- published: 04 Apr 2011
- views: 384127
An investment bank is a financial institution that assists individuals, corporations, and governments in raising financial capital by underwriting or acting as the client's agent in the issuance of securities. An investment bank may also assist companies involved in mergers and acquisitions (M&A) and provide ancillary services such as market making, trading of derivatives and equity securities, and FICC services (fixed income instruments, currencies, and commodities).
Unlike commercial banks and retail banks, investment banks do not take deposits. From the passage of Glass–Steagall Act in 1933 until its repeal in 1999 by the Gramm–Leach–Bliley Act, the United States maintained a separation between investment banking and commercial banks. Other industrialized countries, including G7 countries, have historically not maintained such a separation. As part of the Dodd–Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 2010 (Dodd-Frank Act of 2010), the Volcker Rule asserts full institutional separation of investment banking services from commercial banking.
Investment is time, energy, or matter spent in the hope of future benefits actualized within a specified date or time frame. This article concerns investment in finance.
In finance, investment is buying or creating an asset with the expectation of capital appreciation, dividends (profit), interest earnings, rents, or some combination of these returns. This may or may not be backed by research and analysis. Most or all forms of investment involve some form of risk, such as investment in equities, property, and even fixed interest securities which are subject, among other things, to inflation risk. It is indispensable for project investors to identify and manage the risks related to the investment. Investment and investing is distinguished from other uses of money (such as saving, speculation, donation, gifting), in that the deployment of money is done for the purposes of obtaining a positive expected return.
In finance, investment is the purchase of an asset or item with the hope that it will generate income or appreciate in the future and be sold at the higher price. It generally does not include deposits with a bank or similar institution. The term investment is usually used when referring to a long-term outlook. This is the opposite of trading or speculation, which are short-term practices involving a much higher degree of risk. Financial assets take many forms and can range from the ultra safe low return government bonds to much higher risk higher reward international stocks. A good investment strategy will diversify the portfolio according to the specified needs.
Capital markets are financial markets for the buying and selling of long-term debt or equity-backed securities. These markets channel the wealth of savers to those who can put it to long-term productive use, such as companies or governments making long-term investments. Capital markets are defined as markets in which money is provided for periods longer than a year. Financial regulators, such as the UK's Bank of England (BoE) or the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), oversee the capital markets in their jurisdictions to protect investors against fraud, among other duties.
Modern capital markets are almost invariably hosted on computer-based electronic trading systems; most can be accessed only by entities within the financial sector or the treasury departments of governments and corporations, but some can be accessed directly by the public. There are many thousands of such systems, most serving only small parts of the overall capital markets. Entities hosting the systems include stock exchanges, investment banks, and government departments. Physically the systems are hosted all over the world, though they tend to be concentrated in financial centres like London, New York, and Hong Kong.
MoneyWeek’s Tim Bennett explains what investment banks actually do- and how they earn their huge profits. MoneyWeek videos are made by MoneyWeek, the UK’s most popular financial magazine. Founded in 2000, MoneyWeek aims to provide intelligent and enjoyable commentary on the most important financial stories. It also tells you how to make money from the latest financial news. For more videos and exclusive content please visit http://moneyweek.com/video-tutorial/
Source : Société Générale CIB Taking a concrete example of a company with a project to build a new generation of wind turbines, this educational video explains the services provided by a corporate and investment bank which enable the project to see the day. The four main services offered include providing strategic advice, organising the financing, helping the client manage financial risk and offering appropriate investment solutions. In this way, Societe Generale plays a role in financing the economy. In French : Banque de Financement & d'Investissement (BFI) En partant d'un cas concret d'une société qui a un projet de bâtir une nouvelle génération d'éoliennes, cette vidéo pédagogique explique comment une banque de financement et d'investissement apporte des services qui permettent au...
Financial Markets (2011) (ECON 252) Professor Shiller characterizes investment banking by contrasting it to consulting, commercial banking, and securities trading. Then, in order to see the essence of investment banking, he reviews some of the principles that John Whitehead, the former chairman of Goldman Sachs, has formulated. These principles are the basis for a discussion of the substantial power that investment bankers have, and their role in society. Government regulation of these powerful investment banks has been a thorny issue for many years, and especially so now since they played a significant role in world financial crisis of the 2000s. 00:00 - Chapter 1. Key Elements of Investment Banking 09:50 - Chapter 2. Principles and Culture of Investment Banking 16:54 - Chapter 3. Regu...
