November 07, 2017 6:44 PM
A Centreville woman struck an 8-year-old child with an extension cord, police say.
Amber R. Johnson, 31, was charged Monday with aggravated battery of a child under 13. Police said she hit an 8-year-old girl on her head and body with an extension cord.
Centreville Police Det. Jamal Jackson said the girl is not Johnson’s blood relative but that they were living together. The girl was treated for injuries, Jackson said, but was not hospitalized.
The alleged abuse took place between Sept. 5 and Oct. 1, according to charges. The most severe injuries came out of a one-time incident, Jackson said, but the abuse appeared to be going on for some time.
Johnson was booked into the St. Clair County Jail on Nov. 3 and was still in custody Tuesday evening on $80,000 bail. She has no prior criminal history in St. Clair County.
Kara Berg: 618-239-2626, @karaberg95