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An annoying , very rude person. Normally tries to act ghetto by typing in words or phrases such as " Af' ", " Janky ", " Finna" , " Cus " , Etc. Most people think of "Rachet" girls or boys as trashy. In other words a "Rachet" person is the most non-classy human-being in presence. They usually have the worst grammar problems and they always try to pick fights with everybody .
Boy #1 - " I heard that girl got into a fight."
Boy #2- " Well, duh shes rachet."
by YooMama July 12, 2013
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An obnoxious and rude person who is self contained and believes they are God's gift to the world but is often just ghetto fabulous and low class.
My ex girlfriend Lyndsay is so rachet she actually thinks I care about her skanky ways.
by Southsider February 05, 2015
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A device consisting of a bar or wheel with a set of angled teeth in which a pawl, cog, or tooth engages, allowing motion in one direction only. It is a basic useful tool that recently, the name had been attempted to be used as a form of slang to calla person a 'heartless diva' because the person was unable to create their own word; It is assumed to be overlooked by the general public, ranging from stupid to genius, because of select other used 'tool' words, ( such as "hoe" and "rake") was so well known, that they wished to have their own brownie points.
"Man that girl is so Rachet..."
"What are you talking about?"
"You know--a rachet!"
"I think you have a few loose bolts."
by Captain Natalie February 13, 2014
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is a tool.
I go to sears to buy a Rachet for my tool collection.
by Unknownious July 23, 2012
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GUN..plain n' simple! That other slang for it "That bitch is so Rachet" is dumb iz fuck!!
I don't care! if dem niggas want beef.. I got da rachet nigga!
by WAVY3x June 03, 2013
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The word is mostly used in lousiana it means nasty.
can used as a name for a gun.
can mean crazy but usually just nasty.
we was gettin rachet last night.
girl you is just rachet get away from me.

man1:you got yo rachet?
man2:yeah lets pop these fools.
by m21 June 19, 2009
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a ghetto girl, opposite and classy and elegant, showing cleavage, very sexual drunk alot of the times, also twerking and stripping, u get the idea...
That girl was twerking while her cleavage was showing, that girl rachet!
by Kwa Say December 07, 2015
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