Showing posts with label Carl Brandon Society. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Carl Brandon Society. Show all posts

21 May 2011

Readercon is Just Around the Corner, And...

I was honored to be asked to join the programming committee for Readercon this year. Over the past 6 months or so, the committee, led brilliantly by Rose Fox, has come up with what will be, I think, a really interesting and diverse set of panels, discussions, talks, and readings. I just took a look at the items that will be heading out soon to participants for sign-up, and it's really satisfying to see where all of our discussions, brainstorming, and crazy ideas have led. Since Readercon is the only convention I attend regularly, it's fun to have the opportunity to help shape it a little bit. I just threw some ideas out there and wrote some descriptions of panels; the real work is being done by others, who are astoundingly dedicated and smart.

I'm noting Readercon here first to remind you (yes, you!) that it would be nice to see you there (July 14-17, Burlington, Massachusetts), and also to note that Readercon now supports Con or Bust, a project of the Carl Brandon Society to provide funding for people of color to attend conventions. It's very easy to donate to Con or Bust via Paypal and help increase diversity at SF conventions. If you are a person of color and are interested in requesting financial assistance from Con or Bust, that's pretty easy, too.