- published: 17 Oct 2016
- views: 1372150
PS, P.S., ps, and other variants may refer to:
Guess Who may refer to:
A music video or song video is a short film integrating a song and imagery, produced for promotional or artistic purposes. Modern music videos are primarily made and used as a marketing device intended to promote the sale of music recordings. There are also cases where songs are used in tie in marketing campaigns that allow them to become more than just a song. Tie ins and merchandising could be used in toys are marketing campaigns for food and other products. Although the origins of music videos date back to musical short films that first appeared in the 1920s, they came into prominence in the 1980s when MTV based their format around the medium. Prior to the 1980s, these works were described by various terms including "illustrated song", "filmed insert", "promotional (promo) film", "promotional clip", "promotional video", "song video", "song clip" or "film clip". Since the creation and increased popularity of YouTube, mainstream artists now promote new music videos by releasing trailers of short promos on the site for their upcoming song and music video. Consequentially, YouTube has been converted into a social media platform for celebrities and artists to market themselves to their fans and audiences.
A postscript (P.S.) is an afterthought, thought of occurring after the letter has been written and signed. The term comes from the Latin post scriptum, an expression meaning "written after" (which may be interpreted in the sense of "that which comes after the writing").
A postscript may be a sentence, a paragraph, or occasionally many paragraphs added to, often hastily and incidentally, after the signature of a letter or (sometimes) the main body of an essay or book. In a book or essay, a more carefully composed addition (e.g., for a second edition) is called an afterword. The word "postscript" has, poetically, been used to refer to any sort of addendum to some main work, even if it is not attached to a main work, as in Søren Kierkegaard's book titled Concluding Unscientific Postscript. Sometimes, when additional points are made after the first postscript, abbreviations such as PSS (post-super-scriptum), PPS (postquam-post-scriptum) and PPPS (post-post-post-scriptum, and so on, ad infinitum) are used, though only PPS has somewhat common usage.
An unfulfilled divorced woman gets the chance to relive her past when she meets a young man who appears to be her high school sweetheart who died many years before.
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PS 26 ნოემბერი მთლიანი გადაცემა
P.S - 3 დეკემბერი (მთლიანი გადაცემა) P.S - srulad 3 dekemberi
Lil Uzi Vert - "Ps & Qs" [Official Music Video] Download: http://smarturl.it/LilUziVertVsTheWorld Stream: http://smarturl.it/StreamUziVsTheWorld Directed By: YASHXANA Animated By: Joe Bullard and Reisen 9k Styled By: Babes on Legs - Mackenzie Crawford and Alicia Angeles Connect with Lil Uzi Vert: https://twitter.com/LILUZIVERT https://www.instagram.com/liluzivert/ https://www.facebook.com/LilUziVert/ https://soundcloud.com/liluzivert
Die PS Profis - Spezial Spezial, Vollgas mit Freunden In der heutigen Spezialausgabe von "Vollgas mit Freunden" lädt PS Profi Sidney Hoffmann zu einem Roadtrip von Barcelona nach Valencia ein. Wer dabei jedoch einen beschaulichen Ausflug nach Spanien erwartet, erlebt sein blaues Wunder! Zu Land, zu Wasser und gelegentlich auch in der Luft: Mit reichlich Benzin im Blut fordert der Dortmunder Sunny Boy einmal mehr zum Duell auf Rädern. Sein Gegner ist diesmal das Szene-"Schwergewicht" Helge Thomsen. ► Jetzt Abonnieren: http://bit.ly/1uKO6f8 ► Folge uns auf Facebook: http://on.fb.me/1p71Pr1 ► SPORT1 auf YouTube: http://bit.ly/1Tk1cw0 ► Klickt SPORT1 Motor: http://bit.ly/1pmvuBB ► Hier geht's zur SPORT1 Videowelt: http://bit.ly/1U10yE0
P.S. to najnowszy singiel RED LIPS, promujący płytę pt: "Zmiana Planu". Premiera albumu 23.11.2016r. Zamów już dziś! http://www.empik.com/zmiana-planu-red-lips,p1131358271,muzyka-p słowa: Joanna Lazer muzyka: Łukasz Lazer produkcja muzyczna: Łukasz Lazer, Ruda miks i realizacja nagrań: Arek Kopera, Łukasz Lazer mastering: Arek Kopera Management i Koncerty: Łukasz Lazer tel. +48 507 370 902 koncerty@red-lips.pl P&C; RED BERRY MUSIC 2016 Obsada teledysku: Agnieszka Latała Weronika Jezierska Agnieszka Wierzchowska Ruda Lazer Sopel Scenariusz - RED LIPS Zdjęcia i montaż - Łukasz Bernas Oświetlenie - Krzysztof Szaszkowski Produkcja teledysku - naszKONZEPT Producent - RED BERRY MUSIC ____ Ustaw utwór RED LIPS - P.S. zamiast sygnału oczekiwania na połączenie. Wyślij RED9 na numer 80833 (0...
