- published: 10 Apr 2017
- views: 256
Parity may refer to:
Networking and networking may refer to:
Gavin Wood, Co-Founder of Ethereum and Founder of Parity Technologies, presents Polkadot. Polkadot is a complementary protocol that will allow for both public and private blockchains to leave their silos and interact seamlessly. For more information: https://polkadot.network https://tiny.cc/web3chat channel: #polkadot https://gitter.im/polkadot-io/Lobby https://riot.im/app/#/room/#polkadot-trenches:matrix.org For a high level breakdown: https://blog.stephantual.com/web-three-revisited-part-two-introduction-to-polkadot-what-it-is-what-it-aint-657782051d34 Note the appearance of projects and presentations at The London Ethereum / 'Web 3' meetup does NOT represent an endorsement from any of our members, volunteers, partners or sponsors. Nothing presented at the meetup constitute investment...
New York City Ethereum Meetup Live Stream: September 21st, 2017 Peter Czaban, Parity Technologies
Wir haben mit Jutta Steiner, Mitgründerin von Parity Technologies, ein Interview über Blockchain, Bitcoin und Ethereum geführt. Sie erklärt uns darin, wie Blockchain funktioniert, was das für unsere Gesellschaft bedeutet und was in den nächsten Jahren noch passieren könnte.
Marek Kotewicz from Parity Technologies is one of the lead developers of the Polkadot Network. In this video, he explains how token holders have governance over the network and how the project aims to improve the issue of lack of scalability that affects the Blockchain space.
Talkshow on international startups addressing global challenges and how to succeed with the following guests: Wienke Giezeman - Initiator, The Things Network; Dominik Schiener - Co-founder, IOTA; Daniel Gasteiger - Founder Procivis AG; Jeroen van Megchelen - Founder Ledger Leopard; Björn Wagner - Co-founder Parity Technologies. At the Blockchain Future of Trust Summit 2017, September 28, Hall of Knights, The Hague, The Netherlands. Together with 260 hand-picked key players from startups to CEO’s, from government decision makers to leading (blockchain) entrepreneurs, from investors to scientists and politicians we dove into the future of trust, crystallized a collective understanding towards clear use cases and pre-sorted for a whole new season of building prototypes and doing business....
The internet has been viewed as transformative for society. But we are still effectively applying the same old business models and hierarchical structures to new technology. Dr. Gavin Wood, Founder of Web3 Foundation, Parity Technologies and Ethereum, explains why it's important for the internet to evolve into a truly decentralised web in order to allow for entirely new societal structures to be created.
Support the show, consider donating: BTC: 1CD83r9EzFinDNWwmRW4ssgCbhsM5bxXwg (https://epicenter.tv/tipbtc) ETH: 0x8cdb49ca5103Ce06717C4daBBFD4857183f50935 (https://epicenter.tv/tipeth) Scalability and interoperability are two of the main issues facing blockchain protocols today. In a future in which entire industries and economies rely on distributed technologies, it is unclear how blockchain networks will support massive amounts of data, and exchange transactions in a trusted way. Peter Czaban, co-founder of Polkadot, joins us as we dive deep into the Polkadot Network. Polkadot is a heterogeneous multi-chain network, consisting of many connected chains (or parachains), all of which have their own set of features and characteristics. Transactions flow across chains, while Polkadot ensu...
What's the difference between the mechanism that brings security and scalability to the Polkadot Network, and the model historically used by previous blockchains? Rob Habermeier from Parity Technologies, lead researcher of Polkadot, explains.
Конференция CIF 4 https://cif.pirate-party.ru/ Денис Солдатов, блокчейн-энтузиаст, DevOps в компании Parity Technologies. «Технология Ethereum и смарт-контракты. Основные возможности и перспективы блокчейн технологии Ethereum.»
Денис Солдатов, DevOps Parity Technologies Parity – https://parity.io –––––––––––––––– Конференция Робономика 2017 –––––––––––––––– Follow us: https://blog.aira.life https://twitter.com/AIRA_Robonomics https://www.instagram.com/aira_robonomics/ AIRA: http://aira.life https://github.com/airalab/aira
Jutta Steiner, founder and COO of Parity Technologies, spoke at the Bond Conference on 20 March 2017.
