
Gallipoli 100 Years

Gallipoli: 100 years on

'Some day we will understand'

A NSW student on the schools tour of Gallipoli kneels in front a grave stone at Shrapnel Valley Cemetery.

Standing at the Nek on the Gallipoli Peninsula, Sydney student Anthony Segaert pictures young men his own age in battle there 100 years ago.

Digging tales from Turkish trenches

lliteracy rates among the Ottoman soldiers were high – it is believed only one in every 1000 could read and write.

For just 10 para – the smallest coin in the Ottoman Empire – 23-year-old teacher Halil Iyidilli would write a letter home to the loved ones of his fellow Turkish soldiers.

The legend has outgrown the men who fought

Australian troops on the deck of the battleship Prince of Wales, just before the Gallipoli landing.

This year, 2015, marks two anniversaries of famous conflicts: the invasion of the Ottoman Empire at Gallipoli in World War I, on April 25, 1915, and the Battle of Waterloo on June 18, 1815.

From deeds of daring, a nation comes of age

Far from home: Australian infantry resting beside the tramline near Mena, with the Giza pyramids behind them.

Here we republish the editorial of The Sydney Morning Herald of April 25, 1916, which celebrates "not so much the birth of a nation as the coming of age of our people in the riper period of full nationhood".

Secrets of the Gallipoli peninsula

The Anzacs used their bayonets for support as well as for battle.

With the discovery of the Ottoman trench where 'first contact' took place at Anzac Cove, teams of scientists are in a race against time to preserve the Gallipoli peninsula for future generations.

How well do you know your Anzac history?

One million of the country’s first coloured coins will come into circulation next month to commemorate the Anzac ...

Think you know your Suvla Bay from your Anzac Cove; your Private John Simpson from Kemal Mustafa? Take our quick quiz to see how much you know about the Gallipoli campaign.

Gallipoli threat level 'as low as it goes'

ECEABAT, TURKEY - APRIL 21:  A visitor looks at plaques commemorating the Gallipoli Campaign at Anzac Cove as seats and ...

Turkey has ramped up the security for the centenary Anzac Day commemorations in Gallipoli and it will be the safest place in Turkey for Australians and New Zealanders, says Australian service.

World War I: The Anzac spirit

The Faces of the Anzacs

The faces of Anzac

Interactive: Hundreds of people from Australia and around the world have contributed photos and details of our Anzacs.

Great War's fallen remembered

Lest we forget: The World War One centenary wreath-laying ceremony at the Australian War Memorial.

World War 1, by some measures the deadliest of all conflicts, is still as relevant today 100 years after the beginning of the event.

WW1 uniform builder

ww 1

INTERACTIVE: Drag and drop the pieces onto the digger to build the standard infantry uniform.

Synagogue opens doors to Anzac event

Revered: Sir John Monash will be remembered at a secular event to be held at the Melbourne Hebrew Congregation on April 23.

The Melbourne Hebrew Congregation is holding a secular event commemorating the Gallipoli centenary, inviting six country schools to participate.

Tim Fischer seeks justice for his hero

Sir John Monash

On December 22, 1914, a great convoy of ships sailed from Port Melbourne bound for Albany, Western Australia, and on to what would become known as the Great War.

Homespun message of support for diggers

Tony Pickrell, 77, son of Maurice John Pickrell who fought in WWI, with his fathers service uniform. Maurice John ...

Ahead of Remembrance Day on Tuesday, an exhibition provides a touching insight into how those at home tried to lift the morale of the Australian boys at the front.

A century on, the fate of the AE1 still a mystery

The AE1 submarine went missing on September 14, 1914.

Australia's greatest wartime naval mystery remains unsolved after Chief of Navy Vice-Admiral Tim Barrett said on Wednesday that he couldn't say whether new sonar images obtained by a minehunter were or were not the missing World War I submarine AE1.

Memories of war and peace

Marie MacIver with her wedding day photo.

As our thoughts turn towards Gallipoli for the 100th anniversary next April, the surviving widows of World War I servicemen will be a special focus of commemorations. Three of them shared their stories.

Anzac Memorial to get $38m redevelopment

Opposition Leader, John Roberston (L), NSW Premier, Mike Baird (Centre), and state vice president of the Returned and ...

After being unavoidably interrupted 80 years ago, the Anzac Memorial in Hyde Park will be completed in accordance with the architect’s original vision.



"But, even if the Turks do have ever right to celebrate, that doesn’t stop Australians commemorating the Anzac’s brave ...

Time to honour sacrifices that helped win the war

As Australia gears up for next year's centenary of our favourite battle, Gallipoli, we should spare a thought for the first Australian to fall in WWI, Lieutenant William Chisholm, 22, killed - not at Gallipoli - but in France at the outbreak of war.