DOWNLOAD OUR APP iOS - https://goo.gl/pUHRn6 Android - http://goo.gl/w8eDyB Subscribe: http://goo.gl/X4L8ea Follow: https://goo.gl/nd8MzE Any mixtape featured on this channel can be downloaded here: http://www.mixtapemadness.com/ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + Stay Updated Soundcloud: https://goo.gl/VgNhPc Twitter: https://goo.gl/nd8MzE Google +: http://goo.gl/Lkfgsr Instagram: https://goo.gl/QC7AZl - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Providing an easier way to listen to the latest mixtapes & singles online. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - COPYRIGHT: If you believe this video breaches your copyright, please direct your DMCA related emails to: oscar@mixtapemadness.co.uk
Ein Auto unter 2000 Euro? Gibt’s nicht? Gibt’s doch. Und sogar noch billiger. Aber auch nur, weil die PS Profis in den Top 10 der billigsten Autos den Preis drücken bis zum „Geht-nicht-mehr“. Aber welche Autos kriegt man für den Preis - Schrottkarren? Rostlauben? Oder doch günstige Schnäppchen? Jean-Pierre und Sidney spüren für ihre Auftraggeber die günstigsten Modelle auf. Dabei kommen Unfallschäden, defekte Bremsen und undichte Ölleitungen ans Tageslicht. Auch die Probefahrten enden bei der einen oder anderen Kiste im Desaster. Das macht sogar die PS Profis fassungslos. Doch so schnell geben sie sich nicht geschlagen. Entweder die Händler reparieren die Karren oder sie müssen mit dem Preis runter. Problem: Nicht jeder Händler spielt da mit. ► Jetzt Abonnieren: http://bit.ly/1uKO6f8 ► ...
PRESSPLAY Prod by @PAbeats4 SUBSCRIBE NOW: https://goo.gl/OtAv6E FACEBOOK: http://goo.gl/a3Re7m TWITTER: http://goo.gl/E82rVP EMAIL US FOR ALL ENQUIRES: pressplaymedia@hotmail.com DISCLAIMER: The views and opinions expressed in these videos are for entertainment & Educational purposes only, and do not represent the views of any artist(s) or Pressplay Media.
PS 3 დეკემბერი მთლიანი გადაცემა
Ascultă, descarcă și află detalii despre albumul „Un Anonim Celebru”: http://unanonimcelebru.ro/ Guess Who - P.S. Produsă de Guess Who Muzică: Guess Who Text: Guess Who Chitară: Ștefan Mihăilescu Bass: Ionuț Șerban Producție adițională: Mitză Mix / master: Grasu XXL & Cristi Dobrică @ Okapi Sound Studio Label: Okapi Sound | Universal Music România Versuri: Guess Who: Sunt dealeru' de muzică, un business cu potențial Sunt independent, dar totuși, prea comercial Toți se bat pe aceeași pungă de semințe de scandal Asta nu-i mall, e aprozar, de la ținută la vocabular E clar că n-ai ce să compari, la noi rechinii stau pe mal Așteaptă să te aducă primul val Industria vrea să dansezi cum cântă ea Și nimeni nu-ți spune că, dacă pică, pici cu ea Nu, nu, tu nu, nu-ți face griji tu pentru mine ...
