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Free Marius Mason

Marius Mason is an anarchist, environmental and animal rights activist currently serving nearly 22 years in federal prison for acts of property damage carried out in defense of the planet.

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Support Marius

Marius is serving the longest sentence of any environmental activist, he needs your support. Support can include spreading the word about Marius' case, writing letters or sending in articles to keep him connected to the outside world, financial donations, event organizing, and more.

Support Marius

Write Marius

Marie (Marius) Mason
FMC Carswell
PO Box 27137
Fort Worth, TX 76127

More on Writing

About Marius

Marius Mason is a transgender environmental and animal rights activist and anarchist. In 1999, in the name of the Earth Liberation Front (ELF) he set fire to a lab at the University of Michigan that was conducting research on genetically modified organisms (GMO). After Marius’ husband turned state’s-evidence, Marius was threatened with a life sentence for the arson and other acts of sabotage. With little financial stability and fear of dragging his family into a costly legal battle, Marius pled guilty and was given an extreme sentence of nearly 22 years. No one was ever harmed in any of his actions.

About Marius

Latest News

New article about Marius in Spanish magazine Playground

Spanish magazine Playground article about Marius 

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