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#DefendJ20: DC’s Police Chief Lied About Inauguration Day

In the days following the Inauguration Day protests, one of the most widely circulated scenes was that of a limo on fire. The photo...

Weathering Jail & Prison: Tips from Dane Powell & Joseph Buddenburg

Dane Powell, the first of the J20 defendants to be sentenced, just completed his four-month sentence after taking a non-cooperating plea deal in which he pled guilty to...

Portland, OR: Reed College Occupied Against Wells Fargo

Tents, couches, tables of food, and dozens of students deck the halls of Eliot Hall, Reed College’s administrative building. For the past nine days,...

On the November 4th “Civil War” Hoax

#RefuseFascism, which is the name of the November 4th protest march that is only slated in a handful of large cities, is meant to...

Minneapolis, MN: Nightfall #9

Download and Print PDF Here November/December 2017 issue of ongoing anarchist agitational paper in the Twin Cities and Minneapolis region. Features articles on the upcoming...

Cascadia Forest Defenders on Resisting the Goose Timber Sale

Listen and Download Here This week William had the opportunity to speak with someone who works closely with the group Cascadia Forest Defenders, which is based...

Philadelphia, PA: J20 Rally for Solidarity!

Saturday November 11th from 1pm to 2:30pm come join the Philly J20 Solidarity team on the Rocky Steps at the Art Museum to help...

Reportback on the October 1st 5k Run in Solidarity with Marius...

This report comes from anarchist prisoner Michael Kimble, who discusses organizing an event as part of "Running Down the Walls," a yearly happening that...

“Crisis Behind Bars”: Prisoner Report From McCormick

The following report was sent to us by a prisoner in McCormick Prison in South Carolina and details the conditions inside of it. The...

Bulletproof Democracy in Rojava

It has now been a little over two months since the reconquest of Mosul by the Iraqi Armed Forces, and the region’s necessary reconstruction...

The J20 Case: What You Need to Know

On January 20, 2017 (J20), President Donald Trump was inaugurated with all of the typical fanfare and political opposition that we have come to...

All The News You Didn’t Even Know Was Going Down

Currently in the halls of politics, the Mueller investigation is playing out with predictable spectacle and slow speed, however beneath the surface much more...

Kite Line: Appalachian Prison Resistance

Listen and Download Here This week, we speak with Lill, a resident of Whitesburg, Kentucky. Whitesburg is located in Letcher County the proposed home to a...

“This is Parkdale”: How Tenants Launched A Rent Strike & Won

In the summer of 2017, in the Toronto neighbourhood of Parkdale, over 300 tenants living across 12 apartment buildings went on rent strike to...

Warriors Remove Kinder Morgan Anti-Salmon Spawning Nets

Cover Photo from Swanson Occupation Wild Salmon Warriors returned home yesterday after conducting a two week observation and removal of Kinder Morgan’s anti-salmon spawning mats that...

Philadelphia, PA: The Only Good Cop?

Stories run the world. Most of the time, when you approach a person on the street and suggest that the police be abolished, they...

Mariner East II Pipeline Construction Crews Approaching Pennsylvania’s Camp White Pine;...

Construction crews are closing in on both sides of Camp White Pine. For nearly two years, Elise and Ellen Gerhart, along with many allies,...

Black Hole Sun: Building a Strategy Beyond The Fall of the...

The Alt-Right is falling apart. This is not our diagnosis, but the stated reality from the Alt-Right itself. As many a neo-Nazi pundit has...

Hotwire #11: Tennessee, Catalan Interview, No Justice No Pride

This week we bring you two interviews: one with a southern anarchist who went to Tennessee to oppose the failed “white lives matter” rally on Saturday,...

All Out to #DropJ20: The Trial and the Path Ahead

Donate to J20 Defendants Here In this very important episode of the IGDcast, we talk with three people facing charges from #DisruptJ20 as well as...

Defend Abortion Access: Milwaukee GDC

"The rich have always been able to access reasonably safe abortion, even before it was legal. They had (and have) the money to pay...
In the days following the Inauguration Day protests, one of the most widely circulated scenes was that of a limo on fire. The photo continues to be a frequent accompaniment to any article on the ongoing prosecution of protesters, however the limo burning has no factual relevance to the...
Dane Powell, the first of the J20 defendants to be sentenced, just completed his four-month sentence after taking a non-cooperating plea deal in which he pled guilty to two felony charges. During the demonstrations against Trump’s inauguration, Dane was filmed risking his freedom to save a child who was brutally attacked by riot police. Dane...
Tents, couches, tables of food, and dozens of students deck the halls of Eliot Hall, Reed College’s administrative building. For the past nine days, students at Reed College have been occupying Eliot in protest of Reed College’s financial ties to Wells Fargo. The college uses Wells Fargo, infamous for...
This report comes from anarchist prisoner Michael Kimble, who discusses organizing an event as part of "Running Down the Walls," a yearly happening that takes place across the country in order to raise money and awareness for political prisoners. The runs, which have taken place for many years, are...
It has now been a little over two months since the reconquest of Mosul by the Iraqi Armed Forces, and the region’s necessary reconstruction looks bound to be hampered by religious and ethnic strife. Already, the presence of Iran-backed Shia militias in this overwhelmingly Sunni town has irked many...
The Alt-Right is falling apart. This is not our diagnosis, but the stated reality from the Alt-Right itself. As many a neo-Nazi pundit has pointed out, the rising trajectory that began in 2016 has ended, and in the place of unity, we instead see infighting and finger pointing. Lines...