bu videoda illuminatiye davet edildim, yorumlarınız neler ? www.furkanturan.com.tr Reklam & Sponsorluk : minedelete@gmail.com Bağış Yapmak İçin İninal Barkod : * 0000007 191 480 * barkodu ininal cüzdan uygulamasında para transferi bölümüne girerek dilediğiniz tutarda bağış yapabilirsiniz. bağışlar sizlere ürettiğim içeriği geliştirmeme yardımcı olacaktır. bağış atanlar mesaj atarsa sevinirim :) Abone ol ► https://goo.gl/32JFH6 Twitter ► https://goo.gl/qb5idj Canlı Yayınlar ► https://goo.gl/Nl9nzw İnstagram ► * https://goo.gl/8BU0Ej -- @furkanturanofficial Snapchat ► furkanturran İntro Music ; Packy - Wobbin GİZZA'YA KATIL ! ► http://goo.gl/LgYxFP

    published: 10 Aug 2017
  • Asla Vazgeçmem 19.Bölüm ᴴᴰ

    Show TV YouTube Kanalına Abone Ol → http://showtv.tv/AGqcyj Asla Vazgeçmem 19.Bölüm Özeti: Kocasını Nur ile öpüşürken gören İclal’in baygınlık geçirerek hastaneye kaldırılması kopacak fırtınayı belli bir süre ertelese de İclal’in bu durumu kolay kolay hazmedebilmesi mümkün olmayacaktır. Kızını korumadaki tek yolun, İclal’in Yiğit ve Nur’la yüzleşmesini engellemekten geçtiğine inanan Aytül’e rağmen İclal durmayacaktır. Ufak tacizlerle başladığı bu ilişkiyi sonlandırma çabası birkaç gün içinde onu kesin bir çözüm için cinayet planlamasına kadar götürecektir. Elmas’dan yana ağzı sürekli yanan ama ondan bir türlü vazgeçemeyen Cahit ise bir kez daha Elmas’ın tuzağına düşecektir. Her şeyden habersiz olan Nur ve Yiğit ise sorunlarının bir kısmını çözmüş olmanın rahatlığı ile aşklarını doyasıya y...

    published: 01 Oct 2015
  • Star Trek: TNG Reunion Panel - Vegas 2012 - Jonathan Frakes, Brent Spiner, Michael Dorn

    From our video archives this is the Star Trek: The Next Generation Reunion Panel filmed at the Rio Hotel during the 2012 Star Trek Convention in Las Vegas, NV. Panelists included Jonathan Frakes, LeVar Burton, Brent Spiner, Michael Dorn, Gates McFadden, Marina Sirtis and Colm Meaney. This is highlighted clips from the panel. Sorry about some shaky camera movement, this was film handheld. If you enjoy the video please hit the subscribe button :) Follow us on Twitter ►https://twitter.com/majesticentinc Like us on Facebook ► https://www.facebook.com/Majesticentinc Follow us on Instagram ►https://www.instagram.com/majesticentinc

    published: 21 Oct 2017
  • What really matters at the end of life | BJ Miller

    At the end of our lives, what do we most wish for? For many, it’s simply comfort, respect, love. BJ Miller is a palliative care physician who thinks deeply about how to create a dignified, graceful end of life for his patients. Take the time to savor this moving talk, which asks big questions about how we think on death and honor life. TEDTalks is a daily video podcast of the best talks and performances from the TED Conference, where the world's leading thinkers and doers give the talk of their lives in 18 minutes (or less). Look for talks on Technology, Entertainment and Design -- plus science, business, global issues, the arts and much more. Find closed captions and translated subtitles in many languages at http://www.ted.com/translate Follow TED news on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com...

    published: 30 Sep 2015
  • Bill Davenhall: Your health depends on where you live

    http://www.ted.com Where you live: It impacts your health as much as diet and genes do, but it's not part of your medical records. At TEDMED, Bill Davenhall shows how overlooked government geo-data (from local heart-attack rates to toxic dumpsite info) can mesh with mobile GPS apps to keep doctors in the loop. Call it "geo-medicine."

    published: 25 Jan 2010
  • Born of Hope - Full Movie

    Born of Hope is an independent feature film inspired by the Lord of the Rings and produced by Actors at Work Productions in the UK. http://www.bornofhope.com Thanks to Chris Bouchard and the H4G team for putting the film here. For more films by the makers of this and BoH extras please visit. ActorsatWork http://www.youtube.com/actorsatwork Check them out for more videos regarding the film including the audio commentary. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=elt_l8zisik A scattered people, the descendants of storied sea kings of the ancient West, struggle to survive in a lonely wilderness as a dark force relentlessly bends its will toward their destruction. Yet amidst these valiant, desperate people, hope remains. A royal house endures unbroken from father to son. This 70 minute original ...

    published: 12 Dec 2009
  • Batmanda Yakalanan Gerçek CİN

    Batmanın İluh Mahallesinde Daha Önce CİN'lerin Olduğunu ve onları Gören Mahalle Sakinleri Olmuştu. ve Mahalle Sakinlerinden Ramazan Yılmazer İsmindeki şahıs Evindeki Bir Odada Karanlık Bir Yerde Yakaladığı CİN'i Görmüş Yüzüklerle Yakalayıp Baygın BirŞekilde Yakalamıştır. Dikkat Ederseniz Zaten hareket Ediyor Canlıdır.

    published: 21 Jun 2014
  • Lifestyle Christianity - Movie FULL HD ( Todd White )

    "Lifestyle Christianity!" | This feature length movie takes you into four normal days of the life of Todd White. Get a behind-the-scenes perspective on how Todd White represents our King with every breath that he has. Connect With Todd White: ➢ mobile app: Text 'mobileapp' to 41411. Search App Store for "Lifestyle Christianity" ➢ facebook: http://www.facebook.com/ToddWhiteLC ➢ instagram: http://www.instagram.com/ToddWhiteLC ➢ twitter: http://www.twitter.com/ToddWhiteLC ➢ podcast: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/todd-white-podcast/id1156002023?mt=2 Training With Todd White & The Lifestyle Christianity Team: ➢ Power & Love: http://LifestyleChristianity.com/PowerAndLove ➢ Training Center: https://multiply.lifestylechristianity.com Connect With Lifestyle Christianity: ➢ facebook: http...

    published: 19 Dec 2016
  • RE: MixedAsians Turkey and hungarian asiatic and mongoloid dna.

