
The Libertarian Socialist Revolution - Blood Logic

A txt file attached to torrents of tv shows advocating and introducing Libertarian Socialism. It was dedicated to the memory of Alexandros Grigoropoulos a Greek student whose death at the hands of police sparked rioting in 2008. Original ASCII has been preserved as much as possible.

Down with the Bourgeois Republic! Down with Its Constitution! – Amadeo Bordiga

An article from 1947 by Amadeo Bordiga in which he discusses the debate over the constitution of the new Italian republic, the role of religion and secularism in Italian history, the opportunism of the Communist Party, “conformism” in Italian politics, the incompatibility of religion and socialism, the idolatry of the “sacred and inviolable” rights of the “Individual”, the fraud of political decentralization (which he correctly saw as opening the door of politics to the Mafia), the “demagogic appeal to labor” in modern “totalitarian” ideologies (the goal of the workers movement is “a society founded not on labor, but on consumption”), the illusion of self-management, etc.

Catalan independence: what’s hiding behind the nationalist myth? - Mouvement Communiste/Kolektivně proti Kapitălu

pro and anti independentists

This leaflet was produced at the end of October and therefore before Madrid imposed direct rule on Catalonia... But it still makes the important points!

Industrial Worker (Summer 2017)

The Spring 2017 (#1780 Vol. 114 No. 3 ) issue of the Industrial Worker, a publication of the revolutionary union, the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW).

Silences on the suppression of workers self-emancipation: historical problems with CLR James's interpretation of V.I. Lenin

Matthew Quest, writing for Insurgent Notes, details CLR James' treatment of Lenin across decades of James' work. While CLR James broke with with Trotskyism and Trotsky as well as the Leninist party form, he never properly broke with Lenin or his works.

Confederation for Freedom and Direct Democracy: Mission Statement

Mission statement for the Confederation for Freedom and Direct Democracy (CFADD), a social ecologist organisation.

Dialogue with Bordiga – Jacques Camatte

In this 1988 essay, Jacques Camatte reassesses the continuing relevance of Bordiga’s emphasis on the need for a “radical break” (scisma) with democracy—a view that Camatte maintains is “not the exclusive property of the extreme right”—which, since the prospect for communist revolution was nullified by the victories of the United States in the two world wars, must now, according to Camatte, serve as the presupposition for another radical break—a break with the culture that is the product of the Enlightenment and its cult of science and productivity—and our reconciliation with nature.

Eqbal Ahmad Reader – BhoPEAC

Eqbal Ahmad Reader – BhoPEAC

“India’s nuclear program is a devastating threat not only to south Asia but to the world. The basic India Pakistan conflict seems to me, to be over Kashmir. And until that’s settled in some fashion – and we can imagine settlements. Eqbal Ahmad had sensible proposals for settlement. They could be pursued. Then maybe India and Pakistan could relax the military confrontation. And maybe, setting up a nuclear weapons free zone.” – Noam Chomsky

Azadi (volume 1 issue 3, November 2017) - Indian Anarchist Federation

Azadi, meaning freedom and liberty, is a 4 page newsletter by Indian Anarchist Federation. Published and distributed primarily in city of Bhopal. It began in 2017.