Institute Education CLICK HERE http://www.itpm.com/education/ Institute of Trading and Portfolio Management - University Tour 2013 Filmed at University College London (UCL) November 2013 University Tour 2013 -- Full Presentation CLICK HERE http://issuu.com/instituteoftrading/docs/institute_university_tour_2013
Investment banks are notorious for their highly competitive working environment and long working hours for junior employees. Nevertheless, they continue to be seen as one of the prime destinations for talented Business and Finance graduates, given the excitement of working on large deals and the high pay scale that comes with this job. Investment banking operations tend to be more sophisticated than traditional “deposit taking, credit giving” retail banking services. Investment banks work closely with corporate clients, pension funds, financial sponsors and governments to structure and execute some of the largest transactions that we see in the news. Website: http://365careers.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/365careers Twitter: twitter.com/365careers Udemy: https://www.udemy.com/u...
http://thegatewayonline.com We spoke to Morgan Stanley bankers to find out how to decide whether the sector is right for you, why an internship is so important, and what investment banks – and Morgan Stanley recruiters in particular – are looking for in graduates.
Taking a concrete example of a company with a project to build a new generation of wind turbines, this educational video explains the services provided by a corporate and investment bank which enable the project to see the day. The four main services offered include providing strategic advice, organising the financing, helping the client manage financial risk and offering appropriate investment solutions. In this way, Societe Generale plays a role in financing the economy.
Capital markets are one of the most fascinating areas of investment banking. Companies need these services when they are about to go public or want to issue debt sold to the public. When a company wants to raise equity, we talk about ECM, standing for Equity Capital Markets, and when it wants to raise debt, we talk about DCM, standing for Debt Capital Markets.
In this video, Joshua Rosenbaum and Joshua Pearl, authors of the highly acclaimed and authoritative textbook, Investment Banking, walk you through some common behavioral questions asked during the investment banking interview process, specifically, "Why are you interested in investment banking"? You can access more investment banking mock interview and training videos at http://www.efficientlearning.com/inve...
MoneyWeek’s Tim Bennett explains what investment banks actually do- and how they earn their huge profits. MoneyWeek videos are made by MoneyWeek, the UK’s most popular financial magazine. Founded in 2000, MoneyWeek aims to provide intelligent and enjoyable commentary on the most important financial stories. It also tells you how to make money from the latest financial news. For more videos and exclusive content please visit http://moneyweek.com/video-tutorial/
Source : Société Générale CIB Taking a concrete example of a company with a project to build a new generation of wind turbines, this educational video explains the services provided by a corporate and investment bank which enable the project to see the day. The four main services offered include providing strategic advice, organising the financing, helping the client manage financial risk and offering appropriate investment solutions. In this way, Societe Generale plays a role in financing the economy. In French : Banque de Financement & d'Investissement (BFI) En partant d'un cas concret d'une société qui a un projet de bâtir une nouvelle génération d'éoliennes, cette vidéo pédagogique explique comment une banque de financement et d'investissement apporte des services qui permettent au...
Financial Markets (2011) (ECON 252) Professor Shiller characterizes investment banking by contrasting it to consulting, commercial banking, and securities trading. Then, in order to see the essence of investment banking, he reviews some of the principles that John Whitehead, the former chairman of Goldman Sachs, has formulated. These principles are the basis for a discussion of the substantial power that investment bankers have, and their role in society. Government regulation of these powerful investment banks has been a thorny issue for many years, and especially so now since they played a significant role in world financial crisis of the 2000s. 00:00 - Chapter 1. Key Elements of Investment Banking 09:50 - Chapter 2. Principles and Culture of Investment Banking 16:54 - Chapter 3. Regu...
Institute Education CLICK HERE http://www.itpm.com/education/ Institute of Trading and Portfolio Management - University Tour 2013 Filmed at University College London (UCL) November 2013 University Tour 2013 -- Full Presentation CLICK HERE http://issuu.com/instituteoftrading/docs/institute_university_tour_2013
Investment banks are notorious for their highly competitive working environment and long working hours for junior employees. Nevertheless, they continue to be seen as one of the prime destinations for talented Business and Finance graduates, given the excitement of working on large deals and the high pay scale that comes with this job. Investment banking operations tend to be more sophisticated than traditional “deposit taking, credit giving” retail banking services. Investment banks work closely with corporate clients, pension funds, financial sponsors and governments to structure and execute some of the largest transactions that we see in the news. Website: http://365careers.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/365careers Twitter: twitter.com/365careers Udemy: https://www.udemy.com/u...
http://thegatewayonline.com We spoke to Morgan Stanley bankers to find out how to decide whether the sector is right for you, why an internship is so important, and what investment banks – and Morgan Stanley recruiters in particular – are looking for in graduates.