    THE NAME OF THE SUMERIAN GOD WAS GOG-ANU THIS IS A TURKISH NAME IT MEANS GOK-ANA ( MOTHER OF THE SKY) SOME SUMERIAN AND TURKISH WERBS AND WORDS SUMER - TURKISH adda ........ ata ilu .................. ulu izi .................. isi e ................... ev kiya ............... kıyı egi ................. ece (prenses) es .................. esmek ku .................. koymak ku (gümüş) ........... kuyumcu (gümüşle uğraşan) gisku ..................... şişko dim (dik duran) .... dimdik de ......................... demek duru ..................... durmak kusu ..................... koşmak güles (gülen adam) ...... güleş, gülenç ara (ir; yürümek) ........ aralaşmak, irilmek bur (delik) .......... burgu (delik açan alet) bal ................... balta bar ................... parlamak udun (...

    published: 16 Jan 2012
  • 1982-0513 Public Program, The Left Side - Problems of Subconscious, Brighton, UK, subtitles

    Archive video: H.H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi at Sahaja Yoga Public Program 1982 in Christchurch House, Brighton (United Kingdom). Digitally improved file. more at: https://www.amruta.org/p/8880 subtitles: http://nvportal.s3.amazonaws.com/video/FXMIasp2_sE.zip "The more you start depending on matter, the more your spontaneity is finished, because you're dealing with the dead. Matter, when it is dead, then only we deal with it. When it is living we are not so much bothered about it. So the deadness of that matter settles within us when we start using that matter for our purpose. But how are we to otherwise exist? Is the question people can ask. If God has given us this material things and this matter to be used, are we not supposed to use them? And are we not supposed to enjoy them? But we d...

    published: 21 May 2011
  • How women wage conflict without violence | Julia Bacha

    Are you setting out to change the world? Here's a stat you should know: nonviolent campaigns are 100 percent more likely to succeed than violent ones. So why don't more groups use nonviolence when faced with conflict? Filmmaker Julia Bacha shares stories of effective nonviolent resistance, including eye-opening research on the crucial leadership role that women play. TEDTalks is a daily video podcast of the best talks and performances from the TED Conference, where the world's leading thinkers and doers give the talk of their lives in 18 minutes (or less). Look for talks on Technology, Entertainment and Design -- plus science, business, global issues, the arts and much more. Find closed captions and translated subtitles in many languages at http://www.ted.com/translate Follow TED news on...

    published: 20 Sep 2016
  • Vietnam War: Battle of Con Thien - Documentary Film

    Con Thien (Tiếng Việt: Cồn Tiên, meaning the "Hill of Angels"), was a United States Marine Corps combat base located near the Vietnamese Demilitarized Zone about 3 km from North Vietnam. More on this topic: https://www.amazon.com/gp/search?ie=UTF8&tag;=tra0c7-20&linkCode;=ur2&linkId;=cd3b7f9bfe775566be64832da7fb1042&camp;=1789&creative;=9325&index;=books&keywords;=con%20thien It was the site of fierce fighting from February 1967 through February 1968. On 27 February 1967, in response to Marine artillery fire into and the area north of the DMZ (Operation Highrise) NVA mortar, rocket and artillery fire hit Con Thien and Gio Linh[3]. On 20 March, NVA began shelling Con Thien and Gio Linh which continued sporadically for the next two weeks[4]. On 24 March 1st Battalion, 9th Marines began Operation ...

    published: 29 Aug 2012
  • Are Fortescue Metals shares a good value BUY or a time bomb SELL?

    FMG, Iluka Resources ILU, GPT, Comm Property CPA, Tatts TTS. Our market experts are divided on whether FMG shares are a BUY or SELL. But they agree Tatts TTS is a BUY. It's Campbell Dawson v Peter Esho on BuyHoldSell - 5 stocks rated, all in two minutes. Disclaimer: BuyHoldSell is a combination of general information and opinion, and does not take into account your investment objectives, needs or financial position. Please seek advice from a financial professional and/or carefully evaluate whether any particular recommendation is appropriate for your situation.

    published: 19 Apr 2013
  • Türkiye'nin en yaşanılası 10 Şehri

    published: 14 Aug 2014
  • Сварка для начинающих сварщиков! Как я научился варить электросваркой?

    Подпишись на канал и ты узнаешь много нового: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuIQ6S9A23ISvRZN4xn0ieA "Урок сварщика" "Сварка электродом" "Сварочный стык" "Как научиться варить" "Принципы сварки" "Электродуговая сварка" "Как варить самому" "Основы сварки" "Сварка для начинающих" Электросварка "Как правильно варить" "Сварка швов" "Сварка инвертором" "Сварочные работы" "Советы сварщика" "Сварка электродом" "сварка полуавтоматом" "сварка аргоном" "сварка трением" "сварка алюминия" "сварка труб" "сварка нержавейки" "сварка полипропиленовых труб"

    published: 21 Nov 2016
  • Tremors 5: Bloodlines

    The stakes are raised for survivalist, Burt Gummer (Michael Gross) in his most dangerous monster hunt yet. When Gummer’s hired to capture a deadly Ass-blaster terrorizing South Africa, he and his new sidekick Travis Welker (Jamie Kennedy) engage in a battle of survival against the fiercely aggressive Ass-blasters and Graboids. Discovering the monsters have evolved into even more lethal creatures, their killer mission takes on a whole new level of unseen terror--far more than they bargained for. (Original Title - Tremors 5: Bloodlines) - 2015 Universal Studios. All Rights Reserved.

    published: 06 Oct 2015
  • Anonymous

    Set in the political snake-pit of Elizabethan England, Anonymous speculates on an issue that has for centuries intrigued academics and brilliant minds ranging from Mark Twain and Charles Dickens to Henry James and Sigmund Freud, namely: who was the author of the plays credited to William Shakespeare? Experts have debated, books have been written, and scholars have devoted their lives to protecting or debunking theories surrounding the authorship of the most renowned works in English literature. Anonymous poses one possible answer, focusing on a time when cloak-and-dagger political intrigue, illicit romances in the Royal Court, and the schemes of greedy nobles hungry for the power of the throne were exposed in the most unlikely of places: the London stage. MPAA Rating: PG-13 Rated PG-13 for...

    published: 12 Dec 2013
  • Stress, Portrait of a Killer - Full Documentary (2008)

    my artworks: http://ndooza.blogspot.com subtitles are available in 76 languages in the settings icon, you can improve them on this page (please send me a message if you have improved a language subtitle so I can upload it): http://www.amara.org/en/videos/ZoXiuqhJ9w79/info/stress-portrait-of-a-killer-full-documentary-2008/ other awesome, more in depth Sapolsky presentations: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NNnIGh9g6fA&list;=PL848F2368C90DDC3D

    published: 16 Oct 2011
  • SCP-1461 House of the Worm | Object Class: Euclid | Church of the Broken God SCP / Building scp

    SCP-1461 is an English manor (circa 1890) with attached sub-levels. It came to the Foundation's attention on November 1941, when the dwelling and its sub-level facilities vanished, then rematerialized after an eleven day period of absence. The surface portion of SCP-1461 is a two-level dwelling with twelve bedrooms, four baths, three studies, a main foyer/ballroom, a library, a kitchen, and a pantry-basement. Most of these rooms were converted into simple barracks prior to Foundation acquisition and are believed to have been dwellings for the cult. Site-6 Staff have reinforced the structure and use the available space to house monitoring rooms and security forces. No anomalous activity has ever originated from the manor itself. Help me out on Patreon! ▼Patreon▼ https://www.patreon.com/Eas...

    published: 22 Sep 2015
  • Karapürçekte Kaza.

