Last updated: October 30, 2017

Monday 30th October 2017

SMSF advisers get it wrong

Headshot of contributor Monica Rule

You can’t use your self-managed superannuation fund to lend yourself or relatives money

Westpac rolls the BBSW dice

Westpac rolls the BBSW dice

After ANZ and NAB settled with ASIC, Westpac is going it alone in defending against rate-rigging allegations.

‘Blatant discrimination’ to end?

‘Blatant discrimination’ to end?

High Court’s citizenship decision opens the way to test the infamous ‘White Australia’ 1926 constitutional interpretation.

A productivity fix is doomed

A productivity fix is doomed

The business of government in this country doesn’t work and hasn’t been working properly for about a decade.

Monday 30th October 2017

A masterpiece of compromise

A masterpiece of compromise

NAB’s carefully worded statement about its rate-rigging settlement with ASIC is a window into the compromises made.

Super could be improved

Supplied Editorial

Australia’s super system and the Future Fund both aim to ensure Australians have adequate savings for their retirement.

Milk deals will keep flowing

ONE TIME USE... 24/07/2006 BUSINESS: A milk tanker stands parked at the Rapa Fonterra factory in Hamilton, New Zealand on Monday July 24, 2006. New Zealand's annual trade deficit narrowed in August as a gain in exports of aluminum, milk powder, meat and logs outpaced growth in imports. Photographer: Brendon O'Hagan/Bloomberg News.

What’s ahead for the dairy producers in Australia now that the largest player has been acquired by Saputo?

Not all sources deserve shielding

Not all sources deserve shielding

It’s an ethical minefield, but not all journalists’ sources deserve the same protection of their identities.

New dawn for TV advertisers

New columnist for The Australian, Mark Ritson

The big story was not what was happening in the Rugby League World Cup opener, but the TV coverage from Seven.

Growing pie key to more fairness

Growing pie key to more fairness

Journalists don’t think in economically rational ways and politicians lack the advocacy skills of Keating and Costello.

Bashing banks boosts fintechs

Bashing banks boosts fintechs

ANZ chairman David Gonski caused a stir with comments that Google or Facebook were unlikely to compete with banks.

Saturday 28th October 2017

Snakes alive, Beemer’s vanished

Supplied Editorial

Whileour racing team contended with a snake and a missing car, greater perils face Mazda and Ford buyers.

Active or passive? It depends

Digi dinkus for James Gerrard

Should you trust the sharemarket with your moneyor pay an active investment manager?

‘This could stop overnight’

Turnbull Government Intervenes Over Growing Baby Formula Shortage

Daigous are sending up to 60,000 parcels a day back to China, to the ire of Aussie consumers, but the axe may be about to fall.

Magnanimity suits Moore

Magnanimity suits Moore

The Macquarie boss was not impressed at being hit with the big bank levy but accepts a rise in public expectations.

Wesfarmers faces tough times

Wesfarmers faces tough times

In his 12 years as CEO of Wesfarmers Richard Goyder made two big strategic decisions.

Saputo lapping it up

Saputo lapping it up

Wisely, the top-10 global processor is only offering to buy MG’s operating assets and liabilities.

Friday 27th October 2017

Index funds fees must fall

Index funds fees must fall

It’s not just active managers that need to keep cutting fees.

MG sale marks end of an era

MG sale marks end of an era

The once-dominant dairy co-op Murray Goulburn flubbed its attempt to leap up the value chain into Asia.

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