▶ SUBSCRIBE: http://bit.ly/GRMsubscribe ▶ VISIT: http://grmdaily.com/ ▶ DOWNLOAD THE GRM APP FOR iPHONE & iPAD NOW: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/grm-daily/id1170798576 ▶ DOWNLOAD FOR ANDROID NOW: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.grmdaily.grmdaily WWW.GRMDAILY.COM @GRMDAILY TWITTER : http://www.twitter.com/grmdaily FACEBOOK : http://www.facebook.com/grmdaily INSTAGRAM : https://www.instagram.com/grmdaily
Intră pe http://unanonimcelebru.ro/, abonează-te la newsletter și vei afla toate detaliile despre noul album Guess Who, „Un Anonim Celebru”. Guess Who - P.S. (Live @ G1 Studio) Precomandă albumul: http://bit.ly/precomanda-un-anonim-celebru Video: Khaled Mokhtar Montaj: Cristian Necșulescu Produsă de Guess Who Muzică: Guess Who Text: Guess Who Chitară: Ștefan Mihăilescu Bass: Ionuț Șerban Producție adițională: Mitză Live act: Guess Who (voce), Vlad Bolborea (tobe), Radu Dumitriu (bass), Ștefan Mihăilescu (chitară), Relu Batog (clape), DJ FaiboX (scratch) Inginer de sunet: Andrei Grigore Label: Okapi Sound | Universal Music Romania Versuri: Sunt dealeru' de muzică, un business cu potențial Sunt independent, dar totuși, prea comercial Toți se bat pe aceeași pungă de semințe de scanda...
声優・高槻かなこをMCに迎え、電撃プレイステーション編集部が贈る、 最新PSタイトル実況番組「電撃PS Live」 この番組の特別版を、PlayStationの日である12月3日に配信することが決定しました! 冬の注目タイトルを高槻かなこが長時間にわたって、視聴者のみなさまに、その魅力をお届けします。 ■放送開始時間 2017年12月3日17時30分開始 ■出演 ※敬称略 高槻かなこ(声優) 西岡美道(電撃PlayStation編集長) おしょう(電撃PlayStation副編集長) ■タイムテーブル 17時30分~ オープニング 18時00分~ 『地球防衛軍5』 メーカー:ディースリー・パブリッシャー ジャンル:アクション 公式サイト https://www.d3p.co.jp/edf5/ ゲスト※敬称略 岡島信幸(ディースリー・パブリッシャー) 『地球防衛軍5』プレゼント応募フォームはこちら https://dengekionline.com/elem/000/001/638/1638992/ 19時00分~ 『リディー&スールのアトリエ ~不思議な絵画の錬金術士~』 メーカー:コーエーテクモゲームス ジャンル:RPG 公式サイト https://www.gamecity.ne.jp/atelier/lydie/ ゲスト※敬称略 細井順三(コーエーテクモゲームス) 菊地啓介(コーエーテクモゲームス) 20時00分~ 『CROSSOUT(クロスアウト)』 メーカー:DMM.com ジャンル:アクション 公式サイト https://crossout.dmm.com/ 21時00分~ 『Destiny 2』 メーカー:SIE ジャンル:アクションシューティング 公式サイト https://www.destinythegame.com/ja/home ゲ...
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My big sister is best of all sisters in the world.
She says enjoying of the life is the main thing.
I agree with her.
She's standing by me when I've got hard times,
I like about her precense.
Even if I fight with her sometimes it's pretty easy to make friends.
I'm sorry about all, I make apology.
I contess that I was wrong.
You have your reasons to get angry to me,
but if you won't be I'm asking you to be my friend.
My big sister is the foolest, dummest girl I've ever seen.
She is so selfish, irritating, don't you see what I mean.
She is a target of my hate 'n' hate is growing every day.
I will get rid of her 'n' price won't matter, I will find the way.