    Çocuklarımızın Verilmiş Sadakası Varmış,Ucuz Atlattılar.. 25.02.2015 Yer Celalın Bayırı...

    published: 25 Feb 2015
  • CIA Archives: Buddhism in Burma - History, Politics and Culture

    Buddhism in Burma (also known as Myanmar) is predominantly of the Theravada tradition, practised by 89% of the country's population. It is the most religious Buddhist country in terms of the proportion of monks in the population and proportion of income spent on religion. Adherents are most likely found among the dominant ethnic Bamar (or Burmans), Shan, Rakhine (Arakanese), Mon, Karen, and Chinese who are well integrated into Burmese society. Monks, collectively known as the Sangha, are venerated members of Burmese society. Among many ethnic groups in Myanmar, including the Bamar and Shan, Theravada Buddhism is practiced in conjunction with nat worship, which involves the placation of spirits who can intercede in worldly affairs. With regard to the Daily Routines as Buddhists in Myanmar,...

    published: 14 Aug 2012
  • Global Warming or a New Ice Age: Documentary Film

    Global cooling was a conjecture during the 1970s of imminent cooling of the Earth's surface and atmosphere along with a posited commencement of glaciation. More on this topic: https://www.amazon.com/gp/search?ie=UTF8&tag;=tra0c7-20&linkCode;=ur2&linkId;=d5efc8b59353d775d70007da8af41fce&camp;=1789&creative;=9325&index;=books&keywords;=global%20cooling This hypothesis had little support in the scientific community, but gained temporary popular attention due to a combination of a slight downward trend of temperatures from the 1940s to the early 1970s and press reports that did not accurately reflect the scientific understanding of ice age cycles. In contrast to the global cooling conjecture, the current scientific opinion on climate change is that the Earth has not durably cooled, but undergone glo...

    published: 23 Jun 2012
  • After the Tribulation

    BUY DVD http://afterthetribulation.bigcartel.com/product/after-the-tribulation-dvd BUY BLU-RAY http://afterthetribulation.bigcartel.com/product/after-the-tribulation-blu-ray PASTORS SPECIAL http://afterthetribulation.bigcartel.com/product/after-the-tribulation-pastor... The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Fraud Exposed Satan is working behind the scenes to set up a one world government and one world religion in preparation for the Antichrist. He has also deceived modern evangelical Christians into believing that they will be removed from this earth before the great tribulation takes place. This doctrine, known as the pre-tribulation rapture, teaches that Christ may return at any moment, and that there will be no signs of his coming. As a result of this deception, most Christians are completely u...

    published: 30 Dec 2012
  • Racism, School Desegregation Laws and the Civil Rights Movement in the United States

    The African-American Civil Rights Movement (1955--1968) refers to the social movements in the United States aimed at outlawing racial discrimination against black Americans and restoring voting rights to them. This article covers the phase of the movement between 1955 and 1968, particularly in the South. The emergence of the Black Power Movement, which lasted roughly from 1966 to 1975, enlarged the aims of the Civil Rights Movement to include racial dignity, economic and political self-sufficiency, and freedom from oppression by white Americans. The movement was characterized by major campaigns of civil resistance. Between 1955 and 1968, acts of nonviolent protest and civil disobedience produced crisis situations between activists and government authorities. Federal, state, and local gove...

    published: 14 Aug 2012
developed with YouTube


  • Order:
  • Duration: 11:57
  • Updated: 10 Aug 2017
  • views: 622337
bu videoda illuminatiye davet edildim, yorumlarınız neler ? www.furkanturan.com.tr Reklam & Sponsorluk : minedelete@gmail.com Bağış Yapmak İçin İninal Barkod : * 0000007 191 480 * barkodu ininal cüzdan uygulamasında para transferi bölümüne girerek dilediğiniz tutarda bağış yapabilirsiniz. bağışlar sizlere ürettiğim içeriği geliştirmeme yardımcı olacaktır. bağış atanlar mesaj atarsa sevinirim :) Abone ol ► https://goo.gl/32JFH6 Twitter ► https://goo.gl/qb5idj Canlı Yayınlar ► https://goo.gl/Nl9nzw İnstagram ► * https://goo.gl/8BU0Ej -- @furkanturanofficial Snapchat ► furkanturran İntro Music ; Packy - Wobbin GİZZA'YA KATIL ! ► http://goo.gl/LgYxFP
Asla Vazgeçmem 19.Bölüm ᴴᴰ

Asla Vazgeçmem 19.Bölüm ᴴᴰ

  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:57:09
  • Updated: 01 Oct 2015
  • views: 2901253
Show TV YouTube Kanalına Abone Ol → http://showtv.tv/AGqcyj Asla Vazgeçmem 19.Bölüm Özeti: Kocasını Nur ile öpüşürken gören İclal’in baygınlık geçirerek hastaneye kaldırılması kopacak fırtınayı belli bir süre ertelese de İclal’in bu durumu kolay kolay hazmedebilmesi mümkün olmayacaktır. Kızını korumadaki tek yolun, İclal’in Yiğit ve Nur’la yüzleşmesini engellemekten geçtiğine inanan Aytül’e rağmen İclal durmayacaktır. Ufak tacizlerle başladığı bu ilişkiyi sonlandırma çabası birkaç gün içinde onu kesin bir çözüm için cinayet planlamasına kadar götürecektir. Elmas’dan yana ağzı sürekli yanan ama ondan bir türlü vazgeçemeyen Cahit ise bir kez daha Elmas’ın tuzağına düşecektir. Her şeyden habersiz olan Nur ve Yiğit ise sorunlarının bir kısmını çözmüş olmanın rahatlığı ile aşklarını doyasıya yaşadıkları bir dönemdedirler. Ancak bu dönem uzun sürmeyecek, Fırat’ın kötücül çabaları, Aytül’ün oyunları, İclal’in planları sayesinde hayatları yeniden karışacaktır. AslaVazgeçmem Yönetmen: Aysun Akyüz, Mehdiabbas Asla Vazgeçmem Oyuncular: Tolgahan Sayışman (Yiğit) , Amine Gülşe (Nur) , Şafak Pekdemir (İclal), Ayşegül Günay (Aytül), Tugay Mercan (Cahit), Yonca Cevher (Nazan), Ümit Yesin (Tayyar), Hülya Gülşen Irmak (Hafize), Tuğçe Kumral (Elmas), Yağızkan Dikmen (Emin), Poyraz Bayramoğlu (Mert) , Hakan Dinçkol (Fırat) Yapım: Gold Film Yapımcı: Faruk Turgut Senaryo: Sırma Yanık, Melis Civelek
Star Trek: TNG Reunion Panel - Vegas 2012 - Jonathan Frakes, Brent Spiner, Michael Dorn

