- published: 17 Sep 2016
- views: 35168
Mamie is a feminine given name and nickname (often of Mary) which may refer to:
Given name:
Stage name:
Fictional characters:
Je t’aime (a French phrase meaning "I love you") may refer to:
Chanson de mamie
Mamie insupportable qui engueule des ouvriers
Mélody - Mamie
Je t'aime Mamie - Chansons pour les grand-mères
"Mamie"-Texte Oral.
Actors: Christian Henson (composer), David Collins (producer), Julia Jones (miscellaneous crew), Ned Dennehy (actor), Bronagh Gallagher (actress), Alan Maher (producer), Stuart Graham (actor), Richard Coyle (actor), Robert Bevan (producer), Lalor Roddy (actor), Matt Platts-Mills (editor), Russell Tovey (actor), Neal Rowland (miscellaneous crew), Martina Niland (producer), Hazel Webb-Crozier (costume designer),
Genres: Comedy, Horror, Sci-Fi, Thriller,Actors: Kathleen McInnis (miscellaneous crew), Michael Williams (miscellaneous crew), Nate Tuck (producer), Kevin Abrams (editor), Art Jones (producer), Kevin Abrams (producer), Emily Paine (editor), Josh Noyes (editor), Ryan H. Jackson (actor), Ryan H. Jackson (miscellaneous crew), Brad Ingelsby (writer), Amile Wilson (producer), Brad Ingelsby (writer), Jennifer Kristen Howell (producer), Bridget Fiori (producer),
Plot: All fourteen-year-old Robbie Hendrick ever wanted was a family. Yet as another Mississippi summer begins, his wayward mother has run off again fearing a breakdown and he's left to burn the days caring for his half brother, Fess. As the deep days and nights pass without her return and with older brother Lucas dangerously in their lives again, Robbie must face the fact that his dream of a family may only be a dream and he might just lose the only family he's ever had: Fess.
Keywords: beating, brother-brother-relationship, coin, delta, dog, farm, fight, filthy-toilet, fishing, fistfightActors: Greg Hayworth (miscellaneous crew), Greg Hayworth (actor), Greg Hayworth (director), Greg Hayworth (producer), Wade Kennedy (actor), Christina Hayworth (producer), Christina Hayworth (actress), Christina Hayworth (director), Christina Hayworth (miscellaneous crew), Donita Kennedy (director), Donita Kennedy (producer), Donita Kennedy (writer), Jacob Dean (director), Jacob Dean (editor), Jacob Dean (producer),
Genres: Drama, Family, Short,Actors: Michèle Laroque (actress), Franck-Olivier Bonnet (actor), Annick Alane (actress), Zabou Breitman (actress), Bernard Cazassus (actor), Nicole Jamet (actress), Patrick Timsit (actor), Yves Robert (actor), Didier Flamand (actor), Jacques Frantz (actor), Laurent Gamelon (actor), Vincent Lindon (actor), Nanou Garcia (actress), Alain Sarde (producer), Marina Tomé (actress),
Plot: When Victor finds out one morning that his wife had left him and that she had forgotten to at least buy milk for the Kids, he finds that things can only get worse. Having also been fired from his job on the very same day, he ends up searching through a list of friends and family for someone who will listen to his grief and give some advice. The only person who does give him attention is a rather clumsy and not too intelligent street pauper called Michou. Victor finds Michou irritating and only finally comes to see him in a positive light when he starts to realise that his insensitivity to those closest to him has been major reason for all his troubles.
Keywords: brother-sister-relationship, couple, family-abandonment, friendship, lawyer, loss-of-job, marriage, money, mother-child-relationship, racial-stereotypeActors: Jerry Hausner (actor), Barney Phillips (actor), Morgan Fairchild (actress), Lee Purcell (actress), Hy Averback (director), Tom Poston (actor), Bruce Broughton (composer), Gene Barry (actor), Burton Gilliam (actor), Jack Elam (actor), Jerry Mathers (actor), Gary Lockwood (actor), David Israel (miscellaneous crew), Zohra Lampert (actress), Carol Lawrence (actress),
Plot: In this sequel to The Girl, the Gold Watch & Everything, down-on-his-luck Kirby Winter inherits a floundering business, and the magical gold watch which can stop time. But his wedding plans with Bonnie Lee Beaumont are interrupted when her mother phones them to help her save her family farm from a nasty land developer - using the gold watch's powers.