Gavin Wood, Co-Founder of Ethereum and Founder of Parity Technologies, presents Polkadot. Polkadot is a complementary protocol that will allow for both public and private blockchains to leave their silos and interact seamlessly. For more information: https://polkadot.network https://tiny.cc/web3chat channel: #polkadot https://gitter.im/polkadot-io/Lobby https://riot.im/app/#/room/#polkadot-trenches:matrix.org For a high level breakdown: https://blog.stephantual.com/web-three-revisited-part-two-introduction-to-polkadot-what-it-is-what-it-aint-657782051d34 Note the appearance of projects and presentations at The London Ethereum / 'Web 3' meetup does NOT represent an endorsement from any of our members, volunteers, partners or sponsors. Nothing presented at the meetup constitute investment...
New York City Ethereum Meetup Live Stream: September 21st, 2017 Peter Czaban, Parity Technologies
Talkshow on international startups addressing global challenges and how to succeed with the following guests: Wienke Giezeman - Initiator, The Things Network; Dominik Schiener - Co-founder, IOTA; Daniel Gasteiger - Founder Procivis AG; Jeroen van Megchelen - Founder Ledger Leopard; Björn Wagner - Co-founder Parity Technologies. At the Blockchain Future of Trust Summit 2017, September 28, Hall of Knights, The Hague, The Netherlands. Together with 260 hand-picked key players from startups to CEO’s, from government decision makers to leading (blockchain) entrepreneurs, from investors to scientists and politicians we dove into the future of trust, crystallized a collective understanding towards clear use cases and pre-sorted for a whole new season of building prototypes and doing business....
Support the show, consider donating: BTC: 1CD83r9EzFinDNWwmRW4ssgCbhsM5bxXwg (https://epicenter.tv/tipbtc) ETH: 0x8cdb49ca5103Ce06717C4daBBFD4857183f50935 (https://epicenter.tv/tipeth) Scalability and interoperability are two of the main issues facing blockchain protocols today. In a future in which entire industries and economies rely on distributed technologies, it is unclear how blockchain networks will support massive amounts of data, and exchange transactions in a trusted way. Peter Czaban, co-founder of Polkadot, joins us as we dive deep into the Polkadot Network. Polkadot is a heterogeneous multi-chain network, consisting of many connected chains (or parachains), all of which have their own set of features and characteristics. Transactions flow across chains, while Polkadot ensu...
Конференция CIF 4 https://cif.pirate-party.ru/ Денис Солдатов, блокчейн-энтузиаст, DevOps в компании Parity Technologies. «Технология Ethereum и смарт-контракты. Основные возможности и перспективы блокчейн технологии Ethereum.»
Windows Containers: The Step in Creating Linux/Windows Parity in Cloud Foundry - Stefan Schneider & Vlad Iovanov, HPE Helion The current sandboxing technologies used in the Windows Diego cells are quite different from their Linux counterparts. Luckily, Microsoft is narrowing the gap. The presenters will walk the audience through the new containerization technologies available in the latest server versions of Microsoft Windows and how they can be used in conjunction with Windows Diego Cells. They will also be demonstrating Cloud Foundry running on Windows Diego Cell implementation that uses these new technologies in Windows Server release.
hashtag: #ethereum #blockchain Description: Ethereum is one of the most popular public blockchains out there, it enables both value transfer and smart contract execution. The same capabilities can be used in a private chain setting using a proof of authority consensus. Peter will first talk about why blockchains can be useful, then go through different usage scenarios and explain how a solution can be created using the Parity Ethereum Client. Speaker: Peter Czaban from Parity Technologies (previously known as Ethcore) www.talkfields.com Event:https://www.meetup.com/London-Dev-Community/ Slides:http://www.talkfields.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/Parity-enterprise-applications.pdf
Am 1. September 2017 werden wir schon zum vierten Mal die "Das ist Netzpolitik!"-Konferenz veranstalten. Zusammen mit vielen Experten werden wir über die Entwicklung von Netzpolitik in Deutschland und international diskutieren. Und dabei auch einen Blick auf die Debatten der Gegenwart und Zukunft zu werfen. Website: https://netzpolitik.org/13np/ Programm https://netzpolitik.org/np13-programm/ 10-11h: DAS GROßE GANZE: RÜCKBLICK & AUSBLICK Markus Beckedahl: Ob Digitalministerium oder nicht – Was wir brauchen ist eine bessere Netzpolitik Anna Biselli: Was habt Ihr mit der Netzpolitik gemacht? Rückblick auf vier Jahre Große Koalition 11-12h: INTERNET DER DINGE Peter Bihr (Waving Cat): Das Internet der Dinge: Rechte, Regulierung und Spannungsfelder Gerd Billen (BMJV) : Gerätesicherhei...