Star Trek: TNG Reunion Panel - Vegas 2012 - Jonathan Frakes, Brent Spiner, Michael Dorn

  • Order:
  • Duration: 16:12
  • Updated: 21 Oct 2017
  • views: 1126
From our video archives this is the Star Trek: The Next Generation Reunion Panel filmed at the Rio Hotel during the 2012 Star Trek Convention in Las Vegas, NV. Panelists included Jonathan Frakes, LeVar Burton, Brent Spiner, Michael Dorn, Gates McFadden, Marina Sirtis and Colm Meaney. This is highlighted clips from the panel. Sorry about some shaky camera movement, this was film handheld. If you enjoy the video please hit the subscribe button :) Follow us on Twitter ►https://twitter.com/majesticentinc Like us on Facebook ► https://www.facebook.com/Majesticentinc Follow us on Instagram ►https://www.instagram.com/majesticentinc
What really matters at the end of life | BJ Miller

What really matters at the end of life | BJ Miller

  • Order:
  • Duration: 19:08
  • Updated: 30 Sep 2015
  • views: 3133764
At the end of our lives, what do we most wish for? For many, it’s simply comfort, respect, love. BJ Miller is a palliative care physician who thinks deeply about how to create a dignified, graceful end of life for his patients. Take the time to savor this moving talk, which asks big questions about how we think on death and honor life. TEDTalks is a daily video podcast of the best talks and performances from the TED Conference, where the world's leading thinkers and doers give the talk of their lives in 18 minutes (or less). Look for talks on Technology, Entertainment and Design -- plus science, business, global issues, the arts and much more. Find closed captions and translated subtitles in many languages at http://www.ted.com/translate Follow TED news on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/tednews Like TED on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TED Subscribe to our channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/TEDtalksDirector
Bill Davenhall: Your health depends on where you live

Bill Davenhall: Your health depends on where you live

  • Order:
  • Duration: 9:26
  • Updated: 25 Jan 2010
  • views: 57268
http://www.ted.com Where you live: It impacts your health as much as diet and genes do, but it's not part of your medical records. At TEDMED, Bill Davenhall shows how overlooked government geo-data (from local heart-attack rates to toxic dumpsite info) can mesh with mobile GPS apps to keep doctors in the loop. Call it "geo-medicine."
Born of Hope - Full Movie

Born of Hope - Full Movie

  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:11:25
  • Updated: 12 Dec 2009
  • views: 41845104
Born of Hope is an independent feature film inspired by the Lord of the Rings and produced by Actors at Work Productions in the UK. http://www.bornofhope.com Thanks to Chris Bouchard and the H4G team for putting the film here. For more films by the makers of this and BoH extras please visit. ActorsatWork http://www.youtube.com/actorsatwork Check them out for more videos regarding the film including the audio commentary. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=elt_l8zisik A scattered people, the descendants of storied sea kings of the ancient West, struggle to survive in a lonely wilderness as a dark force relentlessly bends its will toward their destruction. Yet amidst these valiant, desperate people, hope remains. A royal house endures unbroken from father to son. This 70 minute original drama is set in the time before the War of the Ring and tells the story of the Dúnedain, the Rangers of the North, before the return of the King. Inspired by only a couple of paragraphs written by Tolkien in the appendices of the Lord of the Rings we follow Arathorn and Gilraen, the parents of Aragorn, from their first meeting through a turbulent time in their people's history.
Batmanda Yakalanan Gerçek CİN

Batmanda Yakalanan Gerçek CİN

  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:07
  • Updated: 21 Jun 2014
  • views: 572155
Batmanın İluh Mahallesinde Daha Önce CİN'lerin Olduğunu ve onları Gören Mahalle Sakinleri Olmuştu. ve Mahalle Sakinlerinden Ramazan Yılmazer İsmindeki şahıs Evindeki Bir Odada Karanlık Bir Yerde Yakaladığı CİN'i Görmüş Yüzüklerle Yakalayıp Baygın BirŞekilde Yakalamıştır. Dikkat Ederseniz Zaten hareket Ediyor Canlıdır.
Lifestyle Christianity - Movie FULL HD ( Todd White )

Lifestyle Christianity - Movie FULL HD ( Todd White )

  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:15:01
  • Updated: 19 Dec 2016
  • views: 669398
"Lifestyle Christianity!" | This feature length movie takes you into four normal days of the life of Todd White. Get a behind-the-scenes perspective on how Todd White represents our King with every breath that he has. Connect With Todd White: ➢ mobile app: Text 'mobileapp' to 41411. Search App Store for "Lifestyle Christianity" ➢ facebook: http://www.facebook.com/ToddWhiteLC ➢ instagram: http://www.instagram.com/ToddWhiteLC ➢ twitter: http://www.twitter.com/ToddWhiteLC ➢ podcast: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/todd-white-podcast/id1156002023?mt=2 Training With Todd White & The Lifestyle Christianity Team: ➢ Power & Love: http://LifestyleChristianity.com/PowerAndLove ➢ Training Center: https://multiply.lifestylechristianity.com Connect With Lifestyle Christianity: ➢ facebook: http://www.facebook.com/LifestyleChristianity ➢ instagram: http://www.instagram.com/LifestyleChristianity ➢ twitter: http://www.twitter.com/LifestyleChrist ➢ events: http://LifestyleChristianity.com/Events ➢ text-to-give: text 'donatenow' to 41411 ➢ online giving: http://www.LifestyleChristianity.com/Give ➢ store: http://www.LifestyleChristianityStore.com ➢ Lifestyle Christianity TV app is available on Apple TV, Android TV, ROKU, Amazon Fire Todd was a drug addict and atheist for 22 years—when in 2004—he was radically set free! Todd believes that redemption and righteousness are the foundational keys for living life as a new creation in Christ. Todd’s foremost desire is to see the Holy Spirit flowing through believers everywhere that they go–at work, school, grocery stores, malls, gas stations, and more. Todd’s true joy is being able to reproduce a 24/7 kingdom lifestyle in every believer. His heart is to activate people in the simplicity of who they really are and confront the barriers that hold them back from being who God created them to be. No one is excluded!
RE: MixedAsians Turkey and hungarian asiatic and mongoloid dna.

