Island idylls – pieces of paradise that everyone can experience

Despite the enormous diversity of Germany's islands, they all have one thing in common: they inspire happiness in their visitors. Tranquil havens of natural beauty, family-friendly holiday destinations or places to experience great food and drink and life with a maritime twist.

Wind and waves, the wide ocean in front of you and nothing but the sky above. Germany's North Sea islands have a wonderful bracing climate, endless beaches and stunning scenery. The UNESCO World Heritage Wadden Sea is a joy to visit, with gorgeous views and panoramas and top-class accommodation and cuisine. For relaxation and wellness we have the Baltic Sea islands with their lovely sandy beaches and secluded coves, while the beautiful inland islands of southern Germany are perfect for romantic souls and lovers of culture.

Far, far away from everyday life ... Discover Germany's wonderful islands. And you will find your own special piece of paradise.

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