Stylish streets and traditional pubs: Düsseldorf
  • Learning German in groups
    Learning German in groups ©Frank Blümler (Frank Blümler)
  • Learning German for professionals at the Goethe-Institut
    Learning German for professionals at the Goethe-Institut ©Goethe-Institut
  • Learning German for professionals at the Goethe-Institut
    Learning German for professionals at the Goethe-Institut ©Goethe-Institut
  • Learning German interactively for professionals
    Learning German interactively for professionals ©IKK Düsseldorf
  • Learning German on summer courses in your spare time
    Learning German on summer courses in your spare time ©IKK Düsseldorf
  • Learning German in your spare time
    Learning German in your spare time ©IKK Düsseldorf
  • Learning German in your spare time
    Learning German in your spare time ©GLS German Language School
  • Learning German in your spare time at Humboldt University
    Learning German in your spare time at Humboldt University ©HI Konstanz
  • Learning German for children and teenagers at the IIK Düsseldorf
    Learning German for children and teenagers at the IIK Düsseldorf ©IIK Düsseldorf
  • Learning German for children and teenagers at the Goethe-Institut
    Learning German for children and teenagers at the Goethe-Institut ©Goethe-Institut
  • Learning German for children and teenagers at the Goethe-Institut
    Learning German for children and teenagers at the Goethe-Institut ©Fotolia (Christian Schwier)
  • Learning German for children and teenagers at the Goethe-Institut
    Learning German for children and teenagers at the Goethe-Institut ©Plainpictures
  • Learning German for children and teenagers
    Learning German for children and teenagers ©Shutterstock
  • Learning German for students at the Carl Duisberg Centren
    Learning German for students at the Carl Duisberg Centren ©Thekla Ehling
  • Learning German for students at the Carl Duisberg Centren
    Learning German for students at the Carl Duisberg Centren ©Thekla Ehling
  • Learning German for students
    Learning German for students ©Shutterstock
  • Learning German at the Goethe-Institut
    Learning German at the Goethe-Institut ©Mareks Steins
  • Learning German for students
    Learning German for students ©Sprachschule Ehrstein

Learning German in Germany

Learning a new language is an exciting adventure. It broadens horizons and opens up access to a new world and a new culture. If you want to learn the language of Schiller and Goethe, we recommend learning it where the people speak, think and live in German. In other words, in one of the many language schools in Germany. There is no better place to learn German than here.

Whether you want to combine your holiday in Germany with a German language course, prepare to study or even work in Germany, or do a preparatory course for an admission test such as the TestDaF or BULATS, German language schools are perfect for learning German quickly, efficiently and in a fun environment.

The German language courses are designed specifically for beginners, more advanced learners, children, school classes, adults, professionals or even German teachers, and are held in small class sizes with well-trained German-speaking teachers. Lessons are taught at certified quality levels and in an exciting international atmosphere.

But if you want to learn the language properly, you also need to understand the country. As such, the lesson plan will leave enough time to discover fascinating German cities and museums, shopping paradises or customs and traditions after class. You can then put your newly acquired language skills to the test on your culinary forays into German gastronomy. Tip: Give the "Leberknödelsuppe" (liver dumpling soup) a try.

From pupils to travellers: We offer something for everyone

"It's the best way to combine a holiday with learning."

"You only really get to know Germany once you can express yourself in German. The vast array of German language schools is perfect for learning quickly. After taking a course, it was really easy for me to say what I wanted in pubs, restaurants and shops. That's great, isn't it?"

"Learning German for leisure purposes" »

Whether you like travelling to Germany, have friends or family there or just enjoy learning the language, you can find German language schools throughout the country. They help beginners and more advanced learners to always find the right words in German.

"Learning German in Germany is cool"

"I often spend my holidays learning German in Germany. The cool thing is you can do the preparatory course for the TestDaF – the test you need to pass to study in Germany – here. And after class there is enough time to go to the cinema, take a trip to the countryside, make new friends or see the beautiful country from way up high on a roller-coaster in an amusement park."

"Learning German for children and teenagers" »

You will speak German from day one in German language schools. You can also take advantage of single-person or group packages (e.g. for school classes). You will see how much fun it is to use your German in everyday situations.

"My German classes are my favourite part about my time in Germany."

"My girlfriend lives in Germany. I want to move there soon to be with her and work there. German language schools are tailor-made for learning German, with their small class sizes, qualified teachers and job-related courses. In the evenings after lessons, I visit museums, go to the theatre and sample the delicious German cuisine."

"Learning German for business purposes" »

If you want to take a course at a German language school for professional reasons, you can expect high-quality content and teachers. Doing specialised preparatory courses is an excellent way to revise for a recognised German test such as the TestDaF.

"Plenty of time for lessons and leisure activities"

"My dream is to study product design in Germany. One of my friends gave me a tip: Take a language course at a German language school before you start your degree. I am learning the language quickly and effectively at the school. I also have enough time to discover another side to this exciting university city on an evening bar hop."

"Learning German for students" »

Germany's language schools have plenty to offer students and prospective students alike: In addition to lessons for every language level and preparatory courses for the TestDaF and BULATS tests, there is still enough time to get to know the country, people and culture. Or just to chill out.

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