RE: MixedAsians Turkey and hungarian asiatic and mongoloid dna.

  • Order:
  • Duration: 10:16
  • Updated: 16 Jan 2012
  • views: 1069
THE NAME OF THE SUMERIAN GOD WAS GOG-ANU THIS IS A TURKISH NAME IT MEANS GOK-ANA ( MOTHER OF THE SKY) SOME SUMERIAN AND TURKISH WERBS AND WORDS SUMER - TURKISH adda ........ ata ilu .................. ulu izi .................. isi e ................... ev kiya ............... kıyı egi ................. ece (prenses) es .................. esmek ku .................. koymak ku (gümüş) ........... kuyumcu (gümüşle uğraşan) gisku ..................... şişko dim (dik duran) .... dimdik de ......................... demek duru ..................... durmak kusu ..................... koşmak güles (gülen adam) ...... güleş, gülenç ara (ir; yürümek) ........ aralaşmak, irilmek bur (delik) .......... burgu (delik açan alet) bal ................... balta bar ................... parlamak udun (firşn) ......... otun (ayrıca firında yakılan, odun) us (akşl) .............. us ib ........................ ip alim (kuvvetli,yüksek) ......... alimli tukul (dost) .......................tohul tam (şafak vakti) ................ tan ulu (muhteşem, yüce) ......... ulu-ulug Bugin (göl)......................... Buget (biriktirilmiş su, Anadolu) A-na? .............................. Ne? (Anadolu'da hayret ifadesi:Aney!) Bur ....................... Bardak Buy, bun ............... Boyun Bu ....................... Bulak (çesme) Bab ...................... Baba Azag (mukaddes).......... İzgi, edgü (Eski Türkçe) Gig (zayıif) .................. İg, yig (hasta, Eski Türkçe) Ud ( gün, zaman).......... İd, öd (zaman, Eski Türkçe) Zak (taraf) .................. Yak (yakin) Gup, kup (gitmek).......... Kopmak (kosup gitmek, Anadolu) Gim? Kim? .................... Kim? Ama (ana) ................... Aba (Anadolu'da) Gis (odun) ................... Yis (Orhun Türkçesi) Gar (ışık) ..................... Yaruk (Eski Türkçe) gen (kadın hizmetçi) ........ Kün (cariye, Orhun'dan) Tag .............................. Değ(mek) Ug, uku (halk) ................ Ugus (kavim) Vur, vir (şarkı söylemek) ....... Yırlamak, ırlamak Ur(u), ir (erkek) .............. Er, ir (Uygurca: uri) Gir (ateş) ............ Kor Udun (ateş) ........ Od, ot, odun (ateşte yanan) Dingir ................. Tengri (Eski Türkçe: Tanrı; Kumanca: dingir) Dagal ........... Dağılmak
1982-0513 Public Program, The Left Side - Problems of Subconscious, Brighton, UK, subtitles

1982-0513 Public Program, The Left Side - Problems of Subconscious, Brighton, UK, subtitles

  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:20:06
  • Updated: 21 May 2011
  • views: 52117
Archive video: H.H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi at Sahaja Yoga Public Program 1982 in Christchurch House, Brighton (United Kingdom). Digitally improved file. more at: https://www.amruta.org/p/8880 subtitles: http://nvportal.s3.amazonaws.com/video/FXMIasp2_sE.zip "The more you start depending on matter, the more your spontaneity is finished, because you're dealing with the dead. Matter, when it is dead, then only we deal with it. When it is living we are not so much bothered about it. So the deadness of that matter settles within us when we start using that matter for our purpose. But how are we to otherwise exist? Is the question people can ask. If God has given us this material things and this matter to be used, are we not supposed to use them? And are we not supposed to enjoy them? But we don't enjoy. We ... before Realization you cannot enjoy any matter. " H.H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
How women wage conflict without violence | Julia Bacha

How women wage conflict without violence | Julia Bacha

  • Order:
  • Duration: 12:28
  • Updated: 20 Sep 2016
  • views: 63507
Are you setting out to change the world? Here's a stat you should know: nonviolent campaigns are 100 percent more likely to succeed than violent ones. So why don't more groups use nonviolence when faced with conflict? Filmmaker Julia Bacha shares stories of effective nonviolent resistance, including eye-opening research on the crucial leadership role that women play. TEDTalks is a daily video podcast of the best talks and performances from the TED Conference, where the world's leading thinkers and doers give the talk of their lives in 18 minutes (or less). Look for talks on Technology, Entertainment and Design -- plus science, business, global issues, the arts and much more. Find closed captions and translated subtitles in many languages at http://www.ted.com/translate Follow TED news on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/tednews Like TED on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TED Subscribe to our channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/TEDtalksDirector
Vietnam War: Battle of Con Thien - Documentary Film