Keywords: boat, bomb, drawbridge, dynamite, farm, frozen-time, hotel, jail, jewelry-store, land-developerActors: Tony Barry (actor), Roger Ward (actor), Jason Donovan (actor), Dennis Miller (actor), Sigrid Thornton (actress), Rob Steele (actor), Peter Hosking (actor), Reg Gorman (actor), Lewis Fitz-Gerald (actor), Reg Evans (actor), Maurie Fields (actor), Sandy Gore (actress), Don Barker (actor), Terry Gill (actor), John Murphy (actor),
Plot: We follow the life of Alan Marshall who was struck down by Polio as a child and it shows how he overcame the crippling effects of the disease. It traces his life from childhood into early adulthood. Based upon his trilogy of autobiographical books "I can Jump Puddles", "This is the Grass" and "In Mine Own Heart".
Keywords: based-on-novel, period-drama, period-pieceActors: Kathleen Quinlan (actress), Lynn Redgrave (actress), Rossana Podestà (actress), Denholm Elliott (actor), Francesco D'Adda (actor), Sylva Koscina (actress), Beba Loncar (actress), Madeleine Barbulée (actress), Roger Moore (actor), Ugo Tognazzi (actor), Lino Ventura (actor), Robert Webber (actor), Gene Wilder (actor), Priscilla Barnes (actress), Catherine Salviat (actress),
Genres: Comedy, Drama, Romance,Actors: Raymond Bussières (actor), Gérard Croce (actor), Amarande (actress), Madeleine Barbulée (actress), Marion Game (actress), Jean Vinci (actor), Pierre Goutas (director), Catherine Lafond (actress), Nathalie Dalyan (actress), Johnny Monteilhet (actor), Alain Franco (actor), Jacqueline Holtz (actress), Nicole Chausson (actress), Jean-Pierre Lamy (actor), Irène Ajer (actress),
Genres: Comedy,Actors: Charles McAvoy (actor), D'Arcy Corrigan (actor), Jack Egan (actor), Jack Cheatham (actor), James Finlayson (actor), Sherry Hall (actor), Earle Hodgins (actor), Otto Hoffman (actor), Stanley Fields (actor), Eddie Kane (actor), Lew Kelly (actor), Fred Kelsey (actor), Alan Ladd (actor), Ethan Laidlaw (actor), Louis Natheaux (actor),
Genres: Comedy,Actors: George Burns (actor), Chester Clute (actor), George Burns (writer), Gracie Allen (actress), Aubrey Scotto (director),
Genres: Comedy, Short,WE'RE BACK, WITH A BRAND NEW TRACK (video) Follow me on twitter: http://www.twitter.com/xitsmike Make sure to click like if you enjoyed the video! ►Instagram: http://instagram.com/xitsmike ►Google+: https://plus.google.com/+MJerryTV ►Facebook http://www.facebook.com/xitsmikejerry ►Subscribe for more videos http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=mjerrytv
♦ 50.000 Łap w górę = JA VS MOJA MAMA! :s ★ NOWY INSTAGRAM ► http://instagram.com/blowek5 ♦ FANPAGE ► http://blowek.tv/fb ♦ SNAP ► Blowinio Dzisiaj zagramy w nowe lepsze (?) slither.io czyli WORMAX.IO! Jak mi poszło, jak było na moich mini wakacjach i czy uda mi się zająć 1 mijsce... tego dowiecie się w następn... w odcinku! :D Miłego oglądania Dziubas!
la réincarnation de Doc Gynéco en reporter !!!