Taking a concrete example of a company with a project to build a new generation of wind turbines, this educational video explains the services provided by a corporate and investment bank which enable the project to see the day. The four main services offered include providing strategic advice, organising the financing, helping the client manage financial risk and offering appropriate investment solutions. In this way, Societe Generale plays a role in financing the economy.
Capital markets are one of the most fascinating areas of investment banking. Companies need these services when they are about to go public or want to issue debt sold to the public. When a company wants to raise equity, we talk about ECM, standing for Equity Capital Markets, and when it wants to raise debt, we talk about DCM, standing for Debt Capital Markets.
In this video, Joshua Rosenbaum and Joshua Pearl, authors of the highly acclaimed and authoritative textbook, Investment Banking, walk you through some common behavioral questions asked during the investment banking interview process, specifically, "Why are you interested in investment banking"? You can access more investment banking mock interview and training videos at http://www.efficientlearning.com/inve...
Financial Markets (2011) (ECON 252) Professor Shiller characterizes investment banking by contrasting it to consulting, commercial banking, and securities trading. Then, in order to see the essence of investment banking, he reviews some of the principles that John Whitehead, the former chairman of Goldman Sachs, has formulated. These principles are the basis for a discussion of the substantial power that investment bankers have, and their role in society. Government regulation of these powerful investment banks has been a thorny issue for many years, and especially so now since they played a significant role in world financial crisis of the 2000s. 00:00 - Chapter 1. Key Elements of Investment Banking 09:50 - Chapter 2. Principles and Culture of Investment Banking 16:54 - Chapter 3. Regu...
Institute Education CLICK HERE http://www.itpm.com/education/ Institute of Trading and Portfolio Management - University Tour 2013 Filmed at University College London (UCL) November 2013 University Tour 2013 -- Full Presentation CLICK HERE http://issuu.com/instituteoftrading/docs/institute_university_tour_2013
This is an overview of what to expect in a first round investment banking interview.
Annie started as an investment banker at Merrill Lynch but didn’t stay there for very long. Today, you will find her at well-known clubs in Berlin & London working as a DJ. Annie Oelmann started her career as an investment banker at Merrill Lynch in London after her studies at WHU - Otto Beisheim School of Management. Although this might look like the typical start of a successful business career Annie had a sudden realisation that this was not what she wanted to do in the future. She turned her life 180 degrees around and now follows a career path that is probably unbelievable to many following studies in a business context. After she quit her job as an investment banker she was earning her living through part-time jobs while exploring the music scene of London. Later on she started doin...
Robert Peston, the BBC's Business Editor, speaks to some of the heavy hitters in hedge-fund and private equity scene. Along with the investment bankers, these are the very people who have been blamed for the current financial woe's of the world. This film highlights the fact that these very few people have become super rich and while the global economy is collapsing around us, they get to sail off into the sunset, with bulging pockets, to lay back, and wait for the next set of opportunities that will come along. Which, ironically, will probably be the buying, very cheaply, of the many companies that are in trouble, due to the actions of hedge-funds, private equity firms, and investment bankers in the financial markets over recent years.
Jede Krise hat ihre eigenen Umstände -- die Immobilienkrise von 1990 etwa, die Dotcom-Krise von 2000 oder die UBS-Krise von 2008. Doch all diesen Krisen, auch den aktuellen, ist eines gemeinsam: fatale Fehleinschätzungen der Risiken, die zum Teil das Ausmaß von Realitätsverlusten aufweisen. Warum zeigen sich Banker bloß so wenig lernfähig? "Bis jetzt hatten die Banker wenig Veranlassung, aus Fehlern zu lernen, weil sie gerettet oder jedenfalls nicht sanktioniert wurden", erklärt ein einstiger UBS-Risikomanager. "Leider muss ich als Liberaler schweren Herzens sagen, dass man die Banken an die Kandare nehmen muss", sagt ein anderer, der nach 30 Jahren Bankbusiness ausgestiegen ist. "Ich sah keinen Lebenssinn mehr darin, Reiche noch reicher zu machen." Und ein ehemaliger Investmentbanker wech...
Geraint Anderson tells the dirty secrets of how the London City works. For 12 years he worked in the City and was part of the market-system. Before leaving he revealed the diriest secrets of investors in the City. The experts controlling the economy has no clue about what they are doing, and if they do, they don't give a damn, 'cuse they are bonus-controlled. Earn the most amount of money in the shortest period of time, is all that matters.