Vietnam War: Battle of Con Thien - Documentary Film

  • Order:
  • Duration: 24:27
  • Updated: 29 Aug 2012
  • views: 839545
Con Thien (Tiếng Việt: Cồn Tiên, meaning the "Hill of Angels"), was a United States Marine Corps combat base located near the Vietnamese Demilitarized Zone about 3 km from North Vietnam. More on this topic: https://www.amazon.com/gp/search?ie=UTF8&tag;=tra0c7-20&linkCode;=ur2&linkId;=cd3b7f9bfe775566be64832da7fb1042&camp;=1789&creative;=9325&index;=books&keywords;=con%20thien It was the site of fierce fighting from February 1967 through February 1968. On 27 February 1967, in response to Marine artillery fire into and the area north of the DMZ (Operation Highrise) NVA mortar, rocket and artillery fire hit Con Thien and Gio Linh[3]. On 20 March, NVA began shelling Con Thien and Gio Linh which continued sporadically for the next two weeks[4]. On 24 March 1st Battalion, 9th Marines began Operation Prairie III where they encounted an NVA battalion in a bunker complex southeast of Con Thien. After a two hour fight the NVA withdrew leaving 33 killed in action. Sergeant Walter K. Singleton was posthumously awarded the Medal of Honor for his actions in the attack. 3rd Battalion, 3rd Marines (3/3) operating beside 1/9 encountered an entrenched NVA Company, killing 28 NVA including two women[5]. In mid-April Charlie Company, 11th Engineer Battalion was tasked with clearing a 200m wide strip from Con Thien to Gio Linh, a distance of 10.6 km. The engineers were protected by a task force consisting of the 1st Battalion, 4th Marines, an AMTRAC (LVT-5) platoon, a platoon of M42 Dusters from the 1st Battalion, 44th Artillery and some ARVN units. By 19 April, despite harassment from NVA mines, small arms, recoilless rifle, mortar and artillery fire the strip was half-completed[5]. In order to protect Route 561, the supply line to Con Thien from Route 9, the Marines had established two outposts, C-2 Base was located 3 km southeast of Con Thien and contained artillery and infantry positions, while C-2A nicknamed the Washout was on low-lying ground overlooking a bridge[6]. 8 May, at 03:00 some 300 rounds of mortar and artillery fire hit the base, while NVA sappers with Bangalore torpedoes breached the perimeter wire. At 04:00 two battalions of the 812th NVA Regiment armed with flamethrowers attempted to overrun the base. At the time of the attack the base was defended by the command element and Companies A and D of 1/4 Marines and a CIDG unit. The attack fell primarily on Company D. A relief column from Company A was sent with an M42 Duster, 2 LVT-5s and 2 1/4 ton trucks. The M42 was hit by an RPG-7 and an LVT-5 and one truck were destroyed by satchel charges. By 09:00 the NVA had withdrawn leaving 197 KIA and 8 prisoners. The Marines had suffered 44 KIA and 110 wounded[7]. After the 8 May attack, recognizing that the NVA were using the DMZ as a sanctuary for attacks into I Corps, Washington lifted the prohibition on US forces entering the DMZ and MACV authorized the III Marine Amphibious Force (III MAF) to conduct combat operations into the southern half of the DMZ[8]. From 13--16 May, 1/9 Marines cleared Route 561 from Cam Lo to Con Thien fought a well-entrenched NVA force south of the base. The NVA subsequently withdrew into the DMZ[8]. III MAF proceeded to plan a series of combined operations with ARVN forces that occurred from 18 to 26 May. Under Operation Hickory 3rd Marines' advanced to the Ben Hai River. Under Operation Lam Son 54 the 1st ARVN Division advanced parallel to 3rd Marines while the amphibious Special Landing Force Alpha secured the coastline south of the Ben Hai River under Operation Beau Charger and Special Landing Force Bravo linked up with 3rd Marines under Operation Belt Tight. Once at the Ben Hai River, the forces swept south on a broad front to Route 9[8]. From 19 to 27 May when Lam Son 54 ended the ARVN were in constant contact with the NVA. The ARVN suffered 22 KIA and 122 wounded, while the NVA suffered 342 KIA and 30 captured[9]. The amphibious element of Operation Beau Charger met no opposition while the heliborne assault dropped into a hot LZ. Only one platoon was landed and it remained isolated until rescued several hours later. Beau Charger continued until 26 May with minimal contact. 85 NVA were killed[10]. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Con_Thien
Are Fortescue Metals shares a good value BUY or a time bomb SELL?

Are Fortescue Metals shares a good value BUY or a time bomb SELL?

  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:06
  • Updated: 19 Apr 2013
  • views: 386
FMG, Iluka Resources ILU, GPT, Comm Property CPA, Tatts TTS. Our market experts are divided on whether FMG shares are a BUY or SELL. But they agree Tatts TTS is a BUY. It's Campbell Dawson v Peter Esho on BuyHoldSell - 5 stocks rated, all in two minutes. Disclaimer: BuyHoldSell is a combination of general information and opinion, and does not take into account your investment objectives, needs or financial position. Please seek advice from a financial professional and/or carefully evaluate whether any particular recommendation is appropriate for your situation.
Türkiye'nin en yaşanılası 10 Şehri

Türkiye'nin en yaşanılası 10 Şehri

  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:13
  • Updated: 14 Aug 2014
  • views: 206163
Сварка для начинающих сварщиков!  Как я научился варить электросваркой?

Сварка для начинающих сварщиков! Как я научился варить электросваркой?

  • Order:
  • Duration: 9:23
  • Updated: 21 Nov 2016
  • views: 621253
Подпишись на канал и ты узнаешь много нового: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuIQ6S9A23ISvRZN4xn0ieA "Урок сварщика" "Сварка электродом" "Сварочный стык" "Как научиться варить" "Принципы сварки" "Электродуговая сварка" "Как варить самому" "Основы сварки" "Сварка для начинающих" Электросварка "Как правильно варить" "Сварка швов" "Сварка инвертором" "Сварочные работы" "Советы сварщика" "Сварка электродом" "сварка полуавтоматом" "сварка аргоном" "сварка трением" "сварка алюминия" "сварка труб" "сварка нержавейки" "сварка полипропиленовых труб"
Tremors 5: Bloodlines

Tremors 5: Bloodlines

  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:38:58
  • Updated: 06 Oct 2015
  • views: 0
The stakes are raised for survivalist, Burt Gummer (Michael Gross) in his most dangerous monster hunt yet. When Gummer’s hired to capture a deadly Ass-blaster terrorizing South Africa, he and his new sidekick Travis Welker (Jamie Kennedy) engage in a battle of survival against the fiercely aggressive Ass-blasters and Graboids. Discovering the monsters have evolved into even more lethal creatures, their killer mission takes on a whole new level of unseen terror--far more than they bargained for. (Original Title - Tremors 5: Bloodlines) - 2015 Universal Studios. All Rights Reserved.


  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:09:58
  • Updated: 12 Dec 2013
  • views: 639
Set in the political snake-pit of Elizabethan England, Anonymous speculates on an issue that has for centuries intrigued academics and brilliant minds ranging from Mark Twain and Charles Dickens to Henry James and Sigmund Freud, namely: who was the author of the plays credited to William Shakespeare? Experts have debated, books have been written, and scholars have devoted their lives to protecting or debunking theories surrounding the authorship of the most renowned works in English literature. Anonymous poses one possible answer, focusing on a time when cloak-and-dagger political intrigue, illicit romances in the Royal Court, and the schemes of greedy nobles hungry for the power of the throne were exposed in the most unlikely of places: the London stage. MPAA Rating: PG-13 Rated PG-13 for some violence and sexual content. 2011 Columbia Pictures Industries, Inc. and Beverly Blvd LLC. All Rights Reserved.
Stress, Portrait of a Killer - Full Documentary (2008)

Stress, Portrait of a Killer - Full Documentary (2008)

