Sixth anniversary of Walter Bond’s statement to the federal court in Utah before being sentenced on October 13, 2011

On October 13, 2011

Federal District Court, Salt Lake City, Utah

Walter Bond’s Statement at his Sentencing

I’m here today because of the arsons I committed at The Tandy Leather Factory in Salt Lake City, and the Tiburon Restaurant in Sandy, Utah which sells the incredibly cruel product foie gras. The US Attorney wants to give me the maximum sentence and beyond, not because of my ‘crimes,’ but because I am unrepentant and outspoken.

My intuition tells me that this court is not going to show me mercy because I became ‘suddenly sorry.’  So instead of lying to the court in a feeble attempt to save myself, as I’m certain many do when they face their sentencing day, allow me to tell you what I am sorry for.

I am sorry that when I was 19 years old I built two slaughterhouses that are still killing Animals, even now as I speak.

I am sorry that Tandy Leather sells skin that has been ripped from the dead, and often live bodies of such Animals as cows, ostriches, rabbits, snakes and pigs.

I am sorry that the leather tanneries that supply Tandy Factory, poison the earth with dangerous chemicals.

I am sorry that the restaurant Tiburon profits from the force feeding of geese and ducks until their livers explode, so that rich people can then use that as a paté for crackers and bread. I am sorry that they make a living from the dead bodies of wild and exotic Animals.

I am sorry that we live in a day and age where you can rape a child or beat a woman unconscious and receive less prison time than an Animal Rights activist that attacked property instead of people.

I am sorry that my brother was so desperate to get out of debt that he flew from Iowa to Colorado just to get me in a taped and monitored conversation for reward money.

I am sorry that I am biologically related to such a worthless little snitch!

I am sorry that I waited so long to become an Animal Liberation Front operative.

For all of these things, I will always have some regret.  But as far as the arsons at the Leather Factory and Tiburon go, I have no remorse.

I realize that the laws of the land favor a business’ ability to make a profit over an Animal’s right to life.

It also used to favor a white business owner’s ability to profit from a black person’s slavery.

It also used to favor a husband’s ability to viciously attack his wife and act on her as if she were an object.

Those who broke the law and damaged property to stand against these oppressions were also called ‘terrorists’ and ‘fanatics’ in their time. But that did not change the fact that society progressed and is still progressing along those lines.

So today I’m the bad guy.  That is just a matter of historical coincidence.

Who knows… perhaps a less brutal and less violent society will one day exist that will understand that life and earth are more important than products of death and cruelty.  And if not, then to hell with it all anyway!

Whether my supporters or detractors think I’m a freedom fighter or a lunatic with a gas can makes no difference to me.  I have spent years verifiably promoting, supporting and fighting for Animal Liberation.

I have seen the Animal victims of human injustice — thousands of them — with my own eyes and what I saw was blood, guts and gore.  I made a promise to those Animals, and to myself, to fight for them in any way I could.

I regret none of it, and I never will!

You can take my freedom, but you can’t have my submission.

Walter Bond
A.L.F. – P.O.W.



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My First Time (with a brick and a handbill)

8/18/2017 7:49:20 PM
My First Time (with a brick and a handbill)

I remember the first time I was ever in a riot. It was Martin Luther King Day in Denver, Colorado and the ku klux klan and assorted nazi, fascists and skinhead scum had turned out to spew their invective racist garbage from the steps of the capital. Our mayor was mayor Wellington Webb. He was incredibly distraught with the fact that the kkk had come to town and obtained legal permit to gather and rally on the capital. So he organized a counter march and demonstration of which I took part.

Tens of thousands of people marched in protest. the march started in Aurora on Colfax Avenue and ended in Denver proper right in the center of downtown and in front of the racist scum. the klan and assorted wing nuts were heavily protected by police and riot squad. as a sea of people gathered the kkk began screaming racial epithets and slurs and laughing at the protesters. And that’s when………….. Continue reading

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Out Of The SHU

7/31/2017 8:07:23 AM
Out Of The SHU

On Father’s Day there was an altercation amongst the Puerto Ricans here at FCI Greenville. Me and 5 others were detained and held in the Special Housing Unit (SHU, or the hole) under investigation for assault. I was under investigation for about 40 days after which time I was released along with 2 others without any disciplinary action. I’m back in general population and all is well (as well as it can be in prison).

Thanks to everyone that wrote me while I was in the SHU your letters were inspiring and uplifting. I am very grateful for all the support I have recieved from the Vegan, Straight Edge and Anarchist communities over the years and am always amazed that after years in prison I’m still considered and thought about so much in the world! I only have about 3 years left, which for me is short time. so no worries.

