy in BiH".

MEG project: Better water supply in 18 cities and municipalities in BiH by reduction of Non-Revenue Water

MEG Project provides technical assistance and necessary equipment to water utility companies in 18 cities and municipalities in BiH, aiming to enable better water supply to citizens by reduction of non-revenue water.

Marking IDDR Day: We should not wait for a disaster to happen, we should act preventively

On the occasion of marking of the International Day of Disaster Risk Reduction, the Ministry of Security of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the UNDP in Bosnia and Herzegovina presented a new project "Interlinking Disaster Risk Management in Bosnia and Herzegovina (IDRM)" for which Italian Agency for Development Cooperation, has allocated USD 350,000.

World Tourism Day 2017 celebrated: Via Dinarica an engine for sustainable tourism development in BiH

Throughout the world September 27 was celebrated as World Tourism Day 2017, and this year’s theme was “Sustainable Tourism – a Tool for Development”. Via Dinarica project, as a tool for development of sustainable tourism in BiH, supported with 100.000 BAM.

Via Dinarica: Finish tour operators and a travel blogger discover magic of tourism in Bosnia and Herzegovina

A couple of tour operators and a travel blogger - journalist from Finland, visited Bosnia and Herzegovina this week, and explored some of Via Dinarica trails, aiming to inform Finnish tourists about this destination, and prepare attractive programs for them.

LID: Public works project “Together to employment” successfully implemented in Foča

Over the past four months, 30 workers from socially vulnerable categories, including 10 women, have got jobs within the scope of project dubbed “Together to employment", which was successfully implemented in Foča.

MEG project supports systematic improvements of water supply services in BiH

MEG project started an initiative to systematically solve problems in the area of public water services, by signing Public Service Agreements (PSA) between local authorities, as founders, and public water utility companies. As of now, 11 MEG project partner local governments in BiH have signed PSAs with water utility companies for the provision of public water supply services.

EU Local Integrated Development project provides a better living standard for beneficiaries in Doboj, Žepče and Maglaj

Successes of the LID Project, funded with EUR 6.6 million by the EU, and implemented by the UNDP, is clearly visible in the Doboj, Žepče and Maglaj areas. This was the conclusion of the visit of Head of Cooperation at the EU Delegation in BiH Melvin Asin, and Deputy UNDP Resident Representative in BiH Sukhrob Khoshmukhamedov, to LID Project beneficiaries and representatives of the local authorities.

Young People in BiH share their socio-economic perceptions and experiences: research

The research on BiH youth’s socio-economic perceptions was conducted with the aim of examining their views and experiences on a wide range of current issues, including on employment and job markets, political awareness and activism, mobility and EU accession. It was commissioned under the framework of the global EU-funded, UNDP-implemented project on „Building and Consolidating Capacities for Conflict Prevention“.

Inter-municipal cooperation – the key for integrated local development

How Integrated Local Development Project (ILDP) assists in the enhancing of cooperation among cities and municipalities in Bosnia and Herzegovina?

100 projects implemented and improved quality of life for 100,000 citizens

More than 200 local community forums held, 76 infrastructure projects and 34 social inclusion projects, 125 premises of local communities modernised, seven social centres opened, and countless trainings for local community representatives are but few deliverables of the project Strengthening the Role of Local Communities/Mjesne Zajednice (MZs) in BiH. During only one year of its implementation, the project had an impact on the quality of life of more than 100,000 citizens in BiH, of which 40,000 women.

UNDP BiH supports the socio-economic development of Trebinje and Ljubinje

City of Trebinje and Municipality of Ljubinje have developed long partnerships with UNDP in BiH, and Sezin Sinanoglu, UNDP BiH Resident Representative visited these areas to observe the implementation and impact of the activities of the local development projects and discuss the potential for future joint engagements in developmental programmes in Eastern Herzegovina.

Success story: Social inclusion– the key to better quality of life in BiH

How Integrated Local Development Project (ILDP) assists in the social inclusion of people with disabilities and the elderly in Bosnia and Herzegovina?

Third National Communication (TNC) and Second Biennial Update Report on Greenhouse Gas Emissions (SBUR) of Bosnia and Herzegovina Adopted

The Third National Communication (TNC) and Second Biennial Update Report on Greenhouse Gas Emissions (SBUR) of Bosnia and Herzegovina under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) was adopted by the BiH Council of Ministers on May 23rd, 2017 and submitted to the UNFCCC Secretariat in Bonn.

Diaspora for the economy of the Srebrenica region

The roundtable session “Diaspora for the economy of the Srebrenica region” emphasized the need for a more intensive participation of the diaspora in the development of the municipalities of Srebrenica, Bratunac, Milići, Vlasenica, and Zvornik

The “First Job” project will benefit 320 unemployed people in the Birač region

UNDP BiH and Embassy of the Netherlands in BiH signed an agreement for the “First Jobs” project worth almost 655,000 US dollars, which will support 320 unemployed people in the Birač region, especially women and youth, to attain their first job.

EU STAR Begins – 3,000 tonnes of unsafe ammo to be destroyed by the end of 2019

The EU-funded EU STAR project, worth EUR 2.8 million, will enable destruction of 3,000 tonnes of unstable ammunition in specialized domestic and international demilitarization plants in order to reduce the risk that excessive ammunition supplies represent to safety of people and communities in country.

ILDP project: 11 new municipalities in BiH were selected for support in development management

Within the scope of the ILDP project, 11 new municipalities in BiH have been selected for receiving technical support in creating development strategies and introducing systemic approach in implementation, monitoring and reporting about implementation of development priorities.

Grants for cooperation with diaspora signed with ten municipalities

Development strategies of municipalities of Jajce, Ključ, Laktaši, Ljubuški, Maglaj, Nevesinje, Posušje, Prijedor, Sanski Most and Velika Kladuša now include cooperation with diaspora as one of the important objectives, and the grants will allow for the implementation of concrete projects contributing to better cooperation with the diaspora and development of local communities. Some of the projects include the development of professional training programmes for CNC operators, medical teams for oesophagus surgeries or integrated agricultural production for access to the EU market.

Energy efficiency projects generate new jobs in BiH

Sezin Sinanoglu, Resident Representative of UNDP CO in BiH, and Srebrenka Golić, Minister of Spatial Planning, Civil Engineering and Ecology of RS, by revealing a plaque officially marked the completion of thermal insulation works on one of the oldest buildings in Banja Luka. The faculty building is renovated within “Green Economic Development” Project.