  • Order:
  • Duration: 56:05
  • Updated: 16 Oct 2011
  • views: 1528276
my artworks: http://ndooza.blogspot.com subtitles are available in 76 languages in the settings icon, you can improve them on this page (please send me a message if you have improved a language subtitle so I can upload it): http://www.amara.org/en/videos/ZoXiuqhJ9w79/info/stress-portrait-of-a-killer-full-documentary-2008/ other awesome, more in depth Sapolsky presentations: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NNnIGh9g6fA&list;=PL848F2368C90DDC3D
SCP-1461 House of the Worm | Object Class: Euclid | Church of the Broken God SCP / Building scp

SCP-1461 House of the Worm | Object Class: Euclid | Church of the Broken God SCP / Building scp

  • Order:
  • Duration: 31:59
  • Updated: 22 Sep 2015
  • views: 81047
SCP-1461 is an English manor (circa 1890) with attached sub-levels. It came to the Foundation's attention on November 1941, when the dwelling and its sub-level facilities vanished, then rematerialized after an eleven day period of absence. The surface portion of SCP-1461 is a two-level dwelling with twelve bedrooms, four baths, three studies, a main foyer/ballroom, a library, a kitchen, and a pantry-basement. Most of these rooms were converted into simple barracks prior to Foundation acquisition and are believed to have been dwellings for the cult. Site-6 Staff have reinforced the structure and use the available space to house monitoring rooms and security forces. No anomalous activity has ever originated from the manor itself. Help me out on Patreon! ▼Patreon▼ https://www.patreon.com/EastsideShowSCP Read along with me! ♣Read along: http://www.scp-wiki.net/scp-1461 http://www.scp-wiki.net/the-worm Check out my SCP Playlists! Season 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H0xFp1HRmSQ&list;=PLWbMmdyBjyTxAdPDhu-K3KbOuG-cebCvL Season 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CUMD8Jlhk5k&list;=PLWbMmdyBjyTwtSTBO1AuXI0O_BoU1NH-j Social Media! ♣Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EastsideShowscp ♣Twitter: https://twitter.com/Eastsideshow Other ♣Music by Kevin MacLeod: http://incompetech.com/ ♥Be sure to like, comment, share, and subscribe!♥ #scp #eastsideshowscp
Karapürçekte Kaza.

Karapürçekte Kaza.

  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:29
  • Updated: 25 Feb 2015
  • views: 2553
Çocuklarımızın Verilmiş Sadakası Varmış,Ucuz Atlattılar.. 25.02.2015 Yer Celalın Bayırı...
CIA Archives: Buddhism in Burma - History, Politics and Culture

CIA Archives: Buddhism in Burma - History, Politics and Culture

  • Order:
  • Duration: 52:39
  • Updated: 14 Aug 2012
  • views: 102182
Buddhism in Burma (also known as Myanmar) is predominantly of the Theravada tradition, practised by 89% of the country's population. It is the most religious Buddhist country in terms of the proportion of monks in the population and proportion of income spent on religion. Adherents are most likely found among the dominant ethnic Bamar (or Burmans), Shan, Rakhine (Arakanese), Mon, Karen, and Chinese who are well integrated into Burmese society. Monks, collectively known as the Sangha, are venerated members of Burmese society. Among many ethnic groups in Myanmar, including the Bamar and Shan, Theravada Buddhism is practiced in conjunction with nat worship, which involves the placation of spirits who can intercede in worldly affairs. With regard to the Daily Routines as Buddhists in Myanmar, there are two most popular practices: merit-making and vipassana (Insight Meditation). The weizza path is the least popular (an esoteric form somewhat linked to Buddhist aspiration that involves the occult).[4] Merit-making is the most common path undertaken by Burmese Buddhists. This path involves the observance of the Five Precepts and accumulation of good merit through charity and good deeds (dana) in order to obtain a favorable rebirth. The vipassana path, which has gained ground since the early 1900s, is a form of insight meditation believed to lead to enlightenment. The weizza path, is an esoteric system of occult practices (such as recitation of spells, samatha meditation, and alchemy) and believed to lead to life as a weizza (also spelt weikza), a semi-immortal and supernatural being who awaits the appearance of the future Buddha, Maitreya (Arimeitaya).[5] This last one is frowned upon by many practicing Buddhists and almost all Monks in Myanmar nowadays. Burma (Listeni/ˈbɜrmə/ BUR-mə), also Myanmar (Listeni/ˌmjɑːnˈmɑː/ MYAHN--MAR), is a sovereign country in Southeast Asia. It is bordered by India, Bangladesh, China, Laos and Thailand. One-third of Burma's total perimeter of 1,930 kilometres (1,200 mi) forms an uninterrupted coastline along the Bay of Bengal and the Andaman Sea. At 676,578 km2 (261,227 sq mi), it is the 40th largest country in the world and the second largest country in Southeast Asia. Burma is also the 24th most populous country in the world with over 60.28 million people.[6] Burma is home to some of the early civilizations of Southeast Asia including the Pyu and the Mon.[7] In the 9th century, the Burmans of the Kingdom of Nanzhao entered the upper Irrawaddy valley and, following the establishment of the Pagan Empire in the 1050s, the Burmese language and culture slowly became dominant in the country. During this period, Theravada Buddhism gradually became the predominant religion of the country. The Pagan Empire fell due to the Mongol invasions (1277--1301), and several warring states emerged. In the second half of the 16th century, the country was reunified by the Taungoo Dynasty which for a brief period was the largest empire in the history of Southeast Asia.[8] The early 19th century Konbaung Dynasty ruled over an area that included modern Burma as well as Manipur and Assam. The country was colonized by Britain following three Anglo-Burmese Wars (1824--1885). British rule brought social, economic, cultural and administrative changes. Since independence in 1948, the country has been in one of the longest running civil wars among the country's myriad ethnic groups that remains unresolved. From 1962 to 2011, the country was under military rule. The military junta was officially dissolved in 2011 following a general election in 2010 and a nominally civilian government installed, though the military retains enormous influence. Burma is a resource-rich country. However, the Burmese economy is one of the least developed in the world. Burma's GDP stands at $42.953 billion and grows at an average rate of 2.9% annually -- the lowest rate of economic growth in the Greater Mekong Subregion.[9] Among others, the EU, United States and Canada have imposed economic sanctions on Burma.[10] Burma's health care system is one of the worst in the world: The World Health Organization ranked Burma at 190th, the worst performing of all countries. The United Nations and several other organizations have reported consistent and systematic human rights violations in the country, including child labour, human trafficking and a lack of freedom of speech. In recent years, the country and its military leadership has made large concessions to democratic activists and is slowly improving its relations with the major powers and the UN. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Burma
Global Warming or a New Ice Age: Documentary Film