Innovation Friday – the monthly ‘open house’ of ABN AMRO’s Innovation Centre – will take you on a journey towards the future of the financial sector. In the space of an hour, we’ll dive into the latest developments that are fundamentally changing the world, or are about to do so. We’ll focus on a different theme each month, such as blockchain, open banking, artificial intelligence or the circular economy. We’ll invite experts in each field to tell us what they think, and share our own vision of these developments. By the time the weekend starts, you’ll be completely inspired! Blockchain: will blockchain change banks? The theme of the first Innovation Friday will be blockchain technology. A blockchain consists of a network of computers maintaining a shared decentralised ledger in which yo...
Dr. Ilan Gur, Program Director and Senior Advisor, ARPA-E March 21, 2013 George E. Pake Auditorium, PARC Description: The Department of Energy's Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy (ARPA-E) focuses on funding game-changing R&D; aimed at reducing U.S. foreign energy dependence and emissions. ARPA-E has made a strong commitment to support breakthrough energy storage technologies that can accelerate the mass adoption of electrified vehicles. This presentation will highlight the range of ARPA-E's efforts in this area, offering a glimpse into the ARPA-E innovation model and the future of automotive battery technology. Presenter Bio: Ilan Gur is a Program Director at the Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy (ARPA-E). His technical focus areas include: electrical and thermal...
Agenda: https://github.com/ethereum/pm/issues/23
Dr. Antoine Mazas, Managing Director, AIR LIQUIDE Advanced Technologies GmbH Anne Kleczka, Head of Hydrogen Fuel Cell Project, BMW Group Ferry M.M. . Bjørn Simonsen, VP Market Development Nel Hydrogen. Marieke Reijalt, Executive Director European Hydrogen Association (EHA) Podium Discussion Green Hydrogen - the foundation for sector coupling (electricity, mobility, heat) Werner Diwald, Chairman, Deutscher Wasserstoff- und . Dr. Uffe Borup, VP Technology Nel Hydrogen Solutions.
Consistent cost and performance data for various electricity generation technologies can be difficult to find and may change frequently for certain technologies. With the Annual Technology Baseline (ATB), the National Renewable Energy Laboratory annually provides an organized and centralized set of such cost and performance data. The ATB uses the best information from the Department of Energy national laboratories’ renewable energy analysts as well as information from the Energy Information Administration for fuel-based technologies. The ATB has been reviewed by experts and it includes the following electricity generation technologies: land-based wind, offshore wind, utility-scale solar photovoltaics (PV), commercial-scale solar PV, residential-scale solar PV, concentrating solar power, ge...
(WARNING NSFW: PROFANITY & RANTS) In episode 15 of Pop.0, Bryan Chaffin and John Kheit debate whether or not Apple—or anyone else—is working on any kind of next generation operating system. They also discuss what's good and bad about Apple TV, and how Apple's lack of feature parity across its product lines is dooming new technologies like 3D Touch, Touch Bar, and more. Show links: https://www.macobserver.com/tips/quick-tip/airplane-mode-ios-11/
Four ISES Board Members will be available to answer Members questions in the following solar energy fields: Solar resource assessment Solar thermal technology Concentrating Solar Power PV technology and market development Webinar agenda: Welcome Opening statements by the webinar moderators Opening statements by each panelist speaker, showing 3 slides Eicke Weber: Price experience curve of PV, technology developments, PV heading for the TeraWatt market Fred Morse: What is CSP, what is TES, the impact of CSP on a typical demand curve Steven Meyers: CO2 emissions and the large percent associated to heat generation, of which solar can provide solutions for domestic, industrial demands and solar district heating/cooling in cities David Renné: Objectives of the IEA PVPS Task 16 Solar...
VCCircle Healthcare Investment Summit 2015 Day-2 Panel II: Leveraging Information Technology in healthcare: Hospital Management software, Patient & disease data analysis and more Use of Information Technology is Indian healthcare industry is way below as compared to some of the other developing nations. There are very less or no information management systems which can help capture critical information on illness, diseases, treatments & patients residing with fragmented healthcare service providers across the country. Very few providers have now taken information management on priority however that is also limited to capturing patient registration data. Be it hospitals, diagnostic services, pharma companies to medical technology players, there is no intersection of information technology w...