Hugo est arrivé chez sa mamie pour les vacances. Tout aurait pu se passer à merveille sauf que son chihuahua trop gâté par sa maîtresse a décidé de lui mener la vie dure...ou l'inverse... Pour revoir d'autres vidéos Parents/Enfants : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLyEAbfeQcbwNfrIwfKiYWodC94HZSwtVi ▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼ Retrouvez-moi ici : ♡Ma chaîne : www.youtube.com/angeliquemarquisedeslanges20 ♡Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/AngiemamanYOUTUBE ♡Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/angelique_marquise_des_langes/ ♡Twitter : https://twitter.com/Angie_Maman_2_0 ▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼ ♡Ils me font confiance : PARENTS - Le site www.Parents.fr qui diffuse chaque mercredi mes vidéos en avant-première AUFEMININ.COM un magazine féminin web que j'adore! Bien complet http://www.aufeminin.com NEUF ...
La grand mère de Titouan, jeune youtubeur Minecraft de 11 ans débarque sur le serveur Minecraft sur lequel jouent Maxence & Titouan, ce qui déplait beaucoup à Titouan. Il va donc une nouvelle fois ramener sa grand-mère à sa condition d'ancienne prostituée, mais tout ne se passe pas comme prévu ! S'abonner à la chaine : https://www.youtube.com/user/superflameur?sub_confirmation=1 Me suivre sur les réseaux sociaux : Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/superflameur Twitter : https://twitter.com/superflameur Me soutenir via Tipeee : https://www.tipeee.com/superflame
http://www.mondedestitounis.fr/ Voici une petite chanson pour les grand-mères. Je t'aime Mamie est une petite comptine facile à apprendre pour les enfants ! J'aime faire la cuisine avec Mamie Nos plats sont toujours bien garnis Une grosse cuillère de gentillesse Un bol de câlins et de tendresse Le tout recouvert de beaucoup d'amour Je t'aime Mamie pour toujours! ***** RETROUVEZ-MOI ***** Tous les mercredis une nouvelle vidéo est disponible. Abonnez-vous pour rester connecté : http://www.youtube.com/user/ssebastienn?sub_confirmation=1 ***** LES AUTRES COMPILATIONS***** Comptines des Titounis : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SLbxwYTymCQ Dessins animés de Grimm : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QXeS8YEKh64 Comptines et chansons : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t0idFd3LXBg Comptines pour...
🔻 TOUTES LES INFS EN BAS 🔻 Cinquième texte oral (Plagiat interdit!) Ce sont mes textes et ma voix. Aujourd'hui, j'ai fait un texte sur les grands-mères,les mamies. Cet être pleins d'amour et de douceur mais dans ce texte,je vais plus parler de ma mamie et de ce que j'ai vécu. J'espère que vous allez apprécier, j'ai mis tous les sentiments.. Comment me contacter? (N'hésite pas à venir si tu as besoins d'aide ou pour contact professionnel) ➡Ma page Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/Les-textes-de-Manon-1678892209052628/?fref=ts ➡snapchat: lestxtsdeManon (et si vous ne trouvez pas mettez Les Textes De Manon) 🎀:Mon email (si tu as besoins de parler,N'HESITE PAS!) : LestextesdeManon@hotmail.com 🎀:Skype: Les textes de Manon Informations: ↪Je m'appelle Manon. ↪J'ai 17 ans. Je tien...
Mamie, don't you hear me call your name
Oh Mamie, don't you hear me calling your name
Well Mamie I wanna see you so bad little girl
Till I don't know what to do
Mamie, won't you please shake my hand
Oh Mamie, Mamie, won't you please shake my hand
Well I love you so hard Mamie
And you know I just can't explain
Mamie, won't you come and kiss me goodbye
Oh Mamie, Mamie, why don't you come and kiss me goodbye
Well you know I hate to see you leave me little girl
You know you gonna make me cry, [Incomprehensible]
Mamie, you got me down on my bended knees
Mamie, you got me down on my bended knees
Well little girl I hate to see you leave me, you hear me?