Global Warming or a New Ice Age: Documentary Film

  • Order:
  • Duration: 54:13
  • Updated: 23 Jun 2012
  • views: 656395
Global cooling was a conjecture during the 1970s of imminent cooling of the Earth's surface and atmosphere along with a posited commencement of glaciation. More on this topic: https://www.amazon.com/gp/search?ie=UTF8&tag;=tra0c7-20&linkCode;=ur2&linkId;=d5efc8b59353d775d70007da8af41fce&camp;=1789&creative;=9325&index;=books&keywords;=global%20cooling This hypothesis had little support in the scientific community, but gained temporary popular attention due to a combination of a slight downward trend of temperatures from the 1940s to the early 1970s and press reports that did not accurately reflect the scientific understanding of ice age cycles. In contrast to the global cooling conjecture, the current scientific opinion on climate change is that the Earth has not durably cooled, but undergone global warming throughout the twentieth century. Concerns about nuclear winter arose in the early 1980s from several reports. Similar speculations have appeared over effects due to catastrophes such as asteroid impacts and massive volcanic eruptions. A prediction that massive oil well fires in Kuwait would cause significant effects on climate was quite incorrect. The idea of a global cooling as the result of global warming was already proposed in the 1990s. In 2003, the Office of Net Assessment at the United States Department of Defense was commissioned to produce a study on the likely and potential effects of a modern climate change, especially of a shutdown of thermohaline circulation. The study, conducted under ONA head Andrew Marshall, modelled its prospective climate change on the 8.2 kiloyear event, precisely because it was the middle alternative between the Younger Dryas and the Little Ice Age. The study caused controversy in the media when it was made public in 2004. However, scientists acknowledge that "abrupt climate change initiated by Greenland ice sheet melting is not a realistic scenario for the 21st century". Currently, the concern that cooler temperatures would continue, and perhaps at a faster rate, has been observed to be incorrect by the IPCC. More has to be learned about climate, but the growing records have shown that the cooling concerns of 1975 have not been borne out. As for the prospects of the end of the current interglacial (again, valid only in the absence of human perturbations): it isn't true that interglacials have previously only lasted about 10,000 years; and Milankovitch-type calculations indicate that the present interglacial would probably continue for tens of thousands of years naturally. Other estimates (Loutre and Berger, based on orbital calculations) put the unperturbed length of the present interglacial at 50,000 years. Berger (EGU 2005 presentation) believes that the present CO2 perturbation will last long enough to suppress the next glacial cycle entirely. As the NAS report indicates, scientific knowledge regarding climate change was more uncertain than it is today. At the time that Rasool and Schneider wrote their 1971 paper, climatologists had not yet recognized the significance of greenhouse gases other than water vapor and carbon dioxide, such as methane, nitrous oxide, and chlorofluorocarbons. Early in that decade, carbon dioxide was the only widely studied human-influenced greenhouse gas. The attention drawn to atmospheric gases in the 1970s stimulated many discoveries in future decades. As the temperature pattern changed, global cooling was of waning interest by 1979. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Global_cooling
After the Tribulation

After the Tribulation

  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:53:10
  • Updated: 30 Dec 2012
  • views: 74838
BUY DVD http://afterthetribulation.bigcartel.com/product/after-the-tribulation-dvd BUY BLU-RAY http://afterthetribulation.bigcartel.com/product/after-the-tribulation-blu-ray PASTORS SPECIAL http://afterthetribulation.bigcartel.com/product/after-the-tribulation-pastor... The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Fraud Exposed Satan is working behind the scenes to set up a one world government and one world religion in preparation for the Antichrist. He has also deceived modern evangelical Christians into believing that they will be removed from this earth before the great tribulation takes place. This doctrine, known as the pre-tribulation rapture, teaches that Christ may return at any moment, and that there will be no signs of his coming. As a result of this deception, most Christians are completely unprepared for what the Bible has warned us is coming. In this hard-hitting documentary, film-maker Paul Wittenberger (What in the World are They Spraying? and The Great Culling), Pastor Steven L Anderson, Pastor Roger Jimenez, and creation scientist Dr. Kent Hovind, prove from the King James Bible that the rapture will take place AFTER THE TRIBULATION but before God pours out his wrath upon this earth. They also expose Satan's plans for a global government and new world order. MORE INFO ON MOVIE http://www.afterthetribulation.com http://www.kjvprophecy.com Here is the link to make an online donation to Faithful Word Baptist Church: http://www.truebornsons.com/donate-to-fwbc/
Racism, School Desegregation Laws and the Civil Rights Movement in the United States

Racism, School Desegregation Laws and the Civil Rights Movement in the United States

  • Order:
  • Duration: 51:49
  • Updated: 14 Aug 2012
  • views: 510734
The African-American Civil Rights Movement (1955--1968) refers to the social movements in the United States aimed at outlawing racial discrimination against black Americans and restoring voting rights to them. This article covers the phase of the movement between 1955 and 1968, particularly in the South. The emergence of the Black Power Movement, which lasted roughly from 1966 to 1975, enlarged the aims of the Civil Rights Movement to include racial dignity, economic and political self-sufficiency, and freedom from oppression by white Americans. The movement was characterized by major campaigns of civil resistance. Between 1955 and 1968, acts of nonviolent protest and civil disobedience produced crisis situations between activists and government authorities. Federal, state, and local governments, businesses, and communities often had to respond immediately to these situations that highlighted the inequities faced by African Americans. Forms of protest and/or civil disobedience included boycotts such as the successful Montgomery Bus Boycott (1955--1956) in Alabama; "sit-ins" such as the influential Greensboro sit-ins (1960) in North Carolina; marches, such as the Selma to Montgomery marches (1965) in Alabama; and a wide range of other nonviolent activities. Noted legislative achievements during this phase of the Civil Rights Movement were passage of Civil Rights Act of 1964, that banned discrimination based on "race, color, religion, or national origin" in employment practices and public accommodations; the Voting Rights Act of 1965, that restored and protected voting rights; the Immigration and Nationality Services Act of 1965, that dramatically opened entry to the U.S. to immigrants other than traditional European groups; and the Fair Housing Act of 1968, that banned discrimination in the sale or rental of housing. African Americans re-entered politics in the South, and across the country young people were inspired to action. Desegregation busing in the United States (also known as forced busing or simply busing) is the practice of assigning and transporting students to schools in such a manner as to redress prior racial segregation of schools, or to overcome the effects of residential segregation on local school demographics. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Desegregation_busing_in_the_United_States