It’s too bad that the Earth and her Animal Nations have been sentenced to a far more nefarious prison sentence than I have ever faced! human tyranny, greed and gluttony have left all in a state of suffering! For the sake of consumerism and capitalist greed this Earth suffers and dies! and as long as that is the case we all must remain vigilante in the fight for eco-defense! Vegan Fucking Straight Edge! !Liberacion Animal Cueste Lo Que Cueste!


Walter Bond

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Walter Bond is in the SHU (Solitary Confinement)

Walter was placed in the SHU on Monday because he is being investigated for an assault. He can’t discuss the incident because he is being investigated. He said he could be there for a few months. He would like to receive letters from you all, and include your address in the body of the letter even if you are already a correspondent, because he doesn’t have anybody’s address where he is now. He sounded okay. We can make his time in the hole go faster by sending him entertaining letters and cards. Jokes and funny stories and pictures are good.

Walter Bond
FCI Greenville
PO Box 5000
Greenville IL 62246

Maybe you only know a little about Walter, and it’s hard to imagine what he is like as a person. Some of what makes him stand out as both a personable individual and as a man with clear insight who is willing and able to extend himself for right, comes out in his recent interview conducted by NAALPO’s Dr. Jerry Vlasak.

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An FYI from Walter


4/27/2017 12:49:35 PM

An FYI from Walter

For a few years now I have been a devout Muslim. I have learned much on this journey both about myself, others and a little something about human nature as well. But  I cannot, in good faith (no pun intended) continue to represent, practice or even believe in Islam or any other world religion for that matter.

Animal/Earth liberation and Straight Edge have been my struggle for half of my life now and it is who I am and what I care about the most at my core, it’s in my blood and it is my primary concern. Religion, for me, diverts and obscures that message both personally and publically, and I am not alright with that.

Furthermore, these years of prison have distilled my hatred of Animal abuse and abusers. I do not feel that the human race is superior or even equal to the community of life and the living planet on which we all reside. I believe and I feel in my heart that anybody that abuses, murders or in anyway intentionally harms, destroys or causes a situation in which  harm or destruction is visited upon an Animal or the environment deserves to be harmed or destroyed themselves. Continue reading

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Sixth anniversary of Walter Bond’s sentencing in Denver Colorado on Feb 11, 2011

Sheepskin Factory
1/12/2017 12:35:24 PM
Feb. 11

At the time I wrote this statement it’s really impossible to convey accurately what life was like for me at the time. Although before my incarceration I was an activist for Animal Rights and Veganism I was never a visible person within the movement. I worked in a local health food store. on the weekends I worked for an Animal sanctuary and I tabled events in my spare time teaching people about the Animal’s plight and the ethics behind Veganism (not just about the food).

In late April of 2010 I burned down the sheepskin factory in Denver and never again would my life be the same…. I don’t feel the same. It no longer matters to me if I can change the world, I don’t spend long hours ranting and raving about how terrible my non-Vegan family or friends are or how they just don’t get it. I don’t waste my time or emotional energy crying over the cruelties of this world. And I don’t give up on, or compromise Animal Liberation because I can’t change things single handedly. These are the unfortunate phases that many who come into this movement go through. A kind of activist burnout ritual that is both superficial and selfish. Continue reading

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Five Years Ago On October 13, 2011


(photo used by Columbian Magazine, Cartel Urbano, for story starting on page 45 of Edicion 41… website link at bottom of post)

In a Corrlink’s email, Walter Bond recently commented on his sentencing 5 years ago on October 13, 2011 in Federal District Court, Salt Lake City, Utah:

9/26/2016 3:53:00 PM
A Reminder

I remember October 13th, 2011 well. I had already been in county jail for a year and a half and had already been sentenced to 5 years in federal prison for burning down the Sheepskin factory in Colorado. my lawyer had spent the last 8 months trying to talk me out of making any statement because the reverberations of my last speech in Colorado were still fresh and the court in Utah was already pissed off that I had the audacity to question their morality and to not equivocate in the faces of the judge, so-called victims and the media.

And I paid a very real price for this Utah statement. had the judge decided to show me mercy he could have ran my sentence together with Colorado instead of consecutive. In essence this statement turned my sentence into 12 years 4 months instead of 7 years 4 months.

6 years and some months later I sit in prison with a few more years to go before I see freedom but I still do not regret anything I have done. In fact, sometimes when I feel the drift of time, or I feel as if I’m losing sight of who I am, or when the happenings of the outside world seem so distant from me that I struggle to see there relevance. I read these statements and I remember. Continue reading

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