Hosting Meeting Notes: August 30, 2017

Here’s the summary of our meeting in #hosting-community on Wednesday, August 30, 2017 at 1700 UTC (Slack archive).

Distributed Testing

  • @danielbachhuber reported no significant updates on this topic. In particular, no new hosts have been added to the page since last week.
  • @jadonn noted that he’s setting up the test runner on InMotion Hosting.
  • We discussed the procedure for hosts to report issues while running the test runner and for hosts to receive support on those issues. @danielbachhuber suggested, and we agreed, to use the PHPUnit Test Runner GitHub Issues page as a support forum for now to centralize diagnosing issues with the test runner and to help hosts with resolving failing tests.
  • @danielbachhuber recognized @straussd from Pantheon for logging #41716, a bug in the automated database tests. Thank you, David, for reporting the bug!

Hosting Best Practices Documentation

  • @mikeschroder recognized pull requests and contributions that had been made since the last meeting.
  • The documentation is still incomplete. People who want to contribute should submit pull requests with the changes they would like to submit. The best practices repo is open, and both pull requests and reviews are appreciated!


Miss this week’s meeting and want to discuss the initiatives above? Spend some time in the comments and share your thoughts!

Next Meeting

The next meeting will be in #hosting-community on Wednesday, September 6, 2017 at 1700 UTC. Hope to see you then!

#best-practices, #documentation, #notes, #testing, #weekly-hosting-chat

Hosting Meeting Notes: August 23, 2017

Here’s the summary of our meeting in #hosting-community on Wednesday, August 23, 2017 at 1700 UTC (Slack archive).

Distributed Testing

  • This became live on make/hosting last week, and there are now two hosts participating.
  • @danielbachhuber notes that we should run a beta program for more hosts to work through process before wide promotion. If you work at a host and are interested in getting the WordPress automated test suite running, please ping @danielbachhuber for more details.
  • The primary concerns are around the process for what to do when a failure occurs — how hosts get notified, and what the process should be for for getting them fixed, so we’ll be working through that during beta.

Hosting Best Practices Documentation


Miss this week’s meeting and want to discuss the initiatives above? Spend some time in the comments and share your thoughts!

Next Meeting

The next meeting will be in #hosting-community on Wednesday, August 30, 2017 at 1700 UTC. Hope to see you then!

#best-practices, #documentation, #notes, #testing, #weekly-hosting-chat

Announcing Beta Period for Distributed Host Testing

Just over a year ago, Aaron Jorbin suggested a simple idea:

If WordPress really wants to do quality automated testing, we need to rely on the people hosting sites to test vs their stack. To do that, Core needs to provide an infrastructure that both encourages and enables easy automated testing.

Today, we’re happy to announce the beginning of a beta period for exactly this: a framework for any hosting company to run the WordPress PHPUnit test suite on their infrastructure and report the results back to

At a high level, this framework is two parts:

  1. The phpunit-test-runner, which prepares the environment, runs the test suite, and reports the results back to
  2. The phpunit-test-reporter, which receives the results, stores them in the database, and displays them in an accessible manner.

We’d love to see dozens of hosting companies participate in this program. Check out Getting Started for an overview on how you can set it up. Then, stop by the #hosting-community channel in Slack with any questions you might have.

Thanks to DreamHost and WP Engine for volunteering the engineering effort to make this project possible.

Hosting Meeting Notes: August 16, 2017

Here’s the summary of our meeting in #hosting-community on Wednesday, August 16, 2017 at 1700 UTC (Slack archive).

Distributed Testing

  • An initial version of this is live on make/hosting! @danielbachhuber notes that we should try to get a couple more hosts on-boarded before promotion. If you work at a host and are interested in getting the WordPress automated test suite running, please ping @danielbachhuber for more details.

Hosting Best Practices Documentation

  • @andrewtaylor-1, who has been heading things up, is out until September, but the best practices repo is open for pull requests for edits or new sections. Help there is welcomed!


Miss this week’s meeting and want to discuss the initiatives above? Spend some time in the comments and share your thoughts!

Next Meeting

The next meeting will be in #hosting-community on Wednesday, August 23, 2017 at 1700 UTC. Hope to see you then!

#best-practices, #documentation, #notes, #testing, #weekly-hosting-chat

X-post: Showing upcoming local events in wp-admin

X-post from Showing upcoming local events in wp-admin

Hosting Meeting Notes: March 15, 2017

Here’s the summary of our meeting in #hosting-community on Wednesday, March 15, 2017 at 1700 UTC (Slack archive).

Distributed Unit Testing

  • @octalmage wants to have a meeting to discuss the future and direction.
    • An informal discussion happened after the Hosting meeting officially ended (Slack archive).

“Best Practices” Documentation

Promoting WordCamps

  • Chats were had with the folks in #community-team and #meta.
  • There’s code for the events API, but no real documentation.
  • If no API documentation or further information is required, we will assume the project is “complete” and leave implementation to interested hosts.


Miss this week’s meeting? Want to discuss one (or more) of the initiatives above? Spend some time in the comments, and share your thoughts!

Next Meeting

The next meeting will be in #hosting-community on Wednesday, March 22, 2017 at 1700 UTC. Hope to see you then!

#notes, #weekly-hosting-chat

Hosting Meeting Notes: March 8, 2017

Here’s the summary of our meeting in #hosting-community on Wednesday, March 8, 2017 at 1600 UTC (Slack archive).

New Meeting Time

  • Starting with the March 15th meeting, we will be meeting at 1700 UTC. This way, a few people who are working on projects — and are having problems with making the scheduled 1600 UTC time — can attend.

Distributed Unit Testing

Promoting WordCamps

  • No updates this week!

Community Summit 2017

“Best Practices” Documentation

Yoast’s PHP WHIP Package


Couldn’t make it to this week’s meeting? Would you like to lend a hand to one of the initiatives above? Head on down to the comments and share your thoughts!

Next Meeting

The next meeting will be in #hosting-community on Wednesday, March 15, 2017 at 1700 UTC. We really hope that the new time gives more of you a chance to jump in and help out!

#notes, #weekly-hosting-chat

WordPress Community Summit 2017

As mentioned in weekly meetings, the WordPress Community Summit is coming up, and our team has some decisions to make!

The summit organizers have asked for the following by the end of next week:

  1. A list of topics/issues that are relevant for the progress of the team and the WordPress open source project as a whole, prioritizing topics or tasks which are sensitive enough to require in-person discussion.
  2. A list of representatives to attend the Community Summit (this will be based primarily on the topics or tasks).
  3. One or two contributors who are willing to help with the organization of the event.

If you have any suggestions for topics or tasks that would benefit from in-person discussion, or are interested in helping out with organizing the event, please comment below or ping myself or @boogah directly so we can put a list together.

There is also a post with a survey to apply to attend and submit questions if you’re more comfortable with that route.



Hosting Meeting Agenda: February 22, 2017

Here’s the agenda for our next meeting on Wednesday, February 22, 2017 at 1600 UTC in #hosting-community on Slack:

If you have items to add to the agenda — or specific comments related to the outline above — please leave a comment. Looking forward to seeing everyone virtually! 😀


Hosting Meeting Notes: February 15, 2017

Here’s the summary of our fifth meeting in #hosting-community on Wednesday, February 15, 2017 at 1600 UTC (Slack archive).

Promoting WordCamps

  • @calebb’s post went live on Friday.
  • @samuelsidler dropped in to encourage us to loop in #meta and #marketing on future efforts.

Distributed Unit Testing

“Best Practices” Documentation

  • @aaroncampbell quickly reviewed @voldemortensen‘s “Call for Documentation” post and published it during the meeting.

Community Summit

  • Work still needs to be done on the “Call for Topics” post.
    • @mikeschroder and @boogah committed to getting something up in last week’s meeting.
    • They’ll try to get something up by the February 22 meeting.
  • Until it gets posted, think about topics you’d like to have discussed at the summit.


Couldn’t make it to this meeting? Would you like to lend a hand to one of the initiatives above? Please drop into the comments and share your thoughts!

Next Meeting

The next meeting will be in #hosting-community on Wednesday, February 22, 2017 at 1600 UTC. While that may be early (or late) for a number of you, we’d really love to have you join us.

#notes, #